S2-18-Et ZC413-L17
S2-18-Et ZC413-L17
S2-18-Et ZC413-L17
Module 1: Introduction
Dr. Nitin Kotkunde
BITS Pilani
Pilani | Dubai | Goa | Hyderabad
BITS Pilani
Pilani | Dubai | Goa | Hyderabad
Overview of Handout
Eva l u ati on Sc h e me
• Lab components:
– Lab-I component involved modelling of given product / component in PRO/ENGINEER software.
Modelling task involves 3D modelling of individual component, its assembly, exploded view, Bill of
materials. Lab-I carries 10% weightage.
– Lab-II component consist of case study based on Design for Manufacturing and Assembly (DFMA)
software. Lab-II carries 10% weightage.
• Text Book:
– George E. Dieter, Linda C. Schmidt, "Engineering Design", 4/e (Indian Edition), McGraw Hill Education
• Reference Books:
– David G. Ullman, “The Mechanical Design Process”, McGraw-Hill Inc., Singapore, 1992
– Kevin Otto and Kristin Wood, “Product Design: Techniques in Reverse Engineering and New Product
• Students are expected to visit the Elearn portal on a regular basis and stay up to
date with the latest announcements and deadlines.
• Contact Information:
– Dr. Nitin Kotkunde
Email: nitink@Hyderabad.bits-pilani.ac.in
• EC-1 consists of three Quizzes. Each quiz carries 5 marks. Students will attempt them
through the course pages on the Elearn portal. Announcements will be made on the
portal, in a timely manner.
• For Closed Book tests: No books or reference material of any kind will be permitted.
• For Open Book exams: Use of books and any printed / written reference material (filed or
bound) is permitted. However, loose sheets of paper will not be allowed. Use of
calculators is permitted in all exams. Laptops/Mobiles of any kind are not allowed.
Exchange of any material is not allowed.
• If a student is unable to appear for the Regular Test/Exam due to genuine exigencies,
the student should follow the procedure to apply for the Make-Up Test/Exam which will
be made available on the Elearn portal. The Make-Up Test/Exam will be conducted only
at selected exam centres on the dates to be announced later.
• It shall be the responsibility of the individual student to be regular in maintaining the self-
study schedule as given in the course handout, attend the online lectures, and take all
the prescribed evaluation components such as Quizzes, Lab component, Mid-Semester
Test and Comprehensive Exam according to the evaluation scheme provided in the
Course Code – E N G IN E ERIN G D E S IG N
BITS-Pilani, Hyderabad Campus
C o n tent fo r th e C o u rse
• Introduction
• Engineering design process
• Ways to think about engineering design process
• Consideration of good design
• Description of design process
• Computer aided engineering
• Design to codes and standards
• Design review
• Technological innovations
• Summary
ETZC 413 – E N G IN E ERIN G D E S IG N 12 BITS-Pilani, Hyderabad Campus
In tr o duction
• What is design?
– Numerous definitions
– Common human experience
– “To fashion after a plan!” [webster’s dictionary].
– Create something that has never been
– To design is to pull together (synthesis) something new or to arrange existing things in a
new way.
– Design establishes and defines solutions to and pertinent structures for problems not
solved before, or new solutions to problems which have previously been solved in a
different way”
– Good design requires analysis and synthesis
Course Code – E N G IN E ERIN G D E S IG N BITS-Pilani, Hyderabad Campus
T h e F o u r C ’ s o f D e si gn
– Product cost
– Product quality
• Types of Designs
– Adaptive design
– Selection design
– Industrial design
Gathering of Information
Conceptual Design
Embodiment Design
Detail Design
• Review team
1. Stage gate development process
2. Spiral product development process
3. Hybrid product development process
• Stage gate development process:
Success of a product:
• The quality, performance, and price of the product.
• The cost to manufacture the product over its life cycle.
• The cost of product development.
• The time needed to bring the product to the market.
Middle Portion
Lower Portion
• Due to a single reporting system, there are shorter lines of communication which creates strong
and effective communication within the project management team.
• Due to a single authority, less time is consumed in communication, and the response to
stakeholders’ concerns is fast.
• Due to a sense of urgency, milestones, good communication, and cooperation, the learning
curve is faster for any new member.
• Team members become versatile and flexible due to experience in different kinds of projects.
• The functional manager may look after the functional part of the project; he may decide how to
do the work, and may distribute the project work among his subordinates. The project manager
will have authority over the administrative part of the project, such as what to do, follow-up on
the schedule, evaluate the performance, etc.
• Working in a matrix organization can be challenging because you have a confusing role while
reporting to two bosses.
• To avoid confusion and work efficiently in a matrix organization, you must be clear on your role,
responsibilities, and the work priorities.
• The matrix organization structure usually exists in large and multi-project organizations, where
they can relocate employees whenever and wherever their services are needed.
ETZC 413 – E N G IN E ERIN G D E S IG N 40 BITS-Pilani, Hyderabad Campus
T y p e o f M a tr i x Or g ani zation Str u cture
• The matrix organization structure can be classified into three categories, largely depending on
the level of power of the project manager. These categories are as follows:
– Reducing the cost to manufacture the product over its life cycle
– The organization of a product development team can have a major influence on how
effectively product development is carried out.