Neo Functionalism
Neo Functionalism
Neo Functionalism
The term neofunctionalism was used to indicate continuity
with structural functionalism but also to demonstrate that an
effort was being made to extend structural functionalism and
overcome its major difficulties.
has become a field of intense theoretical discourse and growing
empirical investigation.
First, neofunctionalism operates with a descriptive model of society that sees society
composed of elements which, in interaction with one another form a pattern.
Second, Alexander argues the neofunctionalism devotes roughly equal attention to action
and order.
Third, neofunctionalism retains the structural-functional interest in integration, not as an
accomplished fact but rather as a social posibility! It recognized that deviance and social
control are realities within the social system.
Fourth, neofunctionalism accepts the traditional Parsonian emphasis on personality, culture,
and social system.
Fifth, neofunctionalism focuses on social change in the process of differentiation within the
social, cultural and personality systems.
Finally, Alexander argues that neofunctionalism “implies the commitment to the
independence of conceptualization and theorizing from other levels of sociological analysis.
Colomy (1986) has defealt more specifically with a revised structural functional
theory of change . He argues that the structural-functional theory of change
(“differentation theory”)
Airen Ticudo
Mary France Baal
Romalyn Balid