Deterministic Inventory
Deterministic Inventory
Deterministic Inventory
• Ch = $2, Co = $32.
• = Q + 3328000 / Q
• How Much to Order Decision
• dTC/dQ = ½ Ch – DCo / Q2 = 0
• ½ Ch = DCo / Q2
• Q2 = 2DCo/ Ch
• Q* = √(2DCo/ Ch)
• Solution: R & B Beverage
• Total annual cost TC = Q + 3328000 / Q.
• If order quantity Q = 5000
• Then TC = 5000 + 3328000 / 5000 = $5666.
Costs for various order quantities of Bub Beer
Order Quantity Holding Ordering Total
5000 5000 666 5666
4000 4000 832 4832
3000 3000 1109 4109
2000 2000 1664 3664
1824 1824 1825 3649
1000 1000 3328 4328
• Beer to be sold during two days i.e. (2 days) (416 cases) = 832
cases and it takes a new order to reach the warehouse.
• At the cost per order ($32) and the holding cost rate (25%), it
is realized that these figures are at best estimates.
• Solution: R & B Beverage
• If holding cost rate = 24% and Co = $34 and true optimal order
quantity Q* = 1919,
• Given holding cost (Ch), setup cost (Co), annual demand rate
(D) and annual production rate (P)
• Maximum inventory = (p - d) t
• Average inventory
– = ½ (1- d/p) Q