Diodes Video Tutorial: Kapil Chachra Kapil - Chachra@gateshead - Ac.uk
Diodes Video Tutorial: Kapil Chachra Kapil - Chachra@gateshead - Ac.uk
Diodes Video Tutorial: Kapil Chachra Kapil - Chachra@gateshead - Ac.uk
Kapil Chachra
You should be able to explain
• What are diodes & How they work?
• How can they be connected in practical circuit?
• Uses of a Diode such as rectification?
• How can the output wave form be smoothened?
• Day to day applications?
Video Links
• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g54vURe47gM
• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TFgWDcBp-uY
To understand Task 4B assignment 2 the following video can be used
along with simulations (Attached with email)
• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l5b0ZgErKto