Finite Fields: Delivered by Joel Anandraj.E Ap/It
Finite Fields: Delivered by Joel Anandraj.E Ap/It
Finite Fields: Delivered by Joel Anandraj.E Ap/It
Delivered by
Joel Anandraj.E
M=1 M >1
f(x)=an xn + an-1x +….a1x+a0= ai xi
i 0
ai is the coefficient
x is the variable.
A Zero degree polynomial is called constant polynomial.
Eg., 1 or 2 or 3 or x0 . 4
m n
The general rule is that each term in the first polynomial has to
multiply each term in the second polynomial, then sum the
resulted polynomials up.
The General form for multiplication is given below,
f(x) * g(x) =
i 0
ci xi
But in many cases the divisors cannot divide the dividends, which
means you will have remainders.(refer case 2 for example).
For instance if an algorithm works with 8-bits , then the possible range
of values will be between 0 to 255.
If the values when subjected to modulo 256 then the set of integers used
by the algorithm wont be field, because 256 is not prime.
So the nearest prime is 251 ,when used will make the set a Field.
By using 251 as modulus, values from 251 through 255 would not
be used resulting in inefficient use of storage.
Extension Fields are special cases of finite field with order Pn.
The elements of GF(Pn) ,where m >1, are polynomials .
For example GF(23) contains 8 unique elements.
Each element inside GF(23) is a polynomial representing integer
values from 0 to 23 -1.
If n=3 then the integers 0…7 can be represented by 8
distinct polynomials of degree<=3.
General representation of Modular Polynomial
a2x2 + a1x + a0
Operations in Extension Fields
C(x) = x2 + x GF(23)
Thank You…