Stresses in Tracks
Stresses in Tracks
Stresses in Tracks
Arghya Deb
Department of Civil Engineering
Brittle Fracture: Basics of LEFM
•Fracture mechanics describes the process of initiation and propagation of
cracks in a solid.
• In a linear elastic material a crack may originate due to many reasons, the
existence of pre-existing flaws being one prime reason.
•At the location of a flaw, stress concentrations occur. If the flaw geometry
can be idealized to be that of a crack with planar faces and a sharp crack
front (crack tip in 2D), mathematical analysis of the problem becomes
•In that case the complex potential theory of elasticity can be used to obtain
the near tip stress field. 2
Basics of LEFM
• The magnitude of the stress concentration at the crack tip is described by
the stress intensity factor K.
•The actual stress field at a point near the crack tip is described in terms of
the stress intensity factor K times a geometric term that describes the location
of the point.
σ ij = f ij (θ )
σ ij
σ 3
Brittle Fracture: Basics of LEFM
• The magnitude of the stress intensity factor K depends on the loading and
the geometry of the cracked specimen.
•The crack starts propagating when the stress intensity factor K becomes
equal to the critical stress intensity factor Kc which is a material property and
is also known as the fracture toughness of the material.
•The expressions for the stress intensity factors in each of these three modes
are typically different i.e.
Basics of LEFM
Basics of LEFM
•An alternative but ultimately equivalent approach to understanding brittle
fracture is based on Griffith’s fracture energy criterion.
•The growth of a crack requires the creation of two new surfaces and hence
an increase in the surface energy ( )
• This critical value of the stored potential energy is known as the critical
fracture energy. Thus for crack propagation:
Gc 2 6
Yielding and ductile failure
•If the stresses, in either compression or tension are in excess of the yield
stress, plastic flow would occur at point A.
•Over time the plastic deformations accumulate. When they exceed the
ductile limit, crack initiation occurs.
Ductile failure: strain localization
• Ductile failure is preceded by strain localization. A uniformly stressed
specimen will initially deform uniformly.
•However at a critical stress (or strain) the strains will start localizing. In a
localized region, there will be large accumulation of plastic strain, while
elsewhere the specimen may actually unload (i.e. the strains may
Ductile failure: strain localization
• It can be shown that the maximum load in the load displacement curve
corresponds to the onset of unstable necking behaviour (localization of
•In addition, cyclic loading – due to stress reversals – may cause fatigue
• After a large number of such cycles, the specimen may fail at stresses
smaller than the short term static strength.
•There are two distinct types of fatigue failure: that due to high cycle
fatigue and due to low cycle fatigue.
High Cycle versus Low Cycle Fatigue
• During high cycle fatigue the maximum stress during the stress cycles
never exceeds the yield stress. Typically fatigue failure occurs after several
million cycles of loading.
•The threshold stress below which cyclic loading does not result in fatigue
failure is known as the “endurance limit”
•If the maximum stress is above the endurance limit, during every cycle at
locations where there are stress concentrations (e.g. grain interfaces)
microscopic cracks (sub-critical cracks) increase by a very small amount.11
HCF: S-N curves
• After a very large number of cycles, once the crack reaches critical size, the
crack will propagate suddenly and the structure will fracture.
•For cycles with a constant alternating stress, with reduction in the magnitude
of the alternating stress, the number of cycles to failure increase
•This is shown by S-N curves where either the stress amplitude or the ratio of
the maximum stress to the short term static strength (S) is plotted against N
(the number of cycles to failure).
HCF: Range of loading
• The number of cycles to failure not only depends on the magnitude of
the alternating stress during the cycle.
• It also depends on the mean stress during the cycles, the mode of the
maximum and minimum stress, as well as the range (the range being
the difference between the maximum and minimum stress).
• The mode of the maximum and minimum stress indicates whether the
stress is compressive or tensile, or whether the loading is uniaxial or
HCF: Goodman Diagram
• This information is sometimes presented in a Goodman Diagram.
• Both the magnitude of the mean stress mean ( max min )
and alternating stress alt ( max mean) influence the fatigue life.
alt fat (1 )
HCF: Goodman Diagram
static mean
Low Cycle Fatigue
• Low cycle fatigue failure typically occurs in fewer number of cycles – tens
of thousands to hundred thousand cycles.
•The maximum stress in the cycle exceeds the yield stress: during each
cycle plastic deformation occurs. During each cycle the plastic strain
changes by a certain amount, say Δεpl
•Unlike HCF, in LCF strains rather than stresses are used in the fatigue
failure model.
•Assuming small strains the strain amplitude during a cycle can be split
into elastic and plastic components:
a el pl 16
Low Cycle Fatigue: Stabilized Hysteresis loop
• The number of cycles to failure depends on the amplitudes of the
elastic strain and plastic strains in a stabilized hysteresis loop, though
somewhat differently.
• Morrow proposed the following relation between the strain at failure and
the number of cycles to failure:
a (2 N )b f (2 N )c
ael : elastic strain amplitude, apl : plastic strain amplitude
• The intercepts of the two straight lines at 2N = 1 are log( f / E ) for the
elastic component and log( f ) for the plastic component. f is the
fatigue strength coefficient and f is the fatigue ductility coefficient.
• At large strains or short lives (small N), the plastic strain component is
predominant. At small strains or long lives (large N) the elastic strain
component is predominant.
• The number of cycles where the elastic and plastic components of the
strain at fatigue failure are equal is called the transition fatigue life Nt:
f E 1
2Nt ( ) b c
Coffin – Manson formula for LCF
• Coffin & Manson also proposed a design rule for low cycle fatigue.
• For the elastic part, the relationship between the elastic strain
amplitude and fatigue life was approximated by:
ael 1.75 E
N 0.12 where 𝜎𝑢 is the ultimate tensile strength
Loads acting on tracks: Vertical Loads
• However this component of the centrifugal force also causes a
moment, M = F cos θ ×H at the top surface of the rails.
• To balance this moment the reaction force on the rails may need to
increase by as much as M/G = F cos θ × H /G
• This force will add to the reaction force acting on the rails due to the
static axle load: (W cos θ)/2
• Similarly wind loads U acting on the outer rail in curves may also
increase the vertical reaction forces at rails, as in the following figure,
by U cos θ × D/G
Stresses due to Vertical Loads
• In addition there may be dynamic vertical loads from wheel
components such sprung masses, unsprung masses, corrugations,
welds and wheel flats.