PPP Trademark
PPP Trademark
PPP Trademark
Meaning :
A trademark is a any sign that individualises the goods of given enterprise and
distinguishes from goods of its competitors. Or in the other words trademark is a word
or symbol or combination of thereof used by the manufacturer or vendor in connection of
product or service.
In simple terms trademark is a symbol, word, or words legally registered or established
by the use of representing a company or product.
Ex: logo, emblem, signs, stamp, symbol, etc.
Features of trademarks:
4 Mark must not be deceptive: this means the mark must not specify by the name
that the product has certain quality or feature.
The characteristics of an ideal trademark :
• Sound marks
4 Collective mark : Marks are being used by a group of companies can now be
protected by the collectively. Collective mark is used to inform the public about
the particular feature of the product for which the collective mark is used. The
owner such marks may be an association or other public institution or co-
operative of which the enterprise is a member .
5 Certification marks : These are the marks used to define standards . The issue of
certification marks indicates that the product has successfully gone through certain
standard of test specified for a particular product. It assures the consumer that the
manufacturers have gone through regular process of audit to ensure the standard of
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