Dimensions of Personality: Presented By:-Anand K. Phogat Dheeraj Katta
Dimensions of Personality: Presented By:-Anand K. Phogat Dheeraj Katta
Dimensions of Personality: Presented By:-Anand K. Phogat Dheeraj Katta
Presented by :-
Anand k. Phogat
Dheeraj katta
Define the meaning of personality
Analyse the importance of personality at the work life
identify various theories about the formation of
Illustate how the knowledge about differences in
personality make-up would help a manage better
perceive the human behavior at work
The word “personality” has been traced back by
etymologists to the latin word “per” and ‘sonare’. The
teem “personare” means,to “sound through”.The word
person derives from two these two words and
originally meant an actor’s mask,through which the
sound of his voice was projected.
Allport’s definition, in which personality is “the
dynamic organization within the individual of those
psycho-physical systems that determine his unique
adjustments to his environment”.
Determinants of personality
Biological factor may be studied under three heads:-
-the heredity
-the brain
-physical features
Cultural factor
Culture is tradionally considered as the major
determinant of an individual’s personality. The culture
largely determines what a person is and what a person
will learn. The culture within which a person is
brought up is very important determinant of
behaviour of a person.
According to mussen “..each culture expects, and
trains, its member to behave in the way that are
acceptable to the group”.
Family and socials factors
-socialization process
-Identification process
Big five model
In cotemporary , the “Big Five” factors(or Five Factor
Model; FFM) of personality are five broad domains or
dimensions of personality which are used to human
Emotional stability
Openness to experience
The dimensions of personality: Big Five
emotionality, extraversion
Calm, secure, stress free Calm under normal Alert, sensitive, tense,
circumstances, moderate can be easily
stress threshold discouraged