Industrial Electronics: Anela L. Salvador
Industrial Electronics: Anela L. Salvador
Industrial Electronics: Anela L. Salvador
Anela L. Salvador
Industrial Electronics
• the control of industrial machinery and
processes through the use of electronic
circuits and systems
• encompasses the applications of electronics,
controls and communications,
instrumentation and computational
intelligence for the enhancement of industrial
and manufacturing systems and processes.
Power Electronics
• The control and conversion of electrical
power by power semiconductor devices (wherein
these devices operate as switches)
• Conversion of electric power
Other names for electric power
converter: Electric
Power Power
-Power converter Power
input output
-Converter Converter
-Switching converter
-Power electronic circuit Control
-Power electronic converter input
• The electric energy in one
form is given at the input
• The power electronic system
converts the electric energy in
the other form
• Example is AC to DC
Power Electronic Systems
• Assembly of components that are connected together
to form a functioning machine or an operational
• Assembles next general building blocks:
– AC/DC Converters- rectifiers that transform ac to dc with
adjustment of voltage and current
– DC/AC converters- inverters that produce ac of controllable
magnitude and frequency particular with galvanic isolation via
a transformer
– AC/AC converters- ac frequency, phase, magnitude and
power converters, both without and with an intermediary dc
– DC/DC converters- linear regulators and switching choppers
Power Electronic System
Generic structure of a power electronic system
Control input
Feedforward Feedback
( measurements Controller (measurements
of input signals ) of output signals )
Comparative diagram of
power ratings and
switching speeds of
semiconductor electronic
Industrial Breakover Devices
• These are solid-state devices whose principle of operation
depends on the phenomenon of avalanche breakdown.
• Sometime referred to as THYRISTORS, which are
semiconductor switches whose bi-stable action depends on
PNPN regenerative feedback
• Also known as LATCHING devices
• Have two or more junctions and can be switched ON and OFF
at an extremely fast rate.
• These are used where rapid switching and high currents are
desired and are often used to control alternating currents,
where the change of sign of the current causes the devices to
automatically switch off
• Another name: SCR—silicon controlled rectifier
• Thyristor Opened the power electronics era
–1956, invention, Bell Laboratories
–1957, development of the 1st product, GE
–1958, 1st commercialized product, GE
–Thyristor replaced vacuum devices in almost
every power processing area.
K b)
• Two Classifications of Thyristor
– Converter grade thyristor
• Slow type and are used in natural commutation(or
phase controlled) applications
– Inverter grade thyristor
• Used in forced commutation applications b
• Physics of thyristor operation
• When a positive bias voltage is applied to the anode with respect to the cathode, as shown in
Figure (b), the base-emitter junctions of Q1 and Q2 ( pn junctions 1 and 3 in Figure (a)) are
forward-biased, and the common base-collector junction ( pn junction 2 in Figure (a)) is reverse-
Shockley Diode: Basic Operation
• OFF State. If the bias voltage applied is very low,
transistor currents are also very low, thus, αDC’s will
also be very low. With this, IAK will be very small
(usually in μA) and the resistance will be very high.
(usually in MΩ).
• ON State. If the bias voltage applied is increased,
αDC’s also increases until their sum becomes equal
to 1. With this the diode current is maximum (both
transistors are saturated) and its resistance will be
very low (approximately 0Ω).
Shockley Diode: Basic Operation
• Ways of Increasing αDC
– increasing device temperature
– increasing the bias voltage
– incident light energy
• Important Parameters and Specifications:
– Forward Breakover (or Switching) Voltage [Vs or VBR] - the voltage at
which the Shockley diode enters the forward conduction region.
– Switching Current [Is] - the value of diode current at which switching
– Holding Current [IH] - the current needed to hold the diode on, or the
current below which the Shockley diode switches from forward
conduction region to forward blocking region.
Shockley Diode: Basic Operation
• Characteristic Curve
Shockley Diode: Basic Operation
• Special terms applied to Shockley diode:
• Latch
• Firing
• Breakover
• Critical rate of voltage rise
Shockley Diode: Applications
1. Over-voltage Indicator. The Shockley diode is used
to protect the sensitive load from possible damage due
to excessive voltage.
Shockley Diode: Applications
2. Relaxation Oscillator
1. Capacitor is initially uncharged, diode is OFF.
2. When the switch S is closed, diode still OFF,
the capacitor will begin to charge to Es. The
voltage across the capacitor is given by:
𝐼= = 3.41 A
Sample problem 2:
• In the given figure of problem 1, the switched
is closed. The diac has a breakover voltage of
32V. If the triac has a trigger voltage of 1V and
a trigger current of 10 mA, what is the
capacitor voltage that triggers the triac?
• As the capacitor charges, the voltage
across the DIAC increases. When the
DIAC voltage is slightly less than 32V, the
DIAC is on the verge of breakover. Since
the TRIAC has a trigger voltage of 1V, the
capacitor voltage needs to be:
𝑉𝑖𝑛 = 32 𝑉 + 1 𝑉 = 33𝑉
The Silicon-Controlled Switch (SCS)
•has similarities with the SCR in terms of
•has two gate terminals:
a. cathode gate
b. anode gate
•can be turned on and off using either of
the gate terminals
•available in power ratings lower than
those of the SCR
Silicon-Controlled Switch (SCS)