Sensor Dan Aktuator: Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Brawijaya
Sensor Dan Aktuator: Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Brawijaya
Sensor Dan Aktuator: Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Brawijaya
Pada konduktor dengan luas penampang A dan panjang L yang terbuat dari
material dengan resistivitas ρ. Resistansi dari konduktor tersebut dapat
dituliskan sebagai berikut:
Jika kemudian konduktor tersebut ditarik hingga bertambah panjang ataupun
ditekan sehingga menyusut panjangnya, maka resistansinya akan berubah.
It was Lord Kelvin who first reported in 1856 that metallic conductors
subjected to mechanical strain exhibit a change in their electrical
This phenomenon was first put to practical use in the 1930s.
Strain and Stress
The figure shows a situation in which a supported beam is bent by applying a
lateral force. With this type of loading, the beam will become longer on the
bottom surface and shorter on the top surface.
A wire that is attached to the beam using two standoffs functions as a simple
strain gage.
Consider the original length of the wire be l (i.e. under no loading).
When the beam is loaded, this wire is stretched and its length becomes l + δl.
The ratio δl/l is known as the strain and is usually given a symbol ε.
The stretching of the wire will cause its electrical resistance to change so that
the wire is a detector of strain.
Strain and Stress
It is difficult to measure the stress directly, but a strain gage can be used to
measure the strain, and then the stress can be determined using the
Hooke’s law. That is
σ = Eε
where, σ is the normal stress and E is the modulus of elasticity (also called
Young’s modulus) which is a material property.
Strain gage
=> l
R Resistance
Property of material R
l Length of wire
A Effective cross sectional area of wire
Strain Gage
In addition to the strain gages constructed in the form of straight wires, another
common type of strain gages are constructed by etching them from thin foil metal
sheets that are bounded to a plastic backing, as shown below.
The gage factor, K, differs depending on the metallic materials. The copper-nickel
alloy (Advance) provides a gage factor around 2.
R4 R2
Vout Vin
R3 R4 R1 R2
Wheatstone Bridge
say ,
(3Ω) (3 Ω) Vin 5.00volts
R4 R2
Vout Vin
R3 R4 R1 R2
3 3
Vout 5.0
(3 Ω) (3 Ω) 3 3 3 3
Vout 0
Full Bridge Strain Gage
Wheatstone Bridge
say ,
(4Ω) (2 Ω) Vin 5.00volts
R4 R2
Vout Vin
R3 R4 R1 R2
4 2
Vout 5.0
2 4 4 2
(2 Ω) (4 Ω) 4 2
Vout 5.0
6 6
Vout 1.667volts
No Force Applied
1-gage system
2-gage system
4-gage system
Strain Gauge
Strain Gauge
Application of Strain gauge
The strain-gage sensor is one of the most widely used means
of load, weight, and force detection.
Strain gages may be bonded to cantilever springs to measure
the force of bending.
The strain gages mounted on the top of the beam experience
tension, while the strain gages on the bottom experience
Gambaran aplikasi sensor strain Gambaran aplikasi sensor strain
gauge pada pemantauan beban gauge pada pemantauan beban
pada lift penimbang timbangan
6 April 2019 Slide 28
Piezoelectric Material
Furthermore, a permanently-polarized
material such as barium titanite (BaTiO3) will
produce an electric field when the material
changes dimensions as a result of an imposed
mechanical force.
These materials are piezoelectric, and this
phenomenon is known as the piezoelectric
Piezoelectric Materials
Conversely, an applied electric field
can cause a piezoelectric material
to change dimensions.
This phenomenon is known as
electrostriction, or the reverse
piezoelectric effect.
Piezoelectric materials are used in
acoustic transducers, which
convert acoustic (sound) waves
into electric fields, and electric
fields into acoustic waves.
Transducers are found in
telephones, stereo music systems,
and musical instruments such as
guitars and drums.
6 April 2019 Slide 32