Interview Presentation: by Baljeet Singh

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CATIA stands for Computer Aided three dimensional
Interactive application software.
CATIA is used for CAD (computer aided design) and CAM
(computer aided machining),CAE(computer aided engineering)
and 3D modelling.
It is developed By Dassault Systèmes.
It was released in 1977.
 Part Design(2D/3D)
 Assembly of parts
 Drafting
 Sheet metal
 Surface and Wireframe
 Part is a workbench in CATIA under mechanical Design.
 It facilitates 2D and 3D modelling through various tools.
 Various tools in part design are 2D and 3D tools.
2D tools consist of profile,sketch tools,constraint,operation
tools etc.
3D tools consist of sketch based features,transformation
features,dress up features,reference elements,dynamic
sectioning etc.
 General tools which remain same in all the workbenches are
views,knowledge,applying material,standard.
 Profile -It consists of various shape tools like
line,multiline,circle,rectangle,polygon,construction line etc.
 Sketch tools -It consist of grid,snap to point,construction
element,geometrical constraints etc.They assist in drawing 2D
 Constraint –It helps in giving dimensional constraints as well
as geometrical constraints.It consists of constraints defined in
dialog box,constraints,fix together,animate constraints .
 Operation tools –It helps in tranforming 2D sketch and
consist of corner,chamfer,mirror,trim,project 3D elements.
2D model of a cover plate.
2D wireframe model of a cover plate.
2D model of the water Tap.
2D wireframe model of the water tap
 Sketch based features – These are the tools which are used to
convert 2D sketch into 3D model.The tools it consists of are
pad,pocket,shaft,groove,rib,slot,multi sections solid,removed multi
sections solid.
 Transformation features – These are the tools which helps in
creating repetition of feature in required pattern.The tools in it are
Mirror,rectangular pattern,circular pattern,symmetry.
 Dress up features – These are the tools which modifies the 3D
model further.The tool it consists of are edge fillet,chamfer,draft
angle,shell,thickness and remove face.
 Refrence elements – It helps in creating reference planes,lines and
points for modifying the 3D model.
 Dynamic sectioning – It is used to view Cut sections or cut views of
the 3D model.
3D model of a Lathe bed and structure.
3D model of the bracket and bracket multiview.
3D model of Tyre and its multiview.
3D model of spur gear

3D model of
3D model of a twin tower.

3D model of a temple.


Assembly is defined as the mating or connecting parts together

to form a sub assembly or assembly of a final product.
Assembly is required almost everywhere as nowadays,products
are made up of different parts,so to connect the parts we need
assembly workbench.
 Assembly workbench consists of various tools like product
structure tools,move,constraints and update tool etc.
• Product structure tools –These tools are used to import
part,subassembly and other components in assembly workbench.It
consist of component,part,product and existing component tool.
• Move – This is used for manipulating position of the imported
components.It also helps in aligning the parts with respect to each
other.The tools in it are manipulation,snap,explode etc.
• Constraints –It is used to add different constraints between parts
in order to connect them.The tools in it are coincident
constraint,contact,constraint,angular constraint etc.
• Update – It is used to update the constraints and progress in
assembbly after each step or process.
Assembly of butterfly valve and its mutiviews.
Assembly of radial engine and its multiview.
Assembly of robotic welding gun.
• Drafting is the process of adding views and details to the
CAD models.
• A detailed drafting sheet drawing is required for the
manufacturing or for CAM operations,so that all the
information required can be served useful to the manufacturer.
• Drafting is of two types Interactive drafting and generative
Drafting of sheet metal
Drafting of a wooden showcase
 Sheet metal is metal formed by an industrial process into thin,
flat pieces of negligible thickness.Sheet metal thus produced is
used extensively in everyday objects.
 Sheet metal is one of the fundamental forms used
in metalworking and it can be cut and bent into a variety of
shapes in order to make ojects like kitchensink,door hinges etc.
 Sheet metal thicknesses can vary significantly; extremely thin
sheets are considered foil or leaf, and pieces thicker than 6 mm
(0.25 in) are considered plate.
 It consists of various tools like sheet metal
 Sheet metal model of a sheet metal 1 and its multiviews
Sheet metal model of a sheet metal 2 and its multiviews
 Surface and wireframe is a workbench which provides a lot of
tools in order to assist in developing aerodynamic surface of
negligible thickness.
 Aerodynamic surface thus developed ensures reduction in air
resistance.For example in aeroplanes and automobiles,we may
find use of aerodynamic surface.
 It also helps us in developing complex designs and shapes
which later can be converted into part.
 It has various tools like surface,wireframe,operations.
 Wireframe tools – These are the tools which helps in creating
the wireframe geometry. It includes tools like
point,line,helix,plane,circle etc.
 Surface tools – These are the tools which helps in
transforming geometry into surfaces.It consists of tools like
sphere,cylinder,sweep,fill,multi sections
surface,blend,extrude,Revolve etc.
 Operations tools – These are the tools which helps in
modifying,transforming the surfaces and wirefram further into
the required surfaces.It includes tools like
join,Healing,unitrim,split,boundary,mirror,rotation etc.
Surface model of a waterjug.
Surface model of a badminton.
Surface model of a telephonic wire.
Surface model of an aeroplane.
2D model of a Sea Anchor.

2D model of a Screwjack.

2D model of a Saw.
 Arrangement of solar panels on the military roof (Govt.Project)
Gps enabled casualty detecting jacket is a wearable which consists of an electric
circuit called mesh in which current flows and when this circuit gets break or
somehow distorted through weapons and blunt/sharp objects, the transmitter
which is connected to the Arduino gets activated. Transmitter on activation
sends the coordinates of the location where circuit was hampered initially.
Second purpose of this jacket is that it measures the continuous heartbeat/pulse
of the person wearing it and if heartbeat/pulse gets below the desired rate or
gets above the desired rate or null, then also transmitter gets activated. This
whole system is arduino microcontroller based, which enables the
implementation of the whole logic explained above easily and efficiently. The
arduino drives its power from 9 volt DC battery. The arduino has sufficient
memory and storage in order to both save and run the program logic. We have
made this system in order to prevent any kind of casualty which happens or can
be happened due to some mishappening/accident. Also it would be easier to
find and rescue the person as the gps locations are available at the instant of the
Our project is about GPS enabled casualty detecting jacket is a normal lookalike jacket
which consists of an electric components, major of them are a pulse sensor, for pulse
rate measurement, mesh circuit loop in which current flows. when either this circuit
gets break or somehow distorted due to some attack or some misshaping due to artillery
and blunt/sharp objects, or pulse rate falls below the particular predefined pulse rate.
then the GPS transmitter in circuit module which is connected to the Arduino gets
activated. GPS transmitter on activation sends the present coordinates of the location
where circuit is interrupted initially. Second purpose of this jacket is that it measures
the continuous pulse of the person wearing it and if pulse gets below the lowest
possible point or gets above the highest possible point or null, then also GPS
transmitter gets activated. This whole system is Arduino micro-controller based, which
enables the implementation of the whole logic explained above easily and effectively.
The Arduino drives its power from 9 volt Dc battery. The Arduino has the sufficient
memory and storage in order to both save and run the program logic. This system is
designed in order to prevent any kind of casualty which happens or can happen. Also it
would be easier for paramedic/rescue department to find and rescue the person form the
GPS readings locations as available at the instant interrupt was caused with the person
wearing it.
 The motivation for doing our project was primarily an interest in undertaking a
challenging project in an interesting field, which was right in front of us but was
still not explored much.
 After doing some primary research in it we got to know some time in close
combat battles soldiers do get dislocated form there deployment post position.
Thus, it becomes difficult to trace them down. Thus to reduce that tedious and
life risking game of tracking them down.
 Since majority of death in such conditions are due to non-timely availability of
paramedics. Further, we have added some more safety features to know
condition of every person who is using this jacket to know there pulse rate and
utilizes it to know there present condition.
This jacket is also useful for those senior citizens who live also in these big
busy cities and don’t have any one to look after them, they can use it to avail
emergency help.
This project has very vast utility and field of working ability so we should not
constrain its wide utility.
 Our major objective of working on this project was to put our maximum
effort to work in gaining a capability to detect the location of person who is
in need of primary help services. so our project idea came out as solution
for it and it did worked well for it.
 As we did our research in this field and we thought of various parameters
and viable solutions for it and we came across various sensors which could
give us immense capability, in making our project workout. we have
decided our sensors and modules strictly according to our requirements and
fit them for it. So we have selected those elements which are very essential
to give us maximum output with minimum add on.
 Therefore after assembling them together we can have a jacket which will
not only work as shield from environment but also as a life saving ability.
Summary of the Report

Figure 2.1: GPS ENABLED Figure 2.2: Receiver End Monitoring


As the bullet leaves the barrel and penetrates the jacket or some sharp object does so or
If the heart stroke comes .The mesh in the circuit gets distorted and activates the gps
and transmitter sends the location coordinates or position to the receiver on the other
side which also uses arduino to decode the transmitted radio signal.
Applications of Casualty Jacket
The major utility of this jacket can be availed by armed forces
for there work in most life threatening conditions.
It can be used by normal citizens for safety.
It can be used by those who are visiting the most remote
locations for their various purposes like research,
archaeological surveys and travelling purposes.
Its is also perfect for those who are visiting some locations
which are being affected by goons, terrorists, naxalites, etc.
It can also be used by senior citizens who are staying alone, at
there places. So if they suffer from some sudden trauma nearby
police and hospitality departments could be informed so that
they can take action and initial aid could be send.
Component of Casualty Jacket

Mesh Circuit
Arduino Uno
GPS Sensor
Pulse Rate Sensor
Radio Frequency Transmitter & Receiver
Mesh Circuit

Figure 2.3: Mesh Circuit

Mesh circuit is circuit which is present inside the jacket sandwiched in between its
layers. It is present there acting as a shield on the person wearing it, although since this
mesh is below the upper cloth so its invisible which gives advantage that no person can
be alerted or suspicion can be caused. When this mesh is broken during attack on the
person, this disruption in mesh circuit brakes the current being supplied through this
circuit. Thus this activates , active low condition in the Arduino. Due to which it detects
the GPS position and sends it along with current pulse rate of the victim, to the
receiving end. So that detecting the person could become easy to send aid to location
and he could be taken care by paramedics.
Selection of Material
1. GPS Module :-
Before the selection of GPS Module, we had two choices available to select from:-
 SKYLABS SKG13 GPS Receiver Module
 U-BLOX NEO-6M GPS Positioning Module
 SKYLAB GPS Module MT3329 SKM53
 But We had chosen U-BLOX Neo 6m since it was easily available and was quite
compatible according to our utility.
2. Pulse Sensor :-
 Our sensor is from pulse sensor brand. Since this is the only sensor available in
our market, it is quite reliable in use. Thus, we have selected it for our usage it
gives reading in both analog and digital output, as we want it. It could be easily
adjusted using the type of part program being entered by the user.
Results related to GPS Module

Figure 3.1: Actual location as detected by Google Maps

Figure 3.2: Location detected by our GPS Sensor

Latitude Values



Actual Latitude
28.65 Experimental Latitude


1 2 3 4 5

Graph 3.1: Latitude Values

S. No. Actual Latitude* Experimental Latitude*

1 28.667931 28.667960
2 28.680960 28.680870
3 28.647037 28.647080
4 28.678191 28.678171
5 28.677025 28.677015

Table 3.1: Latitude Values

Longitude Values
Actual Longitude
Experimental Longitude
1 2 3 4 5

Graph 3.2: Longitude Values

S. No. Actual Longitude* Experimental Longitude*

1 77.380201 77.380240
2 77.285455 77.285427
3 77.300434 77.300466
4 77.261406 77.261360
5 77.261144 77.261181

Table 3.2: Longitude Values

Results related to Pulse Sensor

Figure 3.3: Actual pulse rate detecting by Samsung mobile

Figure 3.4: Experimental pulse rate

S. No. Actual Pulse Experimental Pulse Experimental
Rate*(bpm) Rate* (bpm×3) Value(bpm)
1 99 305 101.6667
2 70 276 92.0000
3 95 297 99.0000
4 77 243 81.0000
5 102 344 114.6667

Table 3.3: Actual and Experimental Pulse Rate








1 2 3 4 5

Graph 3.3: Actual vs Experimental Pulse Rate

The Pulse rate sensor used by us is of acceptable degree of accuracy but it still shows deviation from the
values of pulse rate obtained by the pulse sensor of Samsung Mobile as the sensor used in the mobile is
of industrial accuracy which is much more accurate than the Pulse sensor we have used.
 While looking for innovation we came across this idea that we can design this
jacket. Which not only will protect from harsh natural conditions but also help in
acting as aid to those wearing it without having any external bulky devices needed
to be carried by them.
 So we came with this concept it practically possible and can be implemented with
 In this we have placed various sensors which can be easily placed with in jacket
without disturbing its basic utility.
 Our GPS enabled casualty detecting jacket, this consists of various sensors and
could be also be customised with various sensors also.
 It can be used for multiple purposes by various organisations .
 We have designed our prototype by keeping armed forces in our mind for this one.
As our forces are being deployed at various strategic positions which are hard to
reach and difficult to track someone, due to low connectivity.
 As in recent times we have come across many such cases where paramedics were
not able to reach on time due to low communication and information about tragedy
with victim on time.
 This will help in establishing that communication and act as informant and help in
saving his life.

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