Constructivism is a theory
based on the idea of active
learning to gain meaning in
real life context settings.
Learning is student directed.
Cooperative learning and socialization are important
aspects in the constructivists classroom.
Students learn using critical thinking by building on
prior knowledge.
Students are actively engaged in their learning.
Learning descriptive vs. prescriptive
Learning activities linked to real world.
Why Constructivism?
• The 21st-century classroom is filled with a dynamic assortment
of learners. Students are coming from all different types of
socioeconomic backgrounds, culturally diversified
experiences, and learning styles and preferences unique to
each individual. These dynamics create a challenge for
teachers as they attempt to accommodate the needs of all
learners within the various academic settings.
• "Constructivism is not a theory about teaching…it is a theory
about knowledge and learning… the theory defines
knowledge as temporary, developmental, socially and
culturally mediated, and thus, non-objective” (Brooks &
Brooks, 1993, p. vii).
Constructivist Themes
• Students learn by doing.
• Active participation creates
• Learning
– Form
– Construct
– Learn
– Comprehend
Teacher Role
• Facilitator
• Pose problems that are relatable
• Structure leaning in on abstract approach
• Adopt curriculum based on needs
• Assess learning
Student Role
• Active participate in their own learning
• Draw conclusions
• Test ideas
• Formulate ideas
• Reconstructing ideas
• Able to build theory
• Students also learn by observation and hands on experiments
• Reflect, Observe, Experiment
• Real life experience
• Building knowledge
Benefits of Constructivism
• A Holistic Approach-
– Traditional classrooms typically begin their curricular units
by exploring individual lessons that are a part of a big idea.
Constructivist classrooms, however, emphasize the big
ideas, beginning with the whole and expanding to include
the parts.
– “The adoption of a more holistic approach to education for
sustainability is also likely to demand that consideration be
given to the environment in which students engage in the
learning process” (Herrmann, 2007, p. 75). Establishing an
environment that promotes a holistic approach sets the
stage for further constructivist teaching methods to
Benefits of Constructivism (cont.)
• Student Interests are Considered-
– Constructivist teaching methods also provide
opportunities for students to question the material
being presented and explore various topics as their
interests are piqued. There is not the strict adherence
to a fixed curriculum where student interests are shut
down or pushed aside. The difference results in the
student as an engaged learner vs. one who is simply
being compliant with the material being presented.
Benefits of Constructivism (cont.)
• Students as Active and Engaged Learners-
– Willingham (2009) notes that, “If the teacher does not
direct a lesson to provide constraints on the mental paths
that students will explore, the environment itself can do so
effectively in a discovery learning context” (p. 63).
– Rather than teachers disseminating the information to
students, constructivist teaching methods allow students
to construct their own knowledge and fulfill their
individual learning needs and interests.
Benefits of Constructivism (cont.)
• A Different Approach to Obtaining Knowledge-
– Educators can help aid students in these discovery-based
learning opportunities by providing them with
manipulatives and primary resources to enhance and
guide them in their learning.
– Rather than simply absorbing the information from a text,
students are able to interact, analyze, interpret and
evaluate their ideas and curiosity through the use of
primary sources and manipulatives. When learners are
engaged in their resources, educators can step back from
their directive role. Instead, they become the facilitator
and are encouraged to assist students in an interactive and
guiding manner.
Benefits of Constructivism (cont.)
• Assessment Along the Way-
– “Young learners and their caregivers need feedback in
order to help improve students’ learning and behavior.
Observations and feedback intended to alter and improve
students’ learning are called formative assessments. To
provide such feedback, teachers must constantly assess
student learning and behavior” (Airasian, 2008, p. 6).
– The constructivist classroom is as equally concerned with
the process of learning as it is the product of learning.
Such practices assist students and allows for intervention
or enrichment to enhance learning as it is happening.
Benefits of Constructivism (cont.)
• Encouraging Cooperative Learning-
– Rather than students working in isolation,
constructivist classrooms promote students
working together to enhance their learning
Benefits of Constructivism (cont.)
• Marzano, Pickering & Pollock (2001) outline five defining
elements of cooperative learning:
– Positive interdependence (a sense of sink or swim
– Face-to-face promotive interaction (helping each other
learn, applauding successes and efforts).
– Individual and group accountability (each of us has to
contribute to the group achieving its goals).
– Interpersonal and small group skills (communication, trust,
leadership, decision making, and conflict resolution).
– Group processing (reflecting on how well the team is
functioning and how to function even better) (p. 85-86).
The Limitations of
Too much of a good thing?
• Epstein, Ann S. (2007). The intentional teacher: Choosing the best strategies for
young children’s learning. Washington, DC: The National Association for
the Education of Young Children.
• Mayer, R.E., (2004). Should there be a three-strikes rule against pure discovery
learning. The case for guided methods of instruction. American
Psychologist, 59, 14-19.
• Brader-Araje L. & Jones, M. G., (2002). The impact of constructivism on
education: Language, discourse, and meaning. American Communication Journal ,
5(3). Retrieved from
• Brooks, J., & Brooks, M. (1993). The case for the constructivist classrooms. Alexandria,
• Marzano, R. J., Pickering, D. J., & Pollock, J. E. (2001). Classroom instruction that works:
Research-based strategies for increasing student achievement. Alexandria, VA: ASCD
• Willingham, D. (2009). Why students don’t like school: A cognitive scientist answers
questions about how the mind works and what it means for the classroom. San
Francisco: Jossey Bass.