Tata Capital: Reaching New Heights. by Doing What's Right
Tata Capital: Reaching New Heights. by Doing What's Right
Tata Capital: Reaching New Heights. by Doing What's Right
Tata Capital
Green/Clean-Tech Finance
Total installed Capacity - 159396 MW March 2010 India imports majorly oil and other energy fuel
Thermal Nuclear Hydro Renewables
– 159 million tons, amount to 31% of total imports.
With about 300 clear, sunny days in a year, India's theoretical solar power reception, on only its land area, is
about 5 Petawatt-hours per year (PWh/yr) (i.e. 5000 trillion kwh/yr or about 600 TW).
Rising Middle classes as proportion of nation’s population in India would add to steep rise in demand for energy
and electricity in particular.
An average of 16 GW of power generation capacity installations required each year till 2020 to meet fast growing
demand for electricity power.
India has an estimated solar potential of 600 TW, of which around 1.5 GW has been utilized till date and it is
further estimate to produce 20 GW by 2022.
Looking forward to the scarcity of the natural fuel, solar is taken as the only source for energy .
A potential for up to 10 GW of Solar power installations in next 5 years and 5 GW Wind would require an
respective states
Renewable Energy certificates
Any Project developer can set up any size of project anywhere in India. Unlike preferential tariff under
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NSM and state policies, REC’s offer a variable tariff over the lifetime of projects.
It is aimed at addressing the mismatch between availability of RE resources in state and the requirement of the
obligated entities to meet RPOs.
REC Buyers- Distribution Licensees , Captive Consumers & Open Access users
Trade of REC - only in the CERC approved power exchanges i.e. Power Exchange of India (PXIL)
CERC has determined price range for RECs till FY 2016 -17 – Rs. 9300/- to Rs. 13400/- per REC (1 REC = 1000
All renewable energy generators already NOT having PPA with the distribution licensees for contracted
to any other licensee or to an open access consumer at a mutually agreed price, or through power
exchange at a market determined price;
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Why REC?
Fixed Charge at Energy Charge for Fixed Charge at Energy Charge for Fixed Charge at Energy Charge for
11kV 11kV supply 33kV 33kV supply 132kV 132kV supply
State (Rs./kVA/month) (Rs./Unit) (Rs./kVA/month) (Rs./unit) (Rs/kVA/month) (Rs./unit)
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Open Access Charges at State
Cost of Project & Return
Per MW Pessimistic Base Case Optimistics
Tariff Escalation