mm2 Coffee Case
mm2 Coffee Case
mm2 Coffee Case
Johore Bharu company wanted to launch instant coffee to Malaysian market
The company’s objective was to provide perfect substitute for ground
coffee which has taste and aroma of local ground coffee
In early 1985 marketing team was setup which was headed by Mr Tony Tan
Team came up with 3 marketing position for their new product
Another instant coffee
Malaysia’s first instant coffee
Local ground coffee with the convenience of instant coffee
Per each gram production of instant coffee the cost would come to 2.5 cent
The estimated price of the coffee per gram is 2.9 cent
Launch will be done all over Malaysia
Distribution: intensive distribution
Allowance given to traders
Pull strategy-through television, press, radio and magazines
Advertising: SSCB Lintas worldwide
The market is segmented into instant coffee and ground coffee
Local ground coffee with convenience of instant coffee.
Name- beskopi (name identified by all the races of the country) which means best coffee
Value to the customer- offering taste and aroma of ground coffee at the convenience of
instant coffee.
Finding the potential market within the segment.
Know taste and preferences of the customer before launching.
Creating the customer value.
Product differentiation.