Pump Theory
Pump Theory
Pump Theory
Types of pumps
• There are three main types that will
be covered;
– Rotary gear
– Rotary vane
– Centrifucal
• Centrifucal pumps are the most
common type of pump found today,
we will go into its use in depth
Rotary Gear Pumps
• Rotary pumps
work by using tight
tolerance gears to
push water
• Tolerances are so
tight that this
pump will pump air
Rotary Vane Pumps
• These pumps work
like the rotary gear
pumps, but have
vanes that can
extend and retract
• This pump resists
the effects of wear
much better
Parts of the centrifical pump
Throttle controls
the rotation speed
of the impellor.
More throttle =
more pressure
How the centrifical pump works
How the centrifical pump
How a centrifical pump works
Water supply for the pump
and 2 ½
Tank to pump
Tank fill