Zoonoses: Prof - DR.DR - Efrida Warganegara, M.Kes.,Sp - MK
Zoonoses: Prof - DR.DR - Efrida Warganegara, M.Kes.,Sp - MK
Zoonoses: Prof - DR.DR - Efrida Warganegara, M.Kes.,Sp - MK
Prof.Dr.dr.Efrida Warganegara,M.Kes.,Sp.MK
Zoonoses where a non-human vertebratae
(non-human animal) host acts as the Reservoir
of infection and human are involved only
Zoonosis A disease that occurs primarily in
animals and is secondarily transmitted to
human by arthropods
There are two classes transmitted arthropods
(call vectors) : 1) Insecta (Flies, mosquitoes,
fleas, lice, tru bugs) and 2) Arachinida (ticks,
Often more severe in human than in the typical
animal host because the infection in human is
A. Virus structure :
•Rhabdovirus : rode /round 75 X 180 nm.
•Glycoproteins cover p = 10 nm.
•Genome : single stranded RNA ; MW 4,6 X 106
•Have RNA polymerase
B. Reaction against physical & chemical substance :
- Resistant in t = 4C in several weeks.
- Inactivation by CO2.
- † : UV, in t 50C an hour, lipid solvent
(ether, 0,1% Sodium deoxycholic), trypsin,
detergent & extreme pH
C. Antigen characteristic:
Only 1 serotype but the strain can different,
based on :
- Species
- Geographic
- The differentiation on nucleoprotein &
D. Animal susceptibility & Virus growing :
- Wide susceptibility host all animal
poikilothermic & human could be infected.
- Virus : CNS, saliva, urine, lymph, milk & blood.
- Strain :
1. Long incubation period strain (21-60 days)
inclusion bodies in cytoplasm
1. Infected-animal bite
2. Contact with infected-salivary animal
Incubation period 1- 6 weeks
The sign divided into 4 phases :
1. Prodormal phase: fever, malaise, anorexia, headache,
nausea & vomiting
2. Sensory phase : Lacrimation, hallucination, muscle rigidity.
D. Animal observation:
1. Suspected animal rabies killed
tissue examination.
2. Other animal rabies possibility stalled
& observed about 10 days.
3. If sign (+) killed & tissue exam.
Immunity & Preventing
3. Action of passive ab :
a. inoculated infected virus & virus decrease
b. to give enough time to vaccine to stimulate
active AB production to prohibit virus entering
to CNS.
Vaccine type :