Arduino-Controlled Robot: Matti Jokitulppo

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Arduino-controlled Robot

Matti Jokitulppo

Bachelor’s thesis
August 2015

Degree Programme in Software Engineering

School of Technology, Communication and Transport

Author(s) Type of publication Date

Jokitulppo, Matti Bachelor’s thesis 21.08.2015
Language of publication:
Number of pages Permission for web
45 publication: x
Title of publication
Arduino-controlled robot

Degree programme
Software Engineering
Manninen, Pasi
Mieskolainen, Matti
Kotkansalo, Jouko
Assigned by
JAMK University of Applied Sciences, Kotkansalo, Jouko

The aim of the thesis was to create a Bluetooth controlled robot for JAMK University of
Applied Sciences for marketing purposes. The robot is controlled via a Bluetooth LE link,
from any Android phone or tablet using a custom application. The robot itself is controlled
by an Arduino microcontroller, which in turn is controlled by the mobile application via a
custom communications protocol.
The thesis contains a detailed description of the build process involved in the robot
project, along with details and descriptions about the technological choices made on the
assignment. Implementation of the project began first by researching possible
technologies and sketching out the features the final product might have. After getting a
clear picture of the desired end product, necessary components were ordered and
assembled into a rough prototype. The Android mobile application and the embedded
Arduino code were developed in tandem, implementing new features on both platforms as
the need arose.
As a result of the thesis, the customer received a fully functional robot with companion
app, which could easily be demonstrated in fairs or other similar events. It could be
controlled using any Android compatible phone or tablet.

Keywords/tags (subjects)

Arduino, Bluetooth, Bluetooth LE, Android, Robot


Tekijä(t) Julkaisun laji Päivämäärä

Jokitulppo, Matti Opinnäytetyö 21.08.2015
Sivumäärä Julkaisun kieli
45 Englanti
myönnetty: x
Työn nimi
Arduino-controlled robot

Ohjelmistotekniikan koulutusohjelma
Työn ohjaaja(t)
Manninen, Pasi
Mieskolainen, Matti
Kotkansalo, Jouko
Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu, Kotkansalo, Jouko

Opinnäytetyön tavoitteena oli luoda Bluetooth-kommunikaatiostandardin ylitse
kontrolloitava robotti Jyväskylän Ammattikorkeakoululle markkinointitarkoituksiin.
Robottia voidaan käskyttää Bluetooth LE-linkin ylitse millä tahansa Android-
yhteensopivalla laitteella mobiilisovellusta hyödyntäen. Robottia itseään ohjaa Arduino-
mikropiiri, jota sovellus käskyttää omalla protokollallaan muodostettuaan Bluetooth-linkin.
Opinnäytetyö sisältää kattavan kuvauksen robottiprojektin rakennusprosessista, mukaan
lukien kuvauksia projektin aikana tehdyistä teknologisista valinnoista. Toteutus aloitettiin
aiemman prototyypin pohjalta tutkimalla uuteen robottiin tarvittavia ominaisuuksia ja
komponentteja. Halutun lopputuloksen selkeennyttyä tarvittavat osat tilattiin ja koottiin
valmiiksi lopputuotteeksi. Android-applikaatio ja robotin sulautettu sovellus tehtiin
samanaikaisesti, toteuttaen uusia ominaisuuksia molemmille alustoille tarpeen vaatiessa.
Työn tuloksena tilaaja sai toimivan robotin ja mobiilisovelluksen, jonka avulla robottia
voidaan helposti käskyttää ja esitellä messuilla tai muissa vastaavissa tilaisuuksissa. Sitä
pystyy ohjaamaan millä tahansa Android-yhteensopivalla puhelimella tai tabletilla.

Avainsanat (asiasanat)

Arduino, Bluetooth, Bluetooth LE, Android, Robotti

Muut tiedot


Glossary ................................................................................................................. 4

1 Introduction ................................................................................................... 6
1.1 Project background and assignment ............................................................... 6
1.2 The previous prototype ................................................................................... 7
1.2.1 Overview .................................................................................................. 7
1.2.2 Features .................................................................................................... 8
1.2.3 Components ............................................................................................. 8
1.2.4 Android application ................................................................................ 11
1.3 Objectives for the new project ...................................................................... 12

2 Tools and technologies ................................................................................. 13

2.1 Arduino .......................................................................................................... 13
2.1.1 Introduction............................................................................................ 13
2.1.2 Arduino shields ....................................................................................... 13
2.1.3 C++ and the Arduino language ............................................................... 14
2.1.4 Arduino IDE............................................................................................. 14
2.2 Android .......................................................................................................... 15
2.2.1 Introduction............................................................................................ 15
2.2.2 Java ......................................................................................................... 16
2.2.3 Eclipse ..................................................................................................... 17
2.3 Version control and management ................................................................. 17
2.3.1 Git ........................................................................................................... 17
2.3.2 GitHub .................................................................................................... 17

3 The Android application ............................................................................... 18

3.1 Introduction ................................................................................................... 18
3.2 Design and planning ...................................................................................... 19
3.2.1 Introduction............................................................................................ 19
3.2.2 Usability on tablet devices ..................................................................... 21
3.3 Settings activity.............................................................................................. 22
3.3.1 Layout ..................................................................................................... 22
3.3.2 Programming .......................................................................................... 23
3.4 Robot feed activity......................................................................................... 25
3.4.1 Layout ..................................................................................................... 25
3.4.2 Programming .......................................................................................... 27

4 The robot ..................................................................................................... 27

4.1 Introduction ................................................................................................... 27
4.2 Overview of robot parts ................................................................................ 28
4.2.1 Table of components.............................................................................. 28
4.2.2 Arduino Mega 2560 ................................................................................ 29
4.2.3 Robot chassis .......................................................................................... 29
4.2.4 Pan + tilt servo ........................................................................................ 30
4.2.5 LiPo battery and UBEC............................................................................ 30
4.2.6 Adafruit Motor Shield V2 ....................................................................... 31
4.2.7 NeoPixel shield and matrix ..................................................................... 32
4.2.8 Emic 2 Text-to-speech module and speaker .......................................... 32
4.2.9 Raspberry Pi 2 with webcam .................................................................. 33
4.3 Assembly and building process ..................................................................... 34

5 The embedded program ............................................................................... 36

5.1 Introduction ................................................................................................... 36
5.2 Communication between Android application and robot ............................ 38
5.2.1 Introduction............................................................................................ 38
5.2.2 Motor command .................................................................................... 39
5.2.3 Message command ................................................................................ 39

6 Results and conclusion.................................................................................. 40

References ........................................................................................................... 43

Appendices .......................................................................................................... 44
Appendix 1. Robot parts diagram ............................................................................ 44
Appendix 2. Robot UML activity diagram ................................................................ 45

Figure 1. Previous robot prototype ................................................................................ 7
Figure 2. Pi-Lite LED shield on top of Raspberry Pi ........................................................ 9
Figure 3. Top-down view of old robot wiring ............................................................... 11
Figure 4. Old pin control activity .................................................................................. 11
Figure 5. Arduino IDE.................................................................................................... 15
Figure 6. Thesis repository activity............................................................................... 18
Figure 7. Old application settings activity .................................................................... 20
Figure 8. Settings activity ............................................................................................. 22
Figure 9. Setting an emote ........................................................................................... 22
Figure 10. Robot feed activity ...................................................................................... 26
Figure 11. Robot message dialog ................................................................................. 26
Figure 12. Finished robot ............................................................................................. 28
Figure 13. Back side of the robot ................................................................................. 32
Figure 14. Bare robot chassis ....................................................................................... 35
Figure 15. The new robot and the old robot ................................................................ 42


Table 1. Robot parts and prices ................................................................................... 28

Table 2. Used Arduino pins .......................................................................................... 34

Arduino is a series of popular open-source microcontroller. Programmed using C or
C++, it is intended to be an easy and inexpensive way for students and hobbyists to
ease themselves into electronics. There exists a large variety of different add-ons and
components to enhance the Arduino’s functionality.

Bluetooth LE
Bluetooth Low Energy, also known as Bluetooth Smart, is a new, less power-intensive
version of the existing Bluetooth standard, known today as Bluetooth Classic. Besides
saving battery life, Bluetooth LE also promises less latency for most applications.

DC Motor
A DC motor is a type of motor with a magnetic coil inside. When an electric current
passes through the coil, the magnetic force generated proceeds to turn the motor.
The current is passed through a commutator before entering the coil, which switches
the direction of the current at the apex point, so the spinning continues. The speed
of the motor can be controlled by limiting the current, and the direction is affected
by the direction of the current.

An integrated development environment is a type of text-editor usually meant for
source code. Besides editing text, IDEs often come bundled with a host of other
features, such as a debugger, or a built-in compiler.

LiPo Battery
Lithium polymer batteries are a type of batteries very popular in the world on
remote controlled planes. They are lightweight, hold a great deal of capacity and are
capable of discharging this capacity very quickly. (Understanding RC LiPo Batteries,

NeoPixel is a brand of individually addressable full-color RGB LEDs that can be
controlled by a single input of a microcontroller.

Raspberry Pi
The Raspberry Pi is a small, cheap single-board computer. Originally meant as a
teaching aid, it has gained much popularity in the hobbyist electronics community as
being a portable, cheap solution to adding computing power to embedded projects.
It runs its own modified distribution of the GNU/Linux operating system.

RSSI, short for ”Received Signal Strength Indicator” is the strength of a wireless
connection, usually measured in dBm from 0 to -120db. The closer the value is to
zero, the stronger the signal. (

A servo is a special type of motor that is controlled by electronic pulses of varying
lengths. The timing of these pulses tells the servo which position it should move to.
Generating these pulses is extremely timing dependent, and therefore controlling
them through normal computers is not recommended. Since operating systems
usually have many different running processes, which take up different amounts of
resources at times, it is not guaranteed a length of code is always run at the same
exact interval. This can cause the servo to jitter, since the timing may be off by a few
tenths of a millisecond.

Most servos have a limited range of movement, usually from 0 to 180 degrees. There
are many different kinds of servos on the market, from cheap and tiny ones to
models costing up to hundreds of dollars, with features such as acceleration and
temperature tracking and their own microcontrollers built in.
Serial Peripheral Interface is yet another serial data protocol popular with embedded
systems. It consists of one master device (usually a microcontroller, such as an
Arduino) that commands one or more other devices. (, 2015)

UART is a two-way serial communication protocol, which means there is no feasible
way to communicate between more than two chips at the same time. It has two pins,
TX (transmit) and RX (receive). Since there is no clock line, the data transfer amount
per second must be negotiated in advance, before starting communications.


1.1 Project background and assignment

In the winter of 2014 during an Android programming course held at JAMK University
of Applied Sciences, an early prototype of the robot was built as the course’s
mandatory final project. After the course it was suggested that a new version could
be built specifically for JAMK. This new robot could be then used for marketing
purposes in fairs, career days and such.

The new and improved robot would be built mostly with the same basic concepts as
the earlier prototype. It would consist mostly of an Arduino microcontroller
controlling a basic two-wheel hobbyist robot chassis. A small single-board computer
called the Raspberry Pi would provide a live video feed via an on-board camera
mounted on top of two servos, which can pan and tilt in almost every direction. The
robot could be driven using an Android phone, tablet or other compatible device,
over a Bluetooth connection. It could also transcribe speech utilizing a natural speech
synthesis module.
After initial thesis-related meetings, it was decided that some of the more
“technically oriented” features of the earlier robot could be cut on the whim of the
builder. The main qualities the new prototype should focus on were agreed to be
ease-of-use and visual impressiveness. To summarize, the goal of this thesis project
was to build a functional, engaging remote-controlled robot for marketing purposes.

1.2 The previous prototype

1.2.1 Overview

The earlier robot, seen in Figure 1, was mostly constructed out of excess components
and materials left over from various other electronics projects. Exceptions to this are
the two-wheel robot chassis itself, which lays the basis for all the other various parts,
and the Adafruit Motor Shield, which is an add-on for the Arduino microcontroller
used to better integrate various motors and servos into the robot. Those parts were
purchased specifically for this project.

Figure 1. Previous robot prototype

1.2.2 Features

When the old robot project was first starting out, the immediate end-goal was just to
have a small vehicle of some sort that could be controlled through an Android
application via Bluetooth. During the building process itself, many new ideas and
functionalities were thought of and implemented, essentially on-the-fly. Soon after
putting together the chassis and wiring up the wheels, it was noticed that the robot
looked somewhat dull, and that it needed something extra to really make it
memorable. In a previous project, the builder had used small LED matrixes to add
animated eyes to a Halloween mask, and so it was decided that the robot could also
use a pair of eyes for enhanced visual effect. Soon after the LED eyes came the idea
of using another LED matrix for a mouth. This way, the robot could have a face of

After the robot got its face, it was decided that it would also need a voice. Since the
LED matrix used for the mouth came with the functionality to scroll text on it, a way
of sending messages from the Android application to this LED matrix through the
Arduino was implemented. Afterwards, a small speaker was attached to the robot to
provide audio effects while the text was being displayed.

As a somewhat late addition to the project a webcam streaming video to the

application was added. This was simply because during testing it was found out that
driving the robot was quite difficult if you could not see where you were going. A
Raspberry Pi single-board computer was added to provide the functionality of
recording video and sending it through Wi-Fi.

1.2.3 Components

The old robot and the new version share quite a lot of parts used in common. For
example, both of them are built on top of the same two-wheeled robot chassis,
which is then driven through the Adafruit Motor Shield. The two also have a similar
approach to controlling the robot through the Android application, although the old
model uses Bluetooth Classic, and the new version utilizes the somewhat newer
Bluetooth LE standard of communication. Both of the robots also contain a
Raspberry Pi streaming video footage through a webcam that is planted on top of the
same make of servos. In fact, the webcam used in the new robot was the very same
that was used in the old version, as it was originally borrowed from school and was
seen to be a functional and proven solution.

The new robot utilizes the somewhat new NeoPixel brand of LEDs for its eyes and
mouth. They sport features such as 255 different stages of brightness and a total RGB
color space of 24 bits. Each NeoPixel “unit” come with their own separate LED driver,
and they can be chained together to form complex light installations of varying shape
and size. Meanwhile, the older robot uses two orange single-color 8x8 LED matrixes
for the eyes, and a 14x9 red rectangular LED matrix called the Pi-Lite for the mouth,
which can be seen in Figure 2. As the name implies, the Pi-Lite is an add-on originally
meant to be used together with a Raspberry Pi. However, it was repurposed for the
old robot from a previous electronics project. The Pi-Lite interprets commands sent
through simple UART, which means its usage is not strictly tied to any particular
brand or type of microcontroller or computer. While the single-color LEDs of the old
robot might not look as impressive or bright as the NeoPixels, they do have the
advantage of using significantly less power.

Figure 2. Pi-Lite LED shield on top of Raspberry Pi

For communication the old robot uses the HC-05 serial Bluetooth module. The HC-05
is remarkably easy to use in embedded projects, as it does not require any additional
libraries to function, and it sends data through UART, which means it only needs two
pins, RX and TX to communicate data back and forth. Usability aside, the HC-05 can
also be acquired for very cheap online, at least when compared to newer Bluetooth
LE modules.

While the new robot contains a very sophisticated and expensive speech synthesis
chip, the old robot had a comparatively simple piezo speaker to provide sound
effects. Piezo speakers are very lightweight and small components made from a
special ceramic material, which causes the speaker to vibrate when an electronic
signal passes through it. This causes the speaker to emit sound waves, the frequency
of which is affected by the frequency of the signal that passes through the piezo.
Piezo speakers are used in many embedded applications, such as toys, for example.
In the old robot, the speaker played a continuous robotic beeping tune when it was
scrolling messages on the Pi-Lite.

The old robot also included a Raspberry Pi, streaming video to the phone through a
webcam. In the original project, one had to open up a Wi-Fi access point from your
mobile device, which the Raspberry Pi would then attempt to join. If it joined
successfully, the stream could be connected to through the Raspberry’s IP address, if
the phone is in the same network. This is not really an ideal solution, as it is not very
intuitive for the user to have to turn on their device’s Wi-Fi access point every time
they want to use the robot.

All in all, the first robot was more of a proof-of-concept, and its development did not
have any particular end goals or results in mind. New features were added at the
whim of the builder. This had the unfortunate side-effect of the actual physical
wiring of the robot becoming quite messy and unattractive in the end, as can be seen
in Figure 3. More clean and organized schematics for the wiring were decided to be
an important point to keep in mind when starting the new build.

Figure 3. Top-down view of old robot wiring

1.2.4 Android application

As for the companion application used to control the robot itself, it was somewhat
archaic in nature in its early versions. It used the default black-on-white styles of the
Android environment, and contained many features that most people would find
difficult to understand. Examples of such features are the ability to adjust the voltage
of the Arduino’s pins, as illustrated in Figure 4. By itself, this feature does not achieve
much, and it requires other elements such as LEDs to properly demonstrate its
functionality. The simplicity of the end-user interface was due to the fact that the
application would never be released to the public, and it only served a single
purpose, to control the robot.

Figure 4. Old pin control activity


As was previously mentioned, the original robot was built as a final project for an
Android programming course. Development of the Android application was started
quite early during the course schedule, and the pitfalls and best practices in Android
development were not yet fully known at the time. Thankfully, the Android side of
the project was relatively small, and the lack of experience in mobile programming
did not turn out to be too big of an issue.

1.3 Objectives for the new project

During the initial thesis-related meetings, relatively large creative freedom was given
with regards to the end product. However, it was decided that it would be very nice
to have the mobile application also function properly on tablet devices. Furthermore,
the two main requirements for the robot were agreed as ease-of-use and visual
attractiveness. How these requirements should be fulfilled was not discussed at

It was decided that, as a technical experiment, the newly built robot would be built
using Bluetooth Low Energy as the method of choice to transmit data between the
mobile application and the microcontroller. The previous robot utilized the older
Bluetooth Classic standard.

The main reason for this change was the promise of lower latency between the two
systems, which would theoretically increase the responsiveness of the robot’s
controls. The practical maximum speed packets could be transmitted with the
previous prototype was once in around 115 milliseconds. Any faster output and the
Arduino microcontroller could not keep up, and the packets would keep piling on in
the serial buffer, which would eventually cause a fatal crash.


2.1 Arduino

2.1.1 Introduction

Arduino is the name of an Italy-based popular electronics platform that aims to be as

easy-to-use as possible. Both the hardware and software are completely open-
source. It is intended for easy and fast prototyping, and is mostly aimed towards
aspiring students without a background in electronics or programming. (,

Arduinos come in many different varieties. Most of them are based around the AVR-
series of chips, which are manufactured by Atmel. While it is these chips that provide
all the real functionality, the Arduino board simply makes using them that much
easier. It can be argued that, for experienced electronics users, the true value of
Arduino comes not from the boards, but the entire open-source ecosystem that has
grown around them, and all the libraries and communities they provide.

Arduino was picked for this project because it is beginner-friendly, easy to develop
for and has a wealth of examples and tutorials online. It is important to keep in mind
that the ultimate goal of this robot project is to create something fun and
approachable, that can be understood and digested by anyone.

2.1.2 Arduino shields

Arduino shields are pluggable add-ons that can be stacked on top of the Arduino
board to further extend its capabilities (, 2015). There exist hundreds of
different kinds of shields on the market, both official and unofficial. They provide
features such as wireless communication in the form of Wi-Fi or radio, easier
communication with motors and servos, added sensors and much more. For this
particular project, a shield called the Adafruit Motor Shield was used to control the
two DC motors and two servos.
2.1.3 C++ and the Arduino language

C++ is an object-oriented superset of the C language, originally developed by Bjarne

Stroustrup from 1979. (, 2007). Since its inception, it has influenced
many other programming languages, such as C# and Java. It is mostly designed for
system programming and embedded, performance-intensive systems. (B. Stroustrup,

While C++ is said to be a superset of the C language, the language used to program
the Arduino family of microcontroller can be thought of as a subset of C++. While
many of the familiar paradigms of C++ programming, such as object-oriented
programming, are mostly too memory-intensive for embedded usage, the Arduino
language is basically just a set of C/C++ functions.

The following is an example of a bare-minimum Arduino program:

The setup- and loop functions are the only two required functions that must always
exist in a valid Arduino program. The setup function is called once, when the
microcontroller is first powered up, at the beginning of the program. The program
then proceeds to run forever inside the function called loop.

2.1.4 Arduino IDE

The Arduino IDE is a multi-platform development platform for creating embedded

programs that run on the many various Arduino microcontrollers. As seen in Figure 5,
it is rather basic in its functionality when compared to many other modern IDEs.
However, for small-scale hobbyist projects its relative lack of modern features, such
as code auto-completion, is not an issue.

Figure 5. Arduino IDE

Deployment of the code to the microcontroller in the Arduino IDE is quite

streamlined. One just needs to attach an USB cable to the to the USB port of the
Arduino, pick the right board model from the IDE and upload the code. The entire
Arduino IDE with its many utility libraries is actually just a user-friendly wrapper
around the AVR-GCC compiler, which handles compiling the source code to a format
that the Arduino’s on-board ATmega can understand. After the code has been
checked for errors and compiled into binary, another utility program by the name of
AVRDUDE (short for AVR Downloader/UploaDEr) handles the uploading and saving of
the program to the Arduino itself. Many advanced users choose to bypass relative
unwieldiness of the Arduino IDE by using their preferred text editor/IDE, and just use
the AVR-GCC and AVRDUDE as stand-alone programs.

2.2 Android

2.2.1 Introduction

Android is a very popular Linux-based operating system, specifically tailored for

smartphones and tablets. It is estimated there are currently over one billion devices
running Android in the world (, 2015). Besides tablets and phones,
Android is also found in TVs, wrist watches and cards, for instance.

Being based on the Linux kernel, Android is open-source technology. Android was
originally developed by Android Inc., however the company was acquired by Google
in 2005, who is the current maintainer of Android. Even though Android is technically
an open source technology, most manufacturers include at least some closed-source
proprietary drivers, depending on the model. This has the unwanted side-effect of
many Android devices being difficult to update, as Google cannot simply release a
new version of the operating system. Because of this, Android has been criticized for
having a lot of fragmentation with regards to its many different versions. This makes
it difficult for Android developers, as they may have to develop for many wildly
differing versions of Android.

For this project the reason Android was picked as the development platform of
choice was that there already existed precedent of Android being a well-suited
platform from the previous project.

2.2.2 Java

Much like C++, Java is also an object-oriented general purpose programming

language (J. Gosling 2015). It was created by James Gosling in 1995, who was
working for Sun Microsystems at the time. Sun Microsystems was acquired by Oracle
Corporation in 2010, who have continued its development and maintenance ever

Java has quite a many uses, and one of the more popular uses is in programming
mobile applications for the Android platform. In this particular project, the logic of
the robot itself is programmed in C++ as mentioned before, and the mobile
application used to control it is programmed in Java.
2.2.3 Eclipse

Like the Arduino IDE, Eclipse is also a type of integrated development environment.
While the Arduino IDE is mostly meant for beginners that are easing themselves into
embedded programming, Eclipse attempts to target the enterprise audience. Eclipse
is most known for its Java features, however, it also supports many other languages,
such as C++ or PHP in the form of plugins. (The Eclipse Foundation, 2015).

In this particular thesis project, Eclipse was used as the main platform for developing
the Android application. However, it bears mentioning that since starting this project,
Eclipse has been phased out by Google as the Android IDE of choice, in favor of their
own IDE Android Studio (J. Eason, 2015). A switch to Android Studio was not deemed
necessary during this project, as the groundwork laid during the development of the
previous robot was entirely made with Eclipse, and changing IDEs was deemed

2.3 Version control and management

2.3.1 Git

Git is a distributed, open-source version control system. Basically, Git works by saving
and sending snapshots of a project to a remote repository. Other people can then
commit and pull changes to this repository. Being distributed, with Git there is no
urgent need for hosting a version management service online, because every Git
repository contains the entire unabridged history of the project.

Git was originally created by Linus Torvalds, to aid in the development of the Linux
kernel. Even though it is traditionally a command-line program, lacking a graphical
interface, many such third-party programs have surfaced since Git’s inception.

2.3.2 GitHub

GitHub is a social hosting service strictly for Git repositories. GitHub is a very popular
medium for developers around the world to collaborate with each other on different
projects. Users can create and host their own public Git repositories for free, but
private repositories cost a monthly fee. Users can also interact with other users by
contributing to their projects, for example, in the form of pull requests. Besides just
hosting repositories, it also contains many additional features such as issue tracking,
a wiki for documentation and enhanced pull request flow. (

During this project, Git and GitHub were mostly used just as a practical way to back
up and version both the application code and the written thesis itself. A private
repository was created for the thesis. The commit history of the repository is
visualized in Figure 6.

Figure 6. Thesis repository activity


3.1 Introduction
After much planning and testing, the final mobile application used to control the
robot itself became quite simple in its functionality. Many features were dropped
from the previous prototype (namely, the ability to control the voltage of the
Arduino microcontroller’s different pins), because it was decided that they did not
really fit the final purpose of the new robot prototype, namely being easy to use and
looking pleasant. Also, a lot of the different configuration settings were dropped or
heavily simplified, as they did not really bring any added value to the end-user.
The application itself consists of just two main activities. For all intents and purposes,
in the context of Android programming one can think of activities to be the various
different “screens” that make up a whole mobile application. Each activity has a
separate XML-based layout file, and its own related Java file, which contains all the
logic and code related to the activity in question.

When the user launches the application, they’re first greeted with a settings screen.
After the user has paired their phone with the robot’s Bluetooth LE module, they can
move on to the driving activity. Here they can control the robot with a joystick

3.2 Design and planning

3.2.1 Introduction

In terms of designing the final look of the application, most of the hard work was
already done in the context of the previous project. Just the color scheme of the
application was changed, from the default black-and-white palette to a darker one.

However, the fact that the application would be used by a person not familiar with
the project did bring some additional design constraints that had to be kept in mind
during the development process. The original Android application was developed in a
rather fast pace, and it contained a lot of superfluous settings and such, mostly
meant for debugging purposes, as can be seen in Figure 7. When starting up the
application, the most likely intent of the user is to want to start driving around the
robot as soon as possible. Therefore, it makes the most sense to give all the
configurable settings functional default values, and streamline the process of getting
to the controlling part of the application.

Figure 7. Old application settings activity

Of all the superfluous settings, probably the worst offenders are the camera port and
video size related inputs on the topmost section. Unlike the IP address, there is really
no way for either of these variables to change from its default setting of 5000 on the
Raspberry Pi side. In the new version of the Android application, the port field was
removed, and the two size-related inputs were replaced with a single dropdown.

Furthermore, the original mobile application also had a large list of Bluetooth devices
at the center of the activity. Upon clicking the button labeled “Find new devices”,
scanning of active Bluetooth devices would begin, and found devices would then be
appended to the end of this list. This approach is quite necessary, mainly because it
takes a lot of space and generates a great deal of unnecessary clutter. In the new
version, the list would be moved to an entirely separate dialog.
Due to being quite simple in its layout, the feed activity used to control the robot did
not need major redesigning. The new version turned out to be nearly identical to the
original one, with the exception of some additional buttons and an indicator
displaying the strength of the Bluetooth signal.
3.2.2 Usability on tablet devices

One of the objectives for the new version of the Android application was that it
should be usable on Android tablets. Developing on tablet devices is quite similar to
developing on mobile phones. The only major exceptions are a general lack of
features very characteristic of mobile phones, such as making phone call or sending
SMS. More relevant to this project in particular is the fact that tablets often have
much larger screens. Instead of ordinary pixels, in the context of Android
programming, screen size is more often presented in density-independent pixels, or
dp for short. One dp has officially been defined as equivalent to one physical pixel on
a 160 dpi screen. (

To help developers in providing a consistent and pleasant user experience no matter

what the size of their device, Android offers a variety of ways. For the most control,
you can provide separate layout files for different screen sizes. In practice, one just
needs to make a new subfolder under the resource folder of their Android project,
and name it accordingly. For example, if one wants to specifically target big tablet
devices, they might create a folder called “layout-large”, and put their size-specific
layout files there.

In smaller applications such as this one, providing different layout files for different
devices is not really necessary. With careful planning and styling of elements, one
can create layouts that work well both on mobile and tablet devices. Besides using
the aforementioned density-independent pixels for indicating the width and height
of graphical elements, the Android API also offers ways to define size relative to the
element’s parent container. For example, in Figure 8 the width of the two buttons
labeled “Find devices” and “Go!” are defined with the value “fill_parent”. This causes
the buttons to be as wide as their parent element, which in this case, is the activity
itself. Because of this, the buttons look quite similar no matter what the screen size.

3.3 Settings activity

3.3.1 Layout

This is the view where the application starts in, so in essence it might be called the
“main” activity of the whole application. As can be seen in Figures 8 and 9, there are
many different options that can be configured through this particular activity. For
example, the user can configure camera settings. Since the feed is sent via Wi-Fi, the
IP address of the Raspberry Pi might not be the same in all cases. Therefore it makes
the most sense to let the user configure the webcam IP address to whatever they
wish. There is also the option to disable the video entirely, since during testing it was
found out that it might slow down some older phones somewhat.

Figure 8. Settings activity Figure 9. Setting an emote

You can also change the update speed in milliseconds for the video feed view. This
controls how often data is sent to the robot. Changing this to a lower number makes
driving the robot feel more responsive, but setting it too low may cause the robot to
act erratically if the Bluetooth module crashes due to too much data in its buffer. In
the worst case scenario, this can lead to the robot driving out of control, and in need
of being physically being restarted.

Below the video settings is a line of four buttons used to set up different emotes.
Pressing these allow you to set up predetermined phrases for the robot to say, so on
the robot feed activity you do not have to open up the message dialog every single
time you want the robot to say something.

From the settings the user can also pair with new Bluetooth devices. The dark gray
button at the middle titled “Find devices” opens a pop-up window and initiates the
discovery process for new Bluetooth devices and appends them to a list as they are
found. From this list the user can select devices and attempt to pair and form a
connection, after which he or she can move on to the second activity.

After a successful connection to the robot has been formed, the user can move on to
the next activity, which is the robot feed activity.

3.3.2 Programming

The main functionality of the code behind the Settings activity is to simply keep tabs
on some different kinds of input fields used for configuration for the rest of the app.
These settings are saved and loaded from Android’s SharedPreferences, which is a
simple way to store values in between application sessions.

The other main functionality of this particular activity worth mentioning is the pairing
of Bluetooth devices, which is handled in this view. The user can press a button to
initiate scanning for new, unknown devices. If any are found they’re then appended
to the end of the list. Clicking on an item in the list initiates pairing with a Bluetooth
device. The Bluetooth device is then paired with the phone and the output stream is
passed on to BluetoothStreamManager, and the user can proceed to the stream
The job of the BluetoothStreamManager is ensuring data is properly transmitted to
the robot. It offers a simple interface for common Bluetooth related actions such as
connecting to a device, getting the strength and state of the Bluetooth connection,
and transmitting data. The other activities of the application can then use this class
to send commands to the Arduino, which are then captured in the device’s output.
The relevant function that writes the data to the output is as follows:

public void writeData(byte[] data)

if (connectionState == STATE_CONNECTED)
BluetoothGattService rxService = bluetoothGatt.getService(RX_SERVICE_UUID);

if (rxService == null)

BluetoothGattCharacteristic RxChar = rxService.getCharacteristic(RX_CHAR_UUID);

if (RxChar == null)


The BluetoothGattService is a class that represents a GATT service. GATT is an

acronym that stands for Generic Attribute Profile. A Bluetooth GATT Service contains
one or more predefined data formats that are called Characteristics. Each Service is
identified by a unique id called an UUID. In this case, we simply want to write data to
the Bluetooth LE module, so we fetch the appropriate Characteristic by a predefined
UUID, set its payload of bytes to send, and then write the characteristic to the
Bluetooth module.

There exists quite a large list of official standardized Bluetooth services online, from
tracking blood pressure to body composition. These specifications can be found on
the official Bluetooth Developer Portal. As an important side note, no such
specification exists for Serial UART for whatever reason. Because of this, Adaruit has
written their own unofficial custom UART GATT server that runs on the Arduino, and
can be used for simple serial communication.

The BluetoothStreamManager also holds a reference to the current activity, so it can

display an error dialog if it loses connection to the Bluetooth module. This dialog
prompts the user to return to the Settings activity and attempt to repair devices.

In the previous iteration of the Android application, the class that managed the
Bluetooth connection was quite a bit more complex. Activities using the class could
not write data to the Arduino directly, nevertheless, instead they would push data to
a queue. A separate thread would then write the data from this queue to the output
stream. This entire queue system was decided to be quite over-engineered for this
particular use-case, since there was not really all that much data being transmitted
between the different activities.

3.4 Robot feed activity

3.4.1 Layout

This is the part of the application where most of the action happens. As can be seen
in Figure 10., The majority of the activity is taken by the video feed. There are some
transparent controls located at the bottom. There are two “joysticks” on the
bottom-left and bottom-right parts of the screen. The left joystick is used to control
the movement of the robot. So for example, if the user pushes the left joystick to the
left, the robot will start turning to the left. The right joystick is used to pan and tilt
the camera around. The further away from the center of the joystick you pull the
faster the robot will move.

Figure 10. Robot feed activity

The button on the bottom labeled “Message” opens up a simple dialog with a text
box, as seen in Figure 11. In it, you can type in text for the robot to display. This will
cause the robot to actually speak the message out loud, using an on-board speech
synthesis chip. The four other buttons labeled with “emote” can be used to make the
robot say the predetermined phrases that were set in the settings screen.

Figure 11. Robot message dialog

There is also a simple indicator on the top left for the strength of the Bluetooth
connection. Signal strength is received from the module as an RSSI (received signal
strength indicator), which is then then calculated and shown to the user as a more
intuitive percentage value.
3.4.2 Programming

The most important job of the logic behind the Feed activity is to send data to the
Arduino every x milliseconds, where x is the update speed value specified on the
settings screen. Data is transmitted as an array of bytes, with is then interpreted on
the side of the embedded program. Most of the time, this byte array contains values
that tell the robot what it should do in terms of movement. The two joysticks on the
screen are used to get user input, which these motor valued are then calculated
from. This communication protocol will be further extrapolated on in the upcoming
The activity also contains a button that opens up a dialog where the user can send
things for the robot to say. It also contains an implementation of the AsyncTask class,
which is used to fetch the video feed asynchronously from the webcam, server,
provided the user has previously enabled that particular feature in the settings

The two joystick components on the bottom of the screen have an event-listener
that updates on the joystick moving, and you can get their angle, power and
direction out of it. This particular component is originally developed by GitHub-user
Zerokol, with some modifications made here and there to ensure the best fit for the
project at hand. These changes are mostly related to the speed at which the joystick
event listeners update themselves. Originally, they were too slow. However, it was a
simple fix to increase their update speed, therefore improving the latency of the


4.1 Introduction
As illustrated in Figure 12, physically the new build of the robot looks quite similar to
the old one. At a glance, the most significant physical differences are the new, larger
eyes and mouth. Building the actual robot somewhat bit easier than in the previous
project, as there was a much clearer general idea of parts needed and how they
would fit together. Most of the new challenges in the actual building phase of the
project came from the increased power requirements. All in all, building the new
robot took about 50 hours, total.

Figure 12. Finished robot

4.2 Overview of robot parts

4.2.1 Table of components

Table 1 contains a short listing of all the different parts purchased during the project.
Some of the parts were loaned from school for the purpose of this project, so their
price is excluded from the listing. Refer to Figure 9 to see how the parts come
together to make the final build.

Table 1. Robot parts and prices

Part Cost (€)
Pan + tilt servo 30
4000 mAh LiPo 7.2V battery + 5V/9A UBEC 40,2
2 NeoPixel NeoMatrix 8x8 59
NeoPixel Shield 26,61
Adafruit Motor Shield V2 17,56
Emic 2 Text-to-Speech module 59,95
Small speaker 1,95
Robot chassis with motors 56
Bluetooth LE module (NRF8001) 34,85
Assorted wiring, resistors, etc. 15
Raspberry Pi 2 (Loaned from school) N/A
Webcam (Loaned from school) N/A
W-iFi adapter 20
Arduino Mega 45
Total: 406,12 €

4.2.2 Arduino Mega 2560

Functioning as the “brains” of the robot is an Arduino Mega 2560 microcontroller.

The Arduino handles essentially all the functionality, from animating the eyes and
mouth and moving the wheels and servos to reading data from the Bluetooth

In the original project, the Arduino Uno was used. The Uno is slightly cheaper than
the Mega, and comes with somewhat less memory, pins and various other features.
The Arduino Uno has 2,048 bytes of memory, and the Mega has four times as much,
which is 8192 bytes. The small amount of memory in the Uno ended up being
deciding factor for the upgrade, as it turns out the libraries needed to interface with
the Bluetooth module and the NeoPixels needed a lot more memory than was
anticipated. This put the size of the final program just over the 2,048 byte limit. The
Uno and the Mega both run at a clock rate of 16MHz, which means both are equally
fast in terms of computing power.

Besides having more memory, the Mega also has a lot more pins for input and
output, with 54 digital pins and 16 analog pins. For reference, the Uno has 14 digital
pins and 6 analog pins. However, the large amount of pins in the Mega is not really
put to use in this particular project, as the upgrade was made strictly due to memory

4.2.3 Robot chassis

This is the “body” of the robot, so to speak. The kit itself contains two cheap DC
motors and a caster ball for movement, two metal plates with a variety of mounting
holes and rails, a standard battery pack that can hold up to 5 AA batteries and a
switch that is meant to be used to turn the aforementioned battery pack off and on.

This is the same hobby kit that was used in the previous prototype. It was chosen
because it had proved to be a good and affordable solution. However, the cheap
motors ended up causing some issues, as when the robot reached a certain speed,
they started to generate a critical amount of electrical noise which caused the
Arduino to operate in an unstable manner. This was fixed quite easily by soldering
some noise suppression capacitors to the motors and the metal chassis, to remove
excess interference.

4.2.4 Pan + tilt servo

Originally intended for mounting a security camera, this component consists of two
servos laid on top of each other in a manner that allows a movement range of almost
360 degrees. Naturally, this range must be limited on the side of the embedded code,
as otherwise the eye stalks could potentially get stuck on the wiring on the back of
the robot.

On the top servo sits the webcam that is connected to the Raspberry. The two-servo
system gives the camera a lot of flexibility, and allows it to capture video at a variety
of different angles. The eyes and mouth are also mounted to the top servo.

This particular make of servo was chosen because it was already tested during the
previous project, and they proved to be a fine solution.

4.2.5 LiPo battery and UBEC

Nearly the whole robot is powered by a single 7.2 volt lithium polymer battery,
originally designed for RC cars. The exceptions to this are the motors and the servos,
which are powered from a different source. The reason for this is to avoid instability-
causing voltage drops under heavy loads. While one is planning out a project that
incorporates microcontrollers interacting with servos or motors or other “heavy-
duty” components, one should always remember to separate their power supplies.

Since all the components are rated for 5 volts, the LiPo battery is connected to a
Universal Battery Elimination Circuit. The purpose of this component is to take in a
high amount of voltage, and then convert it to a steady output of 5 volts. This output
can be then safely used without fear of burning out sensitive circuitry with too much

The components of the original robot were powered from a standard 5 volt USB
power bank. This power bank was originally meant to be used to recharge mobile
devices, but it served its role as a portable, easy-to-use power source quite
adequately. The reason it was not used in the new robot was because its maximum
output was only 3 amps, and the new robot uses quite a lot more than that at its
peak consumption. The most significant reasons for this increased demand for power
are the new RGB LEDs of the mouth and eyes. Each NeoPixel uses about 20 milliamps
of current, and there are a total of 173 LEDs in this entire project. By itself, this totals
up to a potential draw of 3.6 amperes.

4.2.6 Adafruit Motor Shield V2

In this project an Arduino add-on called the Adafruit Motor Shield was used to
control the various motors and servos. The main advantage of using a ready-made
add-on such as the motor shield in is ease-of-use. Most of the “heavy lifting” can be
safely left to the motor shield, and the builder does not have to worry about issues
such as protecting their microcontroller from unwanted power surges.

As an additional benefit, the Motor Shield has a universal PCB board designed into it.
This turned out to be of great help during the making of the project, as the final
circuit could be implemented in a somewhat neat and orderly manner on this built-in
board, as can be seen in Figure 13. The original robot had a separate breadboard that
contained most of the physical wiring and components.

Figure 13. Back side of the robot

4.2.7 NeoPixel shield and matrix

Purely for visual show, the robot contains a total of 173 full color LEDs. Two 8x8
matrixes form the robot’s eyes, and a 9x5 rectangular piece functions as its mouth.
Mounted on top of two “stalks” cut from a plate of metal, the eyes blink and move
around in a somewhat realistic fashion. The mouth also moves when the robot is

The NeoPixel were chosen for the new prototype because they are very bright,
colorful and easy-to-use. However, it is true that choosing NeoPixels over traditional
single-color LEDs did bring some additional engineering challenges, due to the large
increase in both memory and power consumption. Keeping this in mind, the ultimate
end-result still looks excellent, with vibrant and bright colors. In fact, the pixels are so
bright, in the final they are lit up at essentially 10% of their maximum brightness. This
is because at full power the colors will eventually get muddled together, not to
mention extremely bright lights are just generally unpleasant to look at.

4.2.8 Emic 2 Text-to-speech module and speaker

The Emic 2 is a standalone voice synthesizer that takes in a stream of characters

through UART, and then attempts to convert it to audible speech. This makes it quite
easy to integrate into embedded projects, one need only to provide it with power
and send serial data for it to pronounce. Naturally, the module also needs a small
speaker attached to it to function as intended.

The Emic 2 has quite a large variety of different features. It can speak English or two
different dialects of Spanish, Castilian or Latin. The Emic also offers 9 different
speaking voices, and the option to set its volume and rate of speech. It was chosen
for this project mostly for the sake of curiosity. The Emic 2 is probably the best text-
to-speech chip of its kind on the market today, as it manages to sound a lot more
natural than its competitors. However, at 59.95€ the Emic 2 is also the single most
expensive component in the entire robot. If a new robot were built, it would be
worthwhile to try using the Raspberry Pi for speech synthesis.

4.2.9 Raspberry Pi 2 with webcam

The Raspberry Pi 2 is the newest model in the popular series of single-board

computers made by the Raspberry Pi Foundation. For all intents and purposes, one
can think of it as a small computer that has the ability to run custom distributions of
the GNU/Linux operating system. The sole job of the Raspberry in this project is to
host a GStreamer-based server that constantly outputs video from the on-board
webcam. To aid in this task, the Raspberry also hosts its own Wi-Fi access point. If the
user of the mobile application wants to access the video feed, they must first join this
network the Pi is hosting.

In the original project, a Raspberry Pi 1 model B+ was used. The reason for this was
simply that the new version was not available to the public at the time. Like
previously mentioned, in the original project the phone itself hosted the Wi-Fi access
point, which the Raspberry would join. The reason for switching the hosting around
is that it allows multiple devices to access the feed without restarting. It was also
easy to forget to turn on your phone’s access point before starting the robot, which
made the old system very unintuitive for the end-user.
Furthermore, one of the requirements for the new application was that it should be
usable on tablets also. Since most Android tablets cannot use SIM cards, they do not
have access to the Internet through conventional means, and can only connect to a
Wi-Fi access point, not host one. For most tablet users, this missing feature makes
little to no difference, but not in this particular project.

4.3 Assembly and building process

In appendix 1, you can see the way that the finished robot is put together, and how
all the interconnected parts communicate. This diagram is somewhat simplified
when compared to the actual set-up, but it should give a concise overview of the
robot. Probably the most blatant victim of oversimplification is the power
management system. In reality, the UBEC does not just power the Arduino Mega, but
also every single other component in the robot, from the Raspberry Pi to the
Arduino. This visualization was intentionally left out from the diagram, simply
because it would take too much space. All the used pins and connections from the
Arduino Mega to the various components can be seen in table 2.

Table 2. Used Arduino pins

Arduino pin Connection
0 Emic 2 Serial TX
1 Emic 2 Serial RX
2 Bluetooth module SPI RDY (ready)
3 Bluetooth module SPI RST (reset)
5 NeoPixel LED eyes
6 NeoPixel LED mouth
8 Bluetooth module SPI REQ (input)
12 Bottom servo
13 Top servo
50 Bluetooth module SPI MISO (data out)
51 Bluetooth module SPI MOSI (data in)
52 Bluetooth module SPI SCK (Clock in)

In practice, the development of the robot was done in separate, isolated systems,
which were tested and then finally integrated together into the finished version
when they were functioning. For example, animating the various LEDs was developed
entirely separately from the rest of the robot itself. During the development phase
the Arduino Uno was used, as it was cheap and easy to acquire, and the large
memory requirements of the final program did not come into play until it was time to
finally put the whole program together.

Much like when building the earlier version, the project was begun by assembling the
chassis. This task was quite easy, as it was the exact same platform that was used in
the previous project. The same goes for the servos. In Figure 14, you can see the
barebones skeleton of the robot. None of the LEDs were wired up at that point, and
they were temporarily attached to the robot as an attempt to sketch out the look of
the final version.

Figure 14. Bare robot chassis

After the initial body of the robot was assembled, the next phase was to test out the
Bluetooth LE module. Hooking it to the Arduino was not all that difficult. The major
problems came on the Android side, when attempting to form a connection between
the devices. Bluetooth LE is a relatively new technology, and its usage is more
prevalent on Apple devices running the iOS operating system, so there were not a lot
of examples on how to use it. It bears mentioning that, at this point in the project,
the Arduino Uno was used, as the memory limitations were not realized during the
early phases yet.

Working with the NeoPixels turned out to be quite easy, also. Much of the same
animation-related code for the eyes could be reused from the previous robot. The
mouth animations, however, had to be done from scratch. This is because the
NeoPixel shield is just a LED regular matrix, and does not come with the same text-
scrolling functionality as the previously used Pi-Lite component. It was at this phase
that the memory limitations of the Arduino Uno became apparent, and a switch to
the more powerful Mega series was done.

After the LEDs were done, it was realized that the USB power bank with a maximum
output of 3 amperes would simply not be powerful enough. Many alternative
solutions for enhanced power output were looked into, such as adding another 5 AA
battery pack. Ultimately the LiPo battery proved to be the optimal solution, as they
are generally lightweight, cheap and can output a lot of current if needed. The only
foreseeable downside to using LiPos is that they need a specialized charger in order
for them to be reused safely.

After putting the rest of the robot together, the last thing that remained was to set
up the Raspberry Pi webcam server. At first, this seemed like an easy task, as setting
up the stream had already been done in the previous robot, and all the components
used were exactly the same. The only difference would be that it was the Raspberry
Pi hosting the Wi-Fi access point, not the mobile device. This seemingly minor
difference turned out to be an issue, as the chipset used by the USB Wi-Fi module did
not correctly support hosting an access point. This is somewhat ironic, as the Wi-Fi
adapter was advertised as an official Raspberry Pi product, and it would make sense
for it to straight out of the box. This problem was solved by purchasing a different
Wi-Fi adapter, which ended up working straight away.


5.1 Introduction
In essence, the whole embedded program running on the Arduino is just a big state
machine. This state machine is further illustrated in appendix 2. The two main jobs
of the embedded program are handling the animating of the eyes and mouth, and
reading bytes from the Bluetooth module and handling them accordingly.
As previously mentioned, all Arduino programs consist of a setup function which is
run once, and a main loop which is run indefinitely after the setup. In this particular
program, the setup function handles initializing the various components which
together make up the robot. For example, it starts the serial connection to the text-
to-speech chip and Bluetooth module, sets up the correct brightness and state for
the various LEDs, and sets up the servos to their correct initial positions to make the
robot face forwards.

The main loop checks for and reads bytes in the serial buffer of the Bluetooth
module. It also handles the animations of the eyes and mouth, the latter only if the
robot is currently “speaking” via the text-to-speech chip. The amount of time the
mouth should be animated is calculated from the length of the message after it has
been completely read from the Bluetooth module.
Since the Arduino is not running anything resembling an operating system, it does
have a concept similar to threads. Because of this, we use a timer system, where
each iteration, we get the current time since starting up the microcontroller with the
millis function of the standard Arduino library. Then, for each different timer we
calculate the time that has passed since the last action. If this time reaches a certain
threshold, we perform an action and reset the timer. What this does in essence is
allow us to simulate the Arduino performing multiple actions every x milliseconds.

All in all, the robot has three possible states. These states are MOTOR, MESSAGE and
NOTHING. With the exception of the NOTHING-state, these states directly
correspond to the different kinds of messages the Android application can send.
NOTHING just means that the program is currently idle, and is waiting for further
input from the Android application.

If the robot is in MOTOR-state, it means that the next bytes it will receive will
indicate the various speeds and states it should move its wheels and servos.
Likewise, if the robot is in MESSAGE-state, it means that the all the incoming bytes
should be interpreted as letters, which are then sent to the text-to-speech chip after
a final delimiter has been received.

5.2 Communication between Android application and robot

5.2.1 Introduction

Every message send to the microcontroller is sent and read as arrays of bytes, as was
outlined in the earlier chapter. For all intends and purposes, in the context of this
application a byte can be thought of as a numeric value between 0 and 255.
However, since bytes in the Java language are designed to be from -128 to 127, and
the bytes in C++ are from 0 to 255, it was found out that they cannot be directly
transmitted. To overcome this issue, the values sent from the Android application
are from 0 to 127. They are multiplied by 2 on the Arduino side to get the correct
5.2.2 Motor command

Here is an example of sending a simple movement command. The square brackets

represent the cells in the array, and the inner number represents their value:

[[123], [70], [64], [66], [127], [1]]

The first number is a simple delimiter, which lets the microcontroller know that the
following five characters should be interpreted as a movement command, and not as
anything else. Unlike for the other commands, there is no need for an ending
delimiter, as the microcontroller itself knows that the robot command is only six
bytes long.

The next byte indicates the direction the leftmost motor should move in. This byte
corresponds to either the ASCII character F for forward, B for backwards or R (82) for
release, which is means the wheel should stay put. The third byte is the speed the
leftmost motor should exert, from 0 to 127. In this example, the left motor is told to
spin forward at half of its maximum speed.

The fourth and fifth numbers follow the same logic as the last two, except they’re for
the right motor. In this case, the two numbers tell the motor to start moving
backward at full speed.

The last character is related to positioning the two servos. It is a numbers from 0 to
9, which tells the two servos, which direction they should move to. This movement is
relative to their current position. One can think of these as the eight cardinal
directions, plus an extra value that means both servos should simply stay still.

5.2.3 Message command

Compared to the motor command, sending messages for the text-to-speech module
to pronounce is somewhat simpler. Since we are talking about text, the following
example will present the bytes as their ASCII character equivalents.

z Hello! \n

The byte that corresponds to the letter z, which is 122, marks the start of a new
displayable message. This delimiter is followed by an undefined amount of other
characters, and finally the newline character to implicate that the message has
ended, and is ready to be sent to the text-to-speech module via UART. Sending this
particular series of bytes from the Android application would cause the robot to say
the word “Hello” out loud.

As a limitation of sending each character as a regular byte, the robot’s means of

communication is strictly restricted to ASCII characters. These characters are
validated on the Android side before sending the message. The message is also
limited to 40 characters, both on the Android and embedded side.


When it comes to creative projects, it can sometimes be difficult to predict the

quality and nature of the final outcome. The initial requirements, both functional and
non-functional, were somewhat loose for this project; however, all things
considered, the end result of this thesis far exceeded the expectations of the initial
assignment. Developing the application and embedded code itself was surprisingly
easy. A great deal of this had to do with the fact that much of the work in the
planning stages could be adopted from the previous project.

The most significant difficulties were with utilizing Bluetooth LE on the Android side,
as its support is relative new in the Android ecosystem, being supported only from
Android 4.3 and upwards. This resulted in there not being a lot of documentation
and examples and such. However, this was not a huge issue in the end. There were
also some problems with setting up the Raspberry Pi 2 Wi-Fi access point, but this
was resolved by switching the Wi-Fi adapter used to a different model.

Using Bluetooth LE for the communication between the application and the robot
was an interesting experience. However, Bluetooth LE is mostly meant for devices
that need to transmit data to the host device relatively rarely, which is not the case
for this particular project, as it needs to transmit data every 200 milliseconds or so to
maintain bearable latency from the perspective of the user. Also, as the name “Low
Energy” implies, Bluetooth LE is intended for embedded devices with fairly restrictive
power requirements such as heart trackers and other wearable technologies. The
power consumption of the module is not really an issue in this case, since the
difference between Bluetooth Classic and Bluetooth is still measured in dozens of
milliamps, which do not really make a noticeable difference, compared to the LEDs
for example. There is also the issue of cost and ease of implementation, as Bluetooth
Classic modules can be acquired quite cheaply online, and there exists a wealth of
documentation for their usage.

In the future, an interesting experiment would be to attempt an entirely Wi-Fi based

communication method, an abandoning Bluetooth entirely. The Raspberry could run
a web service that could be interacted with the Android application. The Pi would
then be connected to the Arduino, and it could relay the bytes to the Arduino
through UART. This could possibly increase the range of the robot by a few dozen
meters or so. It is difficult to say how latency might be affected with a HTTP-based
solution, but as an educated guess controlling the robot via Wi-Fi might cause some
overhead, and therefore an increase in latency.

It would also be worthwhile to look into using other Bluetooth LE modules, mainly
the nRF51822. They are sold by the brand name Bluefruit LE Friend by Adafruit, and
they come in both SPI and UART variety. The nRF51822 is somewhat cheaper and a
bit more powerful than the nRF8001. That aside, the more important distinction
between the LE Friend and the currently used nRF8001-based module is the fact that
the library used to interact with the LE Friend is significantly more compact. The
Bluefruit library only takes about 426 bytes in total, while the nRF8001-based library
is over twice as big, taking about 1,029 bytes. Changing modules would mean that
the robot could switch back to using the Uno, as there would be no need for the
extra memory of the Mega 2560. For reference, the Uno has a total amount of 2,048
bytes of dynamic memory, while the Mega 2560 has a maximum of 8,192 bytes.
All in all, both the customer and the builder consider this project and its end result to
be a definite success. The new robot looks visually impressive, its code has less bugs
and it has more features. In in Figure 15, you can see the new robot and the earlier
robots can be seen, side by side. Hopefully the new robot will bring joy to people
who get to experience it, and may it inspire others to get into electronics and
programming for many years to come.

Figure 15. The new robot and the old robot


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Appendix 1. Robot parts diagram


Appendix 2. Robot UML activity diagram

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