The Leader Is The One Who Commits People To Action, Who Converts Followers Into Leaders and Who May Convert Leaders Into Agents of Change
The Leader Is The One Who Commits People To Action, Who Converts Followers Into Leaders and Who May Convert Leaders Into Agents of Change
The Leader Is The One Who Commits People To Action, Who Converts Followers Into Leaders and Who May Convert Leaders Into Agents of Change
Transition Grid
Overcoming Denial
Share information
Assure them that the change will happen
Explain what to expect
Suggest actions to adjust to the change
Allow time to sink in
Public - problem solving climate
Private - safe climate to express negative
Develop emotional deposits
Utilize Emotional Acumen
Overcoming Resistance
Listen Empathically
Align people with your vision
Acknowledge feelings
Cooperate and Support
Don’t try to talk people out of their feelings
Don’t personalize
Win trust and credibility
Develop emotional deposits
Gradually phase into mentoring role
Response to Exploration
Concentrate on priorities
Perform the role of mentor and teacher
Provide training
Set short term goals
Conduct brainstorming and planning
Start empowering people
Expand energy by inspiring people
Give recognition for ideas
Response to Commitment
IBM Mission
We provide IT solutions. IBM stands for
three things: dignity of the individual,
excellence and service.
Importance of mentoring
Loose Fully
Empowe rment
Entrenched Caged
Bunkers Eagles
Enablement High
R Barner
How to Empower
Are we TO
willing GO
Frightened CLOSED
change? No Rabbit MINDS
Steps to Leading change
Describe why change is needed and the specific
changes that are required
Ask for reactions
Clear up any misunderstandings or questions and
acknowledge any objections
Ask for innovative ideas on how to make the change
go as smoothly as possible
Develop and implement action plan
Ask for support and commitment for the change
Follow through by monitoring the plan and reinforcing
Build World
Class Culture
People can work hard in defective
culture too.
Who is winning ?
A common set of accepted behaviour,
values, attitudes, dress, business
practices, activities and philosophy in
a given organization.
What is ccorporate
hat is orporate cculture?
Harder to
Shared values
Behavioural norms
Visible Easier to
Basics of Organizational Culture
Shared Values & Belief
Low High
Negative Positive
Admirable Situation
Performance Positive
decline performance
Frightening Dictatorial
Pitiable Situation
Fruitless Culture
Goals agreed but no real measures or accountability
Goals are not challenging
Sporadic ineffective communication
Paternalism - only tell people the good news
Lip-service participation - lots of talk and little action
Poor performance not confronted
Excuses for poor service and quality
People are complacent and nice to one another –
they avoid conflict
People do not want to come out of their comfort
Fruitless Culture
Gossip has neither mind nor business
Gossip victimizes helpless
People who listen to gossip are as guilty as
those who do the gossiping.
Gossip makes:
- innocent cry
- Causes heartaches
- Sleepless nights
- Tarnishes Reputations
Frightening Culture
The boss demands performance without
communicating clear goals
Secretive - cannot trust people with information
No participation
Coercive management
Workforce is seen as lazy
Departments do not co-operate and blame one
another for poor performance
Criticism occurs behind people’s backs - real fear to
speak openly
No one bothers about the organization’s reputation
and customer relationship
Dictatorial Culture
Goals set by the boss without consultation
Channels of one-way communication - mainly
‘Need to know’ information sharing
Participation on request and mainly about what the
manager’s needs are
Management through status and position
Learned helplessness and subordination. The boss
knows better
People do not challenge the views or ideas of the
Management Sets strict rules and checks on people’s
activities all the time (Micromanagement)
World-Class Culture
Clear mutually determined challenging goals and
Mutual Accountability
Commitment to organizational Mission & Goals
Widely shared organizational values
Open communication - two-way
Transparency of information
Democratic empowerment/participation
Self-directed teams that monitor and continually
improve their performance
Everyone can make a contribution and is an expert
in his/ her own right
Ideas are shared freely. People feel free to disagree
without fear of victimisation