David Myers Chapter 7 Persuasion "To Swallow & Follow" or " Be A Free Agent" . Which Is It?
David Myers Chapter 7 Persuasion "To Swallow & Follow" or " Be A Free Agent" . Which Is It?
David Myers Chapter 7 Persuasion "To Swallow & Follow" or " Be A Free Agent" . Which Is It?
Chapter 7 Persuasion
“To swallow & follow” or “…be a free agent”….
…which is it?
Process by which a message induces change in beliefs,
attitudes, or behaviors
Education or propaganda?
Issues on…
Global warning
Weird beliefs
Trillion dollar war
Promoting healthier living
Recruiting terrorists for ISIL
Existential threats
To Israel, U.S.? 2
What Paths Lead to Persuasion?
Factors related to:
Communicator, message, channel, audience
(C. Hovland at Yale)
Cognitive responses – clear/ convincing
(Ohio State U)
Central Route – (Explicit)
Occurs when interested people focus on the arguments
and respond with favorable thoughts
Peripheral Route (implicit)
Occurs when people are influenced by incidental cues,
such as a speaker’s attractiveness
Focuses on cues that trigger automatic acceptance
Persuasion Elements
Who Says? The Communicator
What makes a communicator persuasive?
Credibility (perceived expertise & trustworthiness)
Sleeper effect
What Are the Elements of Persuasion?
Who Says? The Communicator
Perceived expertise
Helps to be seen as Knowledgeable
Speak confidently
Perceived trustworthiness
Eye contact
What Are the Elements of Persuasion?
What Is Said? (Message Content)
Reason versus emotion (depends on the audience)
Reason works with more educated, analytical people
Effect of good feelings
…use peanuts and Pepsi! I. Janis (‘65)
Saliency is important
Provide a solution
The Message itself
Depends on the communicator’s credibility
And the range of the audience’s “acceptability”
A credible source (T.S. Elliot)
Is more persuasive for a highly discrepant message
-what exercise regimen should Nicole recommend for her
Depends on what?
What Are the Elements of Persuasion?
What Is Said? The Message Content
One-sided versus two-sided appeals
Which one is more effective?
Depends on whether the audience already agrees with the
message; if the audience is unaware of opposing arguments, it
is unlikely later to consider the opposition
If they already oppose it, give both sides
What Are the Elements of Persuasion?
What Is Said? The Message Content
Primacy versus recency
Primacy effect
Other things being equal, information presented first usually
has the most influence
E.g. “..intelligent…..to envious” (S. Asch, ‘46)
Recency effect
Information presented last sometimes has the most influence.
Recency effects are less common than primacy effects
But it works when there is:
What Are the Elements of
How Is It Said? The Channel of Communication
Personal (<- major influence) versus media influence
Comparing media
The more lifelike the medium, the more persuasive its message
What Are the Elements of Persuasion?
- age and thoughtfulness
What Are the Elements of
To Whom Is It Said? - The Audience
What are they thinking? (central route)
Forewarned is forearmed—If you care enough to counterargue
Steal the opponent’s thunder!
What Are the Elements of Persuasion?
To Whom Is It Said? The Audience
What are they thinking?
Analytical people …need cognition (use central route)
Uninvolved audiences use peripheral cues
Ways to stimulate people’s thinking
Study suggestion -
Read carefully the summary box on p 251!!!!
Extreme Persuasion: How Do Cults Indoctrinate?
“New religious movement”
1997 Marshall Applewhite took 37 people to Hale-Bopp
Where is Hale-Bopp? Who lives there
Extreme Persuasion: How Do Cults Indoctrinate?
Persuasive Elements
Charisma --How did Jim Jones establish his “credibility?
The “one way” to solve your problems…
In crisis
Extreme Persuasion: How Do Cults Indoctrinate?
Group Effects
Social implosion
Isolation of members with like minded groups
External ties weaken until the group collapses inward socially
Military organizations
Harmful v. beneficial
How Can Persuasion Be Resisted?