FR040 Judd
FR040 Judd
FR040 Judd
Low risk:
Minor surgery in patients <40
years of age with no additional risk
factors present*
• Risk of calf DVT: 2 percent
• Risk of proximal DVT: 0.4 percent
• Risk of clinical PE: 0.2 percent
• Risk of fatal PE: <0.01 percent
Categories of risk for venous
thromboembolism in surgical patients
Moderate risk:
Minor surgery in patients with additional
risk factor present*, or
Surgery in patients aged 40-60 with no
additional risk factor
• Risk of calf DVT: 10-20 percent
• Risk of proximal DVT: 2-4 percent
• Risk of clinical PE: 1-2 percent
• Risk of fatal PE: 0.1-0.4 percent
Categories of risk for venous
thromboembolism in surgical patients
High risk:
Surgery in patients >60, or
Surgery in patients aged 40-60 with
additional risk factor*
• Risk of calf DVT: 20-40 percent
• Risk of proximal DVT: 4-8 percent
• Risk of clinical PE: 2-4 percent
• Risk of fatal PE: 0.4-1.0 percent
Categories of risk for venous
thromboembolism in surgical patients
Highest risk:
Surgery in patients >40 with multiple risk
factors*, or
Hip or knee arthroplasty, hip fracture
surgery, or
Major trauma, spinal cord injury
• Risk of calf DVT: 40-80 percent
• Risk of proximal DVT: 10-20 percent
• Risk of clinical PE: 4-10 percent
• Risk of fatal PE: 0.2-5 percent
Categories of risk for venous
thromboembolism in surgical patients
Normal 1 0.008
Hyperhomocysteinemia (MTHFR 677T
2.5 0.02
Moderate probability 1 or 2
Confounding Factors
• Acute thrombosis
• Heparin therapy
• Coumadin therapy
Treatment of DVT
The primary objectives of
treatment of DVT are to prevent
and/or treat the following
• Prevent further clot extension
• Prevention of acute pulmonary
Treatment of DVT
• Reducing the risk of recurrent thrombosis
• Treatment of massive iliofemoral
thrombosis with acute lower limb
ischemia and/or venous gangrene (i.e.,
phlegmasia cerulea dolens)
• Limiting the development of late
complications, such as the postphlebitic
syndrome, chronic venous insufficiency,
and chronic thromboembolic pulmonary
Treatment of DVT
• Anticoagulant therapy is indicated
for patients with symptomatic
proximal DVT, since pulmonary
embolism will occur in
approximately 50 percent of
untreated individuals, most often
within days or weeks of the event.
Treatment of DVT
• The use of thrombolytic agents, surgical
thrombectomy, or percutaneous
mechanical thrombectomy in the
treatment of venous thromboembolism
must be individualized.
• Patients with hemodynamically unstable
PE or massive iliofemoral thrombosis (i.e.,
phlegmasia cerulea dolens), and who are
also at low risk to bleed, are the most
appropriate candidates for such treatment.
Treatment of DVT
• Inferior vena caval filter placement
is recommended when there is a
contraindication to, or a failure of,
anticoagulant therapy in an
individual with, or at high risk for,
proximal vein thrombosis or PE.
Treatment of DVT
• It is also recommended in patients
with recurrent thromboembolism
despite adequate anticoagulation,
for chronic recurrent embolism
with pulmonary hypertension, and
with the concurrent performance
of surgical pulmonary
embolectomy or pulmonary
Treatment of DVT
• Oral anticoagulation with warfarin
should prolong the INR to a target of
2.5 (range: 2.0 to 3.0).
• If oral anticoagulants are
contraindicated or inconvenient, long-
term therapy can be undertaken with
either adjusted-dose unfractionated
heparin, low molecular weight heparin,
or fondaparinux.
Treatment of DVT
• The general medical management
of the acute episode of DVT is
• Once anticoagulation has been
started and the patient's symptoms
(i.e., pain, swelling) are under
control, early ambulation is
Treatment of DVT
• During initial ambulation, and for
the first two years following an
episode of VTE, use of an elastic
compression stocking has been
recommended to prevent the
postphlebitic syndrome.
PE classification
• Acute vs. chronic
• Massive vs. submassive
PE Classification
• A saddle PE is a PE that lodges at the
bifurcation of the main pulmonary artery
into the right and left pulmonary arteries.
• Most saddle PE are submassive.
• In a retrospective study of 546
consecutive patients with PE, 14 (2.6
percent) had a saddle PE.
• Only two of the patients with saddle PE
had hypotension.
PE Epidemiology
• In a study of more than 42 million deaths
that occurred over a 20-year duration,
almost 600,000 patients (approximately
1.5 percent) were diagnosed with PE.
• PE was the presumed cause of death in
approximately 200,000.
• This study certainly underestimates the
true incidence and prevalence of PE,
since more than half of all PE are
probably undiagnosed.
PE Prognosis
• PE is associated with a mortality
rate of approximately 30 percent
without treatment, primarily due to
recurrent embolism.
• However, accurate diagnosis
followed by effective anticoagulant
therapy decreases the mortality
rate to 2 to 8 percent.
PE Prognosis
Poor Prognosis:
• Elevated Brain Natriuretic Peptide
• Right Ventricular dysfunction
• Hypotension
• RV thrombus
• Elevated Troponin I
PE Pathophysiology
• Most PE arise from thrombi in the
deep venous system of the lower
extremities. However, they may
also originate in the right heart or
the pelvic, renal, or upper
extremity veins.
PE Pathophysiology
• Iliofemoral veins are the source of most
clinically recognized PE.
• It is estimated that 50 to 80 percent of iliac,
femoral, and popliteal vein thrombi (proximal
vein thrombi) originate below the popliteal
vein (calf vein thrombi) and propagate
• The remainder arise within the proximal veins.
• Fortunately, most calf vein thrombi resolve
spontaneously and only 20 to 30 percent
extend into the proximal veins if untreated.
PE Pathophysiology
• After traveling to the lung, large
thrombi may lodge at the bifurcation of
the main pulmonary artery or the lobar
branches and cause hemodynamic
• Smaller thrombi continue traveling
distally and are more likely to produce
pleuritic chest pain, presumably by
initiating an inflammatory response
adjacent to the parietal pleura.
PE Pathophysiology
• Only about 10 percent of emboli
cause pulmonary infarction, usually
in patients with preexisting
cardiopulmonary disease.
• Most pulmonary emboli are
multiple, with the lower lobes
being involved in the majority of
PE Pathophysiology
• Impaired gas exchange due to PE
cannot be explained solely on the basis
of mechanical obstruction of the
vascular bed and alterations in the
ventilation to perfusion ratio.
• Gas exchange abnormalities are also
related to the release of inflammatory
mediators, resulting in surfactant
dysfunction, atelectasis, and functional
intrapulmonary shunting.
PE Risk Factors
• PE is a common complication of
deep vein thrombosis (DVT),
occurring in more than 50 percent
of cases with phlebographically
confirmed DVT.
• This suggests that factors that
promote the development of DVT
also increase the risk for PE.
PE Additional Risks Factors in
• Obesity (BMI ≥29 kg/m2)
• Heavy cigarette smoking (>25
cigarettes per day)
• Hypertension
PE Symptoms
• Specific symptoms and signs are not
helpful diagnostically because their
frequency is similar among patients with
and without PE.
• In the Prospective Investigation of
Pulmonary Embolism Diagnosis II
(PIOPED II), the following frequencies of
symptoms and signs were noted among
patients with PE who did not have
preexisting cardiopulmonary disease:
PE Symptoms
• Dyspnea at rest or with exertion (73
percent). The onset of dyspnea was usually
within seconds (46 percent) or minutes (26
• Pleuritic pain (44 percent)
• Cough (34 percent)
• >2-pillow orthopnea (28 percent)
• Calf or thigh pain (44 percent)
• Calf or thigh swelling (41 percent),
• Wheezing (21 percent)
PE Signs
The most common signs were
• Tachypnea (54 percent)
• Tachycardia (24 percent)
• Rales (18 percent)
• Decreased breath sounds (17 percent)
• An accentuated pulmonic component of
the second heart sound (15 percent),
• Jugular venous distension (14 percent)
PE DVT Symptoms
• Symptoms or signs of lower
extremity deep venous thrombosis
(DVT) were common (47 percent).
• They included edema, erythema,
tenderness, or a palpable cord in
the calf or thigh.
• Clinical characteristics of patients with acute
pulmonary embolism: data from PIOPED II.
Stein PD; Beemath A; Matta F; Weg JG; Yusen
RD; Hales CA; Hull RD; Leeper KV Jr; Sostman
HD; Tapson VF; Buckley JD; Gottschalk A;
Goodman LR; Wakefied TW; Woodard PK. Am
J Med. 2007 Oct;120(10):871-9.
PE Labs
Routine laboratory findings are
• Leukocytosis
• An increased erythrocyte
sedimentation rate (ESR)
• Elevated serum LDH or AST
• Normal serum bilirubin.
PE Arterial Blood Gases (ABG’s)
• Arterial blood gas (ABG)
measurements and pulse oximetry
have a limited role in diagnosing
• ABG’s usually reveal hypoxemia,
hypocapnia, and respiratory
• Patients with room air pulse
oximetry readings <95 percent at
the time of diagnosis are at
increased risk of in-hospital
complications, including
respiratory failure, cardiogenic
shock, and death.
PE Chest X-Ray
• Radiographic abnormalities are
common in patients with PE;
however, they are not helpful
diagnostically because they are
similarly common in patients
without PE.
PE Ventilation/Perfusion V/Q
• Unfortunately, the combinations of
clinical and lung scan probability that
was found in most patients had a
diagnostic accuracy of only 15 to 86
percent, which is insufficient to either
confirm or exclude the diagnosis of PE.
• Additional testing is required in this
PE Venous Ultrasound
• Lower extremity venous
ultrasound is sometimes
performed during the diagnostic
evaluation of PE.
• The rationale is that venous
thrombosis detected by ultrasound
is treated similar to confirmed PE.
PE Venous Ultrasound
However, there are flaws to this approach:
• False positive venous ultrasound studies (3
percent in one report) will result in the
anticoagulation of some patients who do not
have DVT or PE, thus subjecting them to
unnecessary risk.
• Many patients with PE are likely to be missed.
• In one report, only 29 percent of patients with
PE (determined by V/Q scan or pulmonary
angiogram) had venous thrombosis detected
by compression ultrasound.
PE D-dimer Sensitivity
• D-dimer levels are abnormal in
approximately 95 percent of all
patients with PE when measured
by ELISA, quantitative rapid
ELISA, or semi-quantitative rapid
PE D-dimer Specificity
• D-dimer levels are normal in only 40 to
68 percent of patients without PE,
regardless of the assay used.
• This is a consequence of abnormal D-
dimer levels being common among
hospitalized patients, especially those
with malignancy or recent surgery.
• The specificity may decrease further
with increasing patient age.
PE Spiral CT
• Due to its widespread availability, spiral
(helical) CT scanning with intravenous
contrast (i.e., CT pulmonary angiography
or CT-PA) is being used increasingly as a
diagnostic modality for patients with
suspected PE.
• One of the most commonly cited benefits
of CT-PA is the ability to detect alternative
pulmonary abnormalities that may explain
the patient's clinical presentation.
PE Spiral CT
• 83 percent of patients with PE had a
positive CT-PA (i.e., sensitivity).
• Conversely, 96 percent of patients
without PE had a negative CT-PA (i.e.,
• Addition of venous-phase imaging
improved the sensitivity (90 percent),
while maintaining a similar specificity
(95 percent).
PE Spiral CT
• The likelihood of PE in patients with a
positive CT-PA and a high, intermediate,
or low clinical probability was 96, 92, and
58 percent, respectively (i.e., positive
predictive value).
• The likelihood that PE was absent in
patients with a negative CT-PA and a low,
intermediate, or high clinical probability
was 96, 89, and 60 percent, respectively
(i.e., negative predictive value).
PE Echocardiography
• Only 30 to 40 percent of patients
with PE have echocardiographic
abnormalities suggestive of acute
Case 1
• A 22 year old thin, female student on OCP’s
presents to your clinic with painless, right calf
• She has elevated her leg for 2 days due to a right
ankle sprain during a soccer game.
• No prior medical history, recent surgery, or weight
• She does not smoke and drinks rarely
• On exam her right calf is 1.5 cm larger than the left
Case 1
• She has 2-3 risk factors: (OCP, trauma, +/-
• Her Wells score gives her a moderate risk
for a DVT.
• A D-dimer test is done.
• She has a positive quantitative ELISA.
• An imaging study is done.
• Available imaging and
ancillary tests:
– Compression US – first
line test, high sens/spec
– Venography – gold
– MRI – Lower quality
evidence only at
Case 1
• Compression US negative
• Options include:
– Venography or MRI
– Serial compression US – single US done at 5-7
days reliably excludes calf-limited DVT
– Follow clinically for resolution of symptoms –
riskier, no data supporting safety of this option
Case 1
• The patient elected to be followed clinically.
She returned to clinic 3 days later with
persistent swelling, but no new symptoms
• She was to return the following week, but
instead you are called to the ER 10 days
later after she presents with acute onset of
dyspnea and pleuritic chest pain.
• Findings in the ER
– Alert white female, mildly anxious
– T 101, HR 105, RR 18
– R LE edema and redness
– Lungs clear to auscultation
– ABG – mild respiratory alkalosis
– CXR showing mild atelectasis
• D-dimer positive as before, troponin normal
Case 1
• Helical CT – segmental embolus
• Therapy
– Enoxaparin 1mg/kg sq every 12 hours for 5 days
– Warfarin started day 1 at 5 mg a day
– CBC on day 3-5 and INR every day if inpatient
– May stop enoxaparin after 5 days if INR > 2.0
– Warfarin continued to keep INR at 2.5 (2.0-3.0 range)
for ? 3 months
Case 1
• Anticoagulation same for DVT & PE
• Compression stockings prevent post-
phlebitic syndrome
• Thrombolysis - risk/benefit uncertain;
clinical outcomes generally not improved
• Vena cava filters - limited evidence and
modest benefit