Course: Z1748 - Services Information System Year: 2017: Planning, Organizing, and Control Session # 10
Course: Z1748 - Services Information System Year: 2017: Planning, Organizing, and Control Session # 10
Course: Z1748 - Services Information System Year: 2017: Planning, Organizing, and Control Session # 10
Year : 2017
1. Setting goals
2. Analyzing and evaluating the
3. Determining alternatives
4. Evaluating alternatives
5. Selecting the best solution
6. Implementing the plan
7. Controlling and evaluating results
Management Concepts and
• MBO (Management by Objectives): a managerial process that
determines the goals of the organization and then plans the
objectives, that is, the how-tos of reaching the goals.
• 6 steps of MBO process
1. Set organizational goals
2. Set departmental goals
3. Present goals
4. Discuss department goals
5. Set individual goals
6. Give feedback
• BENCHMARKING is a concept that identifies the best way of
doing something and which companies excel in that area
(best-practices companies).
• Policies, procedures, and rules are examples of
standing plans.
• A budget is a plan allocating money to specific activities.
• Scheduling is a planning activity that involves taking the
business forecast and allocating an appropriate number of
staff to give the necessary level of service.
• Project Management means exactly that-managing a
From Planning to Organizing
• Chain of Command
• Increase Span of Control
• Empowerment
• Centralization and Decentralization
Organizational Design Decisions
• Coordination of Activities
• Contingency Planning
• Contemporary Organizational Designs:
Teams and Employee Involvement
• Group dynamics
• How companies use teams at work
• How to build productive teams
• Job rotation
• Job enlargement and job enrichment
What in Control and Why is It
• CONTROL is the management function that
provides information on the degree to which
goals and objectives are being
• It is IMPORTANT because it’s the final link in
the management functions. It‘s the only way
managers know whether organizational
goals are being met and, if not, why not.
The Control Process
Workplace Privacy
Employee Theft
Workplace Violence