Strategic Marketing and Planning
Strategic Marketing and Planning
Strategic Marketing and Planning
SBU strategy
Business Definition
Strategic Business Unit Objectives
level Product/market portfolio
Competitive strategy
Resouce allocation and allocation
Marketing Strategy R&D Strategy and Finance and
Functional level of SBU Resource
Marketing Objectives Technology operations administration
Product/Market strategies Product Development Strategy
Strategic Planning
Strategic Planning is defined as “the process of
developing and maintaining a strategic fit between the
organizations goals and capabilities and its changing
marketing opportunities.”
Strategic planning process aims to guide those within and
outside the marketing organisation to serve customers
more effectively and to maintain profitable relationship
with them.
The main purpose of strategic planning is to help
companies understand how they compete for the
future.Firms must not only improve their operations
continually but often need to reinvent themselves to remain
differentiated and relevant.
Strategic Foresight
The need for flexibility, quick response and agility with
resources and competencies has led to a resurgence in the
process of scenario planning as a means of painting
pictures of plausible features that the firm may have to
Foresight is viewed not as a process of trying to predict the
future but of projecting the future we want, then shaping
our present concepts and actions to move towards it.
Strategic Planning Steps
Low Cash
Market Dogs
Growth Cows
New Market
Markets Development
Planning Marketing
Marketing plays a key role in the
strategic planning process.
Marketers must practice CRM and
Partner Relationship Management.
Partnering with other departments in the
company (Value Chain)as well as other
firms in the marketing system helps to
build a superior value delivery-network.
The Marketing Process
Key Elements
The strategic planning
and business portfolio
• Analyzing marketing analysis processes help to
opportunities identify and evaluate
• Selecting target markets marketing opportunities.
• Developing the The purpose of the
marketing mix marketing process is to help
• Managing the marketing the firm plan how to
effort capitalize on these
The Marketing Process
Key Elements
The segmentation process
• Analyzing marketing divides the total market into
market segments.
• Selecting target markets • Target marketing
determines which
• Developing the segment(s) are pursued.
marketing mix
• Managing the marketing The market positioning for
effort the product is then
The Marketing Process
Key Elements Competitor analysis guides
competitive marketing strategy
• Analyzing marketing
opportunities Strategy leads to tactics by way of
the marketing mix:
• Selecting target markets
The “Four Ps” – product, price,
• Developing the place, promotion (seller
marketing mix viewpoint)
• Managing the marketing The “Four Cs” – customer
effort solution, cost, convenience, and
communication (customer
Marketing Mix
• Product (Variety, Quality, Design,
Features, Brand Name, Packaging,
• Price (List, Discounts, Allowances, Products=Customer Solution
Payment Period, Credit Terms)
• Promotion (Advertising, Direct
Selling, Sales Promotion, PR) Place=Convenience
Strategic control
Marketing audit