Engineering Design: BITS Pilani

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Engineering Design

Module 6: Embodiment Design

BITS Pilani
Pilani | Dubai | Goa | Hyderabad
Dr. Nitin Kotkunde
In tr o duction

ETZC 413 – E N G IN E ERIN G D E S IG N 2 BITS-Pilani

C o n tent : Em b o diment D e si gn
• Introduction
• Product architecture
• Configuration design
• Best practices for configuration design
• Parametric design
• Dimensions and tolerances
• Industrial design
• Human factors design
• Design for environment
• Prototyping and testing
• Design for ‘X’

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Pr o d uct Ar c h i tecture

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Pr o d uct Ar c h i tecture

• Product architecture is the arrangement of the physical elements of a product to

carry out its required functions.

– Mapping from product function to the product form

– Layout and architecture of the product their interfaces (Best possible architecture

– Rough sketches of concepts

– Proof-of-concept model

– Key decisions on how the product will physically operate

– Key milestone for any class of products

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Ar c h i tecture T y p e s


Integral Modular

Slot Bus Sectional Mix

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In te gr al Ar c h i tec ture

 Only one or few modules

 No individual isolated components
 Components perform multiple
 Complex interactions
 Changes made to any component in a
integral architecture tend to propagate
to many
 High-volume products
 Product architecture has strong
implications for manufacturing costs.

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M o d ular Ar c h i tecture

• Overall function through the combination of distinct building

blocks or modules.

• A modular architecture makes it easier to evolve a design

over time.

• Difficulties may be faced in initial stages because compatibility

of the modules in first product needs to be established with
those in the subsequent products.

• The product can be adapted to the needs of different

customers by adding or deleting modules.

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M o d ular Ar c h i tecture

• It helps to develop a product family.

• Modular products make economic sense

• They offer easier assembly and disassembly, modification and reassembly

• Standardization of components

• Re-configurability of devices

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M o d ular vs . In te grated a r chi tecture

Pros Cons
• Improve device reconfigurability • May make devices look
• Increases the device variety and similar
speed of introduction for new • Reduces device
Modular devices performance
• Improves maintainability and • More expensive
• Decuples development and
manufacturing tasks
• Harder for competitor to copy the • Hinders changes of
design design in production
Integral • Tighter coupling of teams with • Reduce the varity of
less interface problems devices that can be
• Possible reduction in system cost produced.
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C o n si derations a t p r o duct a r ch itecturi ng

• How will it affect the ability to offer product variety?

• How will it affect the product cost?

• How will it affect the design lead time?

• How will it affect the development process management?

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M o d ular Ar c h i tecture


based Function based
modularity modularity

Assembly Equipment
modules Manufacturin Sizable Bus
g (OEM) modules modules Slot Sectional Mix

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F u n c ti on b a s ed m o dul arity

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F u n c ti on b a s ed m o dul arity

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F u n c ti on b a s ed m o dul arity: Exa m p l e

Modular trailer architecture exhibiting a one-to-one

Function structure of a trailer mapping from functional element to physical component

Karl Ulrich, The role of product architecture in the manufacturing firm, Research Policy 24 (1995) 419-441)
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F u n c ti on b a s ed m o dul arity: Exa m p l e

Integral trailer architecture exhibiting a one-to-one mapping from functional element to physical component

Karl Ulrich, The role of product architecture in the manufacturing firm, Research Policy 24 (1995) 419-441)
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F u n c ti on b a s ed m o dul arity: Exa m p l e

Karl Ulrich, The role of product architecture in the manufacturing firm, Research Policy 24 (1995) 419-441)
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F u n c ti on b a s ed m o dul arity: Exa m p l e

Karl Ulrich, The role of product architecture in the manufacturing firm, Research Policy 24 (1995) 419-441)
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F u n c ti on b a s ed m o dul arity: Exa m p l e

Karl Ulrich, The role of product architecture in the manufacturing firm, Research Policy 24 (1995) 419-441)
ETZC 413 – E N G IN E ERIN G D E S IG N 19 BITS-Pilani
F a ctor s a ffe c ting a r ch itecture m o d ulari ty

• Product changes
• Product variety

• Component standardization

• Product performance Add-ons Re-use

• Manufacturability

• Product development management

in use

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Ar c h i tecture D e s i gn Pr o cess

Create a schematic of the product

Cluster the elements of the schematic

Create a rough geometric layout

Identify the fundamental and incidental interactions

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Ar c h i tecture D e s i gn Pr o cess
• Creating a product schematic: DeskJet Printer Schematic

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Ar c h i tecture D e s i gn Pr o cess
• Cluster the elements of the schematic: DeskJet Printer Schematic

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Ar c h i tecture D e s i gn Pr o cess
• Create a rough geometric layout: DeskJet Printer Schematic

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Ar c h i tecture D e s i gn Pr o cess
• Identify the fundamental and incidental interactions: DeskJet Printer Schematic

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Ar c h i tecture D e s i gn Pr o cess
Laser-fusing rapid prototyping machine

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Ar c h i tecture D e s i gn Pr o cess

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Ar c h i tecture D e s i gn Pr o cess

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F u n damental D e c i si ons

• Integral vs. modular architecture?

• What type of modularity?

• How to assign functions to chunks?

• How to assign chunks to teams?

• Which chunks to outsource?

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C o n figuration D e s i gn

Four possible configurations of features for a right-angle bracket. (a) Bent from a flat plate.(b) Machined from
a solid block. (c) Bracket welded from three pieces. (d) Cast bracket.

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C o n figuration D e s i gn

• Review the product design specification and any specifications developed for the particular
subassembly to which the component belongs.

• Establish the spatial constraints that pertain to the product or the subassembly being

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C o n figuration D e s i gn

• Create and refine the interfaces or connections between components. Much design effort
occurs at the connections between components, because this is the location where
failure often occurs. Identify and give special attention to the interfaces that transfer the
most critical functions.

• Before spending much time on the design, answer the following questions:
– Can the part be eliminated or combined with another part?

– Can a standard part or subassembly be used?

• Generally, the best way to get started with configuration design is to just start sketching
alternative configurations of a part (Substituting, Combining, Decomposing, Magnifying,
Minifying, Rearranging).
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An a l yz ing th e C o n fi guration D e si gn

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Eva l u ati ng th e c o n figurati on d e si gn

• Performance

• Cost



• Ergonomics and aesthetics

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Be s t p r a cti ces fo r co n fi guration d e sign

• Clarity of function pertains to an unambiguous relationship.

• Simplicity refers to a design that is not complex and is easily understood and readily

• Safety should be guaranteed.

• Minimal impact on the environment

• Design guidelines:
– Force transmission

– Division of tasks

– Self-help

– Stability

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Ad d i tional Design guidelines

• Tailor the shape to the stress or load distribution

• Avoid geometry that is prone to buckling

• Use triangular shapes and structures

• Don’t ignore strain considerations in design

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In te r fac es a n d C o n nections


Fixed, nonadjustable

Separable connection

Hinged or pivoting

Locator connection

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C h e ck li st fo r C o n figuration D e si gn

• Identify the likely ways the part might fail in service:

• Excessive plastic deformation.

• Fatigue failure

• Stress concentrations

• Buckling

• Shock or impact loads

• Identify likely ways that part functionality might be compromised:

• Tolerances.

• Creep.

• Thermal deformation

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C h e ck li st fo r C o n figuration D e si gn

• Materials and manufacturing issues:

• Is the material selected for the part the best one to prevent the likely failure modes in service?

• Is there a history of use for the material in this or similar applications?

• Can the form and features of the part be readily made on available production machines?

• Will material made to standard quality specifications be adequate for this part?

• Will the chosen material and manufacturing process meet the cost target for the part?

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C h e ck li st fo r C o n figuration D e si gn
• Design knowledge base:
• Are there aspects of the part design where the designer or design team is working without adequate


• Have you considered every possible unfortunate, unlikely, or unlucky event that could jeopardize the

performance of the design? Have you used a formal method like FMEA to check for this?

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Pa r a metric d e s ign

Formulate the parametric design problem

Generate alternative designs

Analyze the alternative designs

Evaluate the results of the analyses


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F a i l ure M o d es a n d Effe cts An a l ysis ( F M EA)
• FMEA is an analytical technique used to identify, define, and eliminate, to the extent possible,
known as potential failure modes of product system.

• FMEA Goals:
– Evaluation of design requirements and design alternatives.

– Initial design for manufacturing and assembly requirements.

– Increasing the probability that potential failure modes and their effects on system operation have been
considered in the design/development process.

– Providing additional information to aid in the planning of thorough and efficient design improvements
and development testing.

– Providing an open issue format for recommending and tracking risk reducing action.

– Providing future references to aid in analyzing field concerns, evaluating design changes, and
developing advanced designs.
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F M EA b a s ic q u es tions

• What could fail or go wrong with each component of a product?

• To what extent might it fail, and what are the potential hazards produced by the

• What steps should be implemented to prevent the failures?

• These questions gives rise to three basic elements of FMEA: failure modes
(identification), failure effects (ramifications) and failure criticality (relative
importance of given failure states).

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Ste p s i n F M EA

List each sub-assembly and component number, along with

the basic functions or function chains of the component
Identify and list the potential failures for each product component
11 –– No
List the possible potential causes or mechanism of the failure
modes 22 –– Very
2/3 –High
(only noticed
few failures)
List the potential effects of the failure, including impact on the discriminating customers)
environment, property and hazards to human users 3 – Moderate
4/5/6 – Moderate (occasional failures)
3 – Minor (affects very little on the
Rate the likelihood of occurrence (O) of the failure system;
7/8 – High
4/5/6 notice
– Moderateby –average
(repeated most customers)
customers are
4/5/6 – Moderate (most customers are
Estimate the potential severity (S) of the failure and its effects 9/10 – Very high (failure is almost
7/8 – Low
• 1000 = Harmful or hazardous
List current or expected design controls/tests for detecting (D) the 7/8 – High (causes a loss of primary
•9/101 –= Very
Failure is highly
remote unlikely and
to absolute
failure before the product is released for production functions; customers are dissatisfied)
Calculate the Risk Priority Number (RPN) •9/10100– very
= Need
high to
hazardous (product
𝑅𝑃𝑁 = 𝑆 × 𝑂 × 𝐷 •become
30 = inoperative;
Safe failure may results
unsafe operations and possible injury)

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L o g ic al r e l ati ons hip o f F M EA

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F M EA T e m plate

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F M EA Exa m p le: Ba l l p o i nt p e n

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