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Submitted By :
Dr Upasana Sharma Mam Shubham

Sec- A

Social Issues
 A society can only be developed when all the amenities are
fulfilled or achieved. In India certain issues have been over
come and achieved but still some social issues are in the
half way e.g. people below poverty line, literacy rate,
unemployment of youth, public health system, dowry
system, domestic violence, corruption and political system
of India
Main Social Issues In India
There are many social problems In India but
main social issues which warrants attention
of all sources are
as under:-
 Unemployment

Poverty In India

Public Health System

Education system


Dowry System
Domestic Violence
India as a nation is faced with massive problem of unemployment.
Unemployment can be defined as a state of worklessness for a man fit
and willing to work. It is a condition of involuntary and not voluntary
idleness. Some features of unemployment have been identified as

The incidence of unemployment is much higher in urban areas than in

rural areas.
Unemployment rates for women are higher than those for men.
The incidence of unemployment among the educated is much higher
than the overall unemployment.
There is greater unemployment in agricultural sector than in industrial
and other major sectors.
Economists and social thinkers have classified unemployment into
various types. Generally unemployment can be classified in two types:
Voluntary unemployment:- In this type of unemployment a
person is out of job of his own desire doesn't work on the
prevalent or prescribed wages. Either he wants higher wages
or doesn't want to work at all.

In voluntary unemployment:- In this type of situation the

person who is unemployed has no say in the matter. It means
that a person is separated from remunerative work and
devoid of wages although he is capable of earning his wages
and is also anxious to earn them.
Year Unemployment rate Rank Percent Change Date of Information

2003 8.80 % 110 2002

2004 9.50 % 105 7.95 % 2003

2005 9.20 % 83 -3.16 % 2004 est.

2006 8.90 % 91 -3.26 % 2005 est.

2007 7.80 % 92 -12.36 % 2006 est.

2008 7.20 % 89 -7.69 % 2007 est.

The problem of unemployment has becoming a colossal.
Various problems have caused this problem. There are
individuals factors like age, vocational unfitness and physical
disability. External factors includes economic and technical
factors. Other factors like shut down of the sick industries,
unplanned and uncontrolled growth of technology is causing
havoc on job opportunity. Our educational system has its own
irreparable defects and its contribution to the unemployment is
an open truth. Our education does not prepare the minds of
young generation to become self-employed on the contrary it
makes them dependent on government vacancies which are
hard to come.
Our State right from the beginning of Five year plans has
introduced several employment generating schemes and
programmes over the years but in the absence of proper
implementation and monitoring have failed to achieve the
required targets. Recently UPA Government has come up with
Rural Employment Guarantee program which aims to provide
minimum days of employment to people living in the villages.
This is a laudable programme if implemented sincerely because
it will provide employment to people during natural calamities like
drought, floods etc. The remedial measures for reducing
unemployment may lay greater emphasis on creation of
opportunities for self -employment, augmentation of productivity
and income levels of the working poor, shift in emphasis from
creation of relief type of employment to the building up of durable
productive assets in the rural areas and instead of attempting to
revert somewhat to protectionist policies the pace of privatization
may be accelerated.
Poverty is one of the main problems which have attracted
attention of sociologists and economists. It indicates a condition in
which a person fails to maintain a living standard adequate for his
physical and mental Even after more than 50 years of Independence
India still has the world's largest number of poor people in a single
country. Of its nearly 1 billion inhabitants, an estimated 260.3 million
are below the poverty line, of which 193.2 million are in the rural areas
and 67.1 million are in urban areas. More than 75% of poor people
reside in villages efficiency. It is a situation people want to escape.
According to a recent Indian government committee
constituted to estimate poverty, nearly 38% of India’s population (380
million) is poor. This report is based on new methodology and the
figure is 10% higher than the present poverty estimate of 28.5%. The
poverty level is below 10% in states like Delhi, Goa, and Punjab etc
whereas it is below 50% in Bihar (43) and Orissa (47). It is between
30-40% in Northeastern states of Assam, Tripura, and Meghalaya and
in Southern states of Tamilnadu and Uttar Pradesh.
In 1970 the Indian government has made poverty reduction a priority in
its development planning. Policies have focused on improving the poor
standard of living by ensuring food security, promoting self-employment
through greater access to assets, increasing wage employment and
improving access to basic social services.
India's Public Distribution System, Launched in 1965 has helped meet
people's basic food needs by providing rations at subsidized prices. It
has provided women and girls with better access to food and helped
overcome the widespread discrimination against female consumption
within households. It has also reduced the burden of women, who are
responsible for providing food for the household.
The largest credit-based government poverty reduction
programme in the world, the Integrated Rural Development
Programme provides rural households below the poverty line with
credit to purchase income-generating assets. Launched in 1979,
the programme has supplied subsidized credit to such groups as
small and marginalized farmers, agricultural laborers, rural
artisans, the physically handicapped, scheduled castes and
scheduled tribes. Within this target population, 40% of the
beneficiaries are supposed to be women. Although the
programme has reached 51 million families, only 27% of the
borrowers have been women. The programme has significantly
increased the income of 57% of assisted families.
Rural poverty is largely a result of low productivity and
unemployment. The Jawahar Rozgar Yojana, a national public
works scheme launched in 1989 with financing from the central
and state governments, provides more than 700 million person
days of work a year about 1% of total employment for people with
few opportunities for employment
TRYSEM (Training rural youth for self employment) was started to
provide technical skills to the rural youth and to help them to get
employment in fields such as agriculture, industry, services and
business activities. Youth of the poor families belonging to the age-
group of 18-35 are entitled to avail the benefits of the scheme. Priority
is given to persons belonging to ST/SC and ex-servicemen and about
1/3 seats are reserved for women. Minimum Needs Programme was
taken up as an integral part of the 5th Five Year Plan and it was
intended to cater to the minimum needs of the people such as rural
water supply, rural health, road building, adult education, primary
education, rural electrification and improve-ment of the urban slums

With the intention of removing urban unemployment some schemes

such as SEPUP (Self-employment programme for the urban poor);
SEEUY (Scheme for self-employment of the educated urban youths)
.These schemes gives loans and subsidies for the urban unemployed
youths to create or to find for themselves some jobs. The SEPUP had
provided financial help for about 1.19 urban unemployed youths in the
year 190-91.
Public health system in India suffers from many problems
which includes insufficient funding, shortage of facilities
leading to overcrowding and severe shortage of trained health
personnel. There is also lack of accountability in the public
health delivery mechanisms. These are some of the reasons
which have placed India at the lowest rank in the Human
Development Index.

India however holds top position in migration of physicians to

developed countries like UK and the US. According to Planning
Commission the country has a shortfall of six lakh doctors, 10
lakh nurses and two lakh dental surgeons. This has led to a
dismal patient-doctor ratio in the country. For every 10,000
Indians, there is just one doctor.
India has banned tobacco consumption in public places but
only 12 states have started implementing the ban. More than
10 lakh people at present die in India every year due to
tobacco consumption. At present more than 57% male and
10.9% female consume tobacco while 15% children consume
Female feticide continues to tarnish India’s image.The child
sex ratio (0-6 years) was 945 (1991 census) and this declined
to 927 girls per thousand boys (in 2001 census).The figures
are alarming in prosperous states like Punjab(798),Haryana
(819),Chandigarh (845),Delhi (868),Gujarat (883) and
Himachal Pradesh (896).

In india many health problems like Polio, women health

system, dialysis problems cancers etc.
The much publicized National Urban Health Mission is yet
to see the light of day. The scheme plans to monitor and
improve the health of 22 crore people living in urban slums
in 429 cities and towns. It was to be launched mid 2008 but
the mission is yet to become functional. NURM is aimed at
providing accessible, affordable, effective and reliable
primary health care facilities especially to urban poor.
Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use
to change the world. Nelson
The Indian education are not provide the practically
knowledge to the student it only provide the theoretically
knowledge to the student. The vocational education system
are not good.
In India some degree and education certificate are sold at
mass basis. Govt. university are paying the role of good
listener and no strict rule or act is import to nip this evil.
Some university and institute are give the admission to the
student only on the basis of financial status of student.
Education system is going very costly from day to day and
student or poor section are debarred to get the admission in
university even there are more talented then that of student
getting the admission by paying the heavy amounts.
 Government are opened new government
schools, colleges, university and government
added schools to provide the education.
 Government also make the education
collaboration with the other country to achieve the
global education and get the employment to any
where in world.
 Government also give the chance to private
Institute and groups to opened new college and
institute in India.
 Government opened the college and institute in
far-flung areas to provide education.
India is the world's second most populous country and is
expected to be the most populous by 2040.The country is
undergoing the same forces of demographic transition that
have been experienced elsewhere, only delayed by few
decades. Almost 70% of Indians still reside in rural areas
although in recent decades migration to larger cities has led
to a dramatic increase in the country's urban population.
The emerging middle class will surge tenfold; exceeding 500
million by 2025.It will command 60% of the country's
spending power.
The growth in population is a bad factors in the
development of society because the available
infrastructure/sources are not adequate to cop with the
population growth.
Government has launched small family factor and to
promote this certain incentives have also been granted to the
person adoption the small family norms. E. g. One special
service increment to the government employee adoption
the small family norms.
Literacy is an effective instrument for social and economic
development and national integration. It is defined in Census
operations, as the ability to read and write with understanding in
any language. Any formal education or minimum educational
standard is not necessary to be considered literate. The latest
census report (2001) reveal that at the beginning of new
millennium literacy rate in India stands at 65.38% with male
literacy level at 75.85%and female literacy level at 54.16%. There
has been only marginal increase in literacy level from the last
census in 1991 (literacy level was 52.2%).
The pace of progress in literacy rates, as revealed by decennial
censuses, is very slow in India. Between 1961 and 1991, a span
of thirty years, literacy rate has gone up by a mere 23.9
percentage points, from 28.3 in 1961 to 52.2 in 1991.From
1991 to 2001 there is 13.36%increase.

 During the first Five Year Plan, the program of Social Education,
inclusive of literacy, was introduced as part of the Community Development
Program 1952. The National Policy on Education in 1968 not only endorsed
the recommendations of the Education Commission but also reiterated the
significance of universal literacy and developing adult and continuing
education as matters of priority. While the formal elementary education
program was supplemented by a Non-formal Education system, it was also
decided to undertake Adult Literacy programs culminating in the Total
Literacy mission approach.
 (a) A multi-pronged approach of universalization of elementary education
and universal adult literacy has been adopted for achieving total literacy.
(b) A systematic program of non-formal education in the educationally
backward states.
(c) The National Literacy Mission that aims at making 100 million adults
Dowry is derived from the ancient Hindu customs of
"kanyadan" and "stridhan". In "kanyadan", the father
of the bride offers the father of the groom money or
property, etc. whereas for "stridhan", the bride
herself gets jewelry and clothes at the time of her
marriage, usually from her relatives or friends. In
"varadakshina", the father of the bride presents the
groom cash or kind. All of these could be done
voluntarily and out of affection and love.
For this man, and his family, a woman becomes the
ticket to shortcut riches through the system of dowry.
There are a number of things people desire to have
in their own houses but cannot afford; they use the
opportunity of a son's marriage to get them
Official statistics show a steady rise in dowry crimes. More than 9,
5000 women are killed every year in India over dowry. Bihar and
Uttar Pradesh still record the maximum number of dowry crimes,
but Bangalore, India's fastest growing city also shows an alarming
rise - four women reportedly die every day because of dowry
harassment and domestic violence. The cases of dowry torture are
the highest accounting for 32.4% of crimes against women in the
The dowry custom continues to rule society. In majority of Indian
families the boy has inheritance rights while the girl is given a
hefty sum at the time of her marriage in lieu of the Government
regulated equal rights for girls in parental property. The evil of the
dowry system has spread its tentacles in almost all parts of the
country and sections of society. There are several reasons for the
prevalence of the dowry system, but the main one is that it is a
necessary precondition for marriage. "No dowry, no marriage," is
a widespread fear.
The Dowry Prohibition Act, in force since 1st July 1961, was passed
with the purpose of prohibiting the demanding, giving and taking
of dowry. In 1980 the Government set up a committee which
recommended amendments in the Dowry Prohibition Act and also
suggested expanding the definition of dowry and instituting
family courts and National Commission for women. Many
parliamentary debates led to some amendments in 1983,1984 and
1986.To stop the offences of cruelty by husband or his relatives on
the wife, Section 498-A was added in the Indian Penal Code and
Section 198-A in the Criminal Procedure Code in the year 1983. .
The Dowry Prohibition Act clearly stipulates that a person who
gives or takes or helps in the giving or taking of dowry can be
sentenced to jail for 5 years and fined Rs.15, 000/- or the amount
of the value of dowry, whichever is more. The Act also prohibits the
giving and taking directly or indirectly any property or valuable
security, any amount either in cash of kind, jewelry, articles,
properties, etc. in respect of a marriage
Domestic violence can be described as when one adult in a
relationship misuses power to control another. It is the
establishment of control and fear in the relationship through
violence and other forms of abuse. It is basically an abuse of
Although men, women and children can all be abused, in most
cases the victims are women. In every country where reliable,
large-scale studies have been conducted, results indicate that
between 16 and 52% of women have been assaulted by their
Violence within the home is universal across culture, religion,
class and ethnicity. The abuse is generally condoned by social
custom and considered part and parcel of marital life .An
example of this can be seen through the gist of a popular Spanish
riddle: Question: What do mules and women have in common?
Answer: A good beating makes them both better."
The statistics reveal grim picture of the realities prevalent in
developing and developed countries alike.
 In the United States a women is beaten every 18 minutes;
between 3 million and 4 million are battered each year, but only 1
in 10 cases of domestic violence is ever reported.
 In the United Kingdom, 1 in 3 families is a victim of assault and 1
in 5 a victim of serious assault, according to a recent report by
the home office.
 In Austria, in 59%of 1500 divorce cases, domestic violence is
cited as a cause in the marital breakdown.
 In India the records of National Crimes Bureau, Ministry of
Home Affairs government of India revealed a shocking 71.5%
Increase in cases of torture and dowry deaths during the period
from 1991 to 1995 .In 1995, torture of women constituted 29.2%of
all reported crimes against women.
 In Bangladesh, half of the 170 reported cases of women
murdered between 1983 and 1985 took place within the confines
of the homes.
It needs support from all quarters be it government, NGOs
and women themselves. There is also a need to improve
women's economic capacities that include access to and
control of income and assets and also share in the family's
property. The government should strengthen and expand
training and sensitization programs.
Government make Anti Home Violence act to stop the
domestic violence.
Government district level Women Cell to stop domestic
Young Youth play very important role to stop dowry
system, they not ask for dowry at marriage.

In India, the web of corruption probably has a bureaucratic core. A

vast bureaucracy that is instituted to control every aspect of
economic life creates the incentives for individual and
institutionalized corruption. Then the “democratic” political system
uses that bureaucracy to extract rents that are used for fueling the
vast political machinery.
In India total system are corrupted from the top to bottom level . Any
work in government office is not materialised unless other wise hand
full money is paid.
Corrupt politicians, corrupt judges, corrupt police officers, corrupt
bureaucrats, corrupt contractors, etc. are looting our country for last
60 years. They are nothing but thief's and criminals. Due to their
plunder of public funds millions of people, including children, have
died. By crude estimation, these corrupt officials constitute at least
90% of all the officers.
Finland remains the least-corrupt country in the world, according
to the latest annual index compiled by Transparency
International, a Berlin-based organisation. The index, which
measures perceived levels of corruption, focuses on the misuse
of public office for private gain. The United States ranks as the
18th least-corrupt country, only a little less so than Chile.
Botswana is reckoned to be less corrupt than Italy.
India ranks 83 in the list of least-corrupt countries. Finland is the
least corrupt and ranks first; Singapore is fifth; Botswana is
ranked 30th — thus leading India by about 50 places.
I suppose if Sri Lanka were in that list, it would get a higher score
than India. And I also suppose that the northern states of India
(UP, Bihar, etc.) would be more found to be more corrupt than the
southern states (Kerala, AP, TN).

 In order to eradicate the corruption among the

government offices and to give the free and fare justice
to the public the government has adopted some anti
corruption measure like
 Establishment of anti corruption bureau at national and
state level, which works under Chief Vigilance
 Audit System has been strengthened under the dynamic
leadership of independent functionary CAG .
 Right to Information Act,2005 is a milestone against the
corruption In India and fruitful results are seen after the
issuance of RTI Act.
Alcoholism is a condition in which the individual has lost
control over his alcohol intake in that he is constantly
unable to refrain from drinking once he begins.
The problem of alcoholism in terms of personal misery,
family budget, discord, and loss of wages, failure of
health, accidents and cost in damage claims, cost of
hospital treatment, cost in custodial treatment,
inducement to crime are almost disastrous. A good
number of persons arrested for crimes like rape, burglary,
murder and theft are those who committed them under
the influence of alcohol. Alcohol is a major factor in the
highway accidents. Since alcoholism affects the family
members, friends and even the community, it affects
millions of people in the country. Drinking reduces one’s
operational activities and efficiency to below the
minimum level necessary for social existence.
 Detoxification in hospitals: Alcohols need medical
care and medical supervision. Tranquilizers are used
for treating their withdrawal symptoms like
hallucinations. Vitamins and electrolyte balance are
used for physical rehabilitation.
 Treatment centres: These centres are developed as
alternative centres to hospital treatment having 10-12
residents. Counselling and anti-drinking rules are
 Changing values through education: Some voluntary
organizations undertake educational and information
programmes to alert the alcoholics to the danger of
excessive drinking. Social workers help the drinkers in
coping with life and changing the social values and
attitudes about drinking.
In India the transportation system is being controlled
by the State Transport Commissioner how ever there
are lapses in the Transport Acts of the states,
aggravating complications/ litigation in the
transportation system.
Light Vehicles likes two wheeler are being drivel by
the children (before the attain the age of Driving
Licenses) .Driving Licenses Authority are not so
serious tantamount the issue of driving licenses to a
person who is not well aware about the traffic rules
and driving skills.
Traffic Police is not performing there duties
dedicatedly resulting the road accidents are
 Analysis carried on the basis of all India road accidents data
shows that drivers’ fault accounts for 83.5 per cent accidents.
Other contributory causes of road accidents are: mechanical
defects in the vehicles (3.0 per cent), fault of pedestrians (2.3
per cent), fault of passengers (2.4 per cent), bad road (1.1
per cent), bad weather (0.9 per cent) and other causes (6.8
per cent) like cattle, fallen trees, road blockage, sudden
failure of vehicles ahead, absence of rear reflectors, non-
functioning of signals and absence of road signage's etc.
Year Total No. Of Road Accident Total No. Of Person Killed Total No. Of
(In Number) (In Number) Vehicles
(In Thousand)
1970 114100 14500 1401

1980 153200 24000 4521

1990 282600 54100 19152

1995 351999 70781 30295

2000 391449 78911 48857

2003 406726 85998 67033

Steps Taken By Government to
Control Transportation
 Government opened the Driving Training Institute
for trained the Heavy Vehicle Drivers to avoid the
 Government also opened the Car Training Institute
to trained the light vehicle drivers.
 Government make the new rules & regulation
regarding issues new driving licenses.

In India many social problems are there from those some are
described below.
Government makes many new rules and regulation to stop social
evil but many rules, regulation and policy gets failed. The main
cause of failure of those policy is no proper implementation of
rules & policies and corrupt officers are not carrying out their
duties regularly.
Public also responsible for increasing the social issues in India. If
the government implement’s the policy and rules by force. People
start blocking the road, doing strikes etc.
If one person obeys the rules and regulations which are made by
the government other people oppose him, In government offices
no work is being done without taking bribe, and this increases the
Students(Youth) play a very important role to remove the
social evils from India. For e.g. educate the illiterate people,
obey the traffic rules and also tell others to obey the traffic
rules, not use the wrong methods to get the admission in
Institute, Apply one rule for marriage ‘A marriage With out
Dowry’, for removing corruption student also play an
important role e.g. not give the money to any officers to
get the work done illegally.

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