Production Systems - JIT - QR - LM
Production Systems - JIT - QR - LM
Production Systems - JIT - QR - LM
Pocket flap
Sewing Room
Operator Operator
1 2
On all pcs in the
bundle Pocket to shirt front Reties bundle Flap to Pocket
Shirt front
+ pocket
10 bundles
Operator 1
Line 1
Open bundle 1
Attach Pocket to Front
Retie bundle 1
Open bundle 2
Attach Pocket to Front
Retie bundle 2
Shirt with
Pkt+ Flap
Operator 2
Line 1
a) High work volume
b) Continuous workflow
c) Routing : Basic operations, sequence , work centers where
these operations are performed
Cost efficiency for Individual operations
Better speed and operator productivity
Better use of specialized machinery
Work stores/ Buffers absorbs variation in stock within a section
Simplified line balancing and changeover of styles
Stable on output
Cost of labor is reduced: Max use of skilled, unskilled and
semiskilled labor
Better control on quality
Lot/Shade/Size variations minimize
Increased Productivity due to rhythm of operation
Easy tracking of errors
Operator flexibility is reduced
Extra handling
Difficulty in controlling inventory
Longer throughput time since large quantities are involved
Improper planning can cause bottlenecks, low quality
Inventory cost increases due to Increased levels of WIP
Higher product width cannot be accommodated
Quality flaws can be hidden in the bundles
Uses overhead transporter system to move garments from
workstation to workstation
ALL parts of the garment are advanced together
Unit of production is a garment
Overhead rail system : Main conveyor+ accumulating rails for
each workstation
Cut parts of one unit of a single style are grouped and loaded
directly from the staging area to a hanging carrier in the
manner and sequence in which they are to be sewn
Usually monitored by an integrated computer system
Infrastructure investment : Overhead rails and monitoring
Multiskilled operator
Upto 40 styles can be worked with one system
Bundle tickets/ operator coupons for work tracking is eliminated
because of use of an integrated computer monitoring system
Flexibility in managing WIP and change in operations
Reduced bottlenecks, Reduced throughput time
Provides scope for operator data collection
Quality can be improved due to better visibility
Reduced space utilization
Minimum handling
High cost of investment with long payback time
Specialized training
Needs a carefully planned system
Modular Production system
Production is done in modules( manageable work units , self-
contained work team with related equipments)
Module is a smaller version of the unit
Also called cellular manufacturing
Each module has team members varying from 4- 15 depending of no.
of operations
Work can be done as all operations or as certain portions
Compensations / Incentives are team based
Authority/ Responsibility is transferred from the management to the
production team
Each module can be divided into work zones( A group of sequential
Marked by employee empowerment , interdependency and team sets goals for production quantity and quality.
High flexibility
Higher throughput time
Reduced absenteeism
Reduced repetitive motions
Employee ownership
Improved quality
Cross trained operators
High capital investment
High investment in training
Cost of continued training
Needs rethinking on organizational principles
Production Systems
Conventional system : PUSH THROUGH PRODUCTION : High
efficiency, large volumes through production based on
anticipated demand
High volume, Long runs, minimal variations in products
Efficiencies based on maximum output for each unit of input
Efficiency is taken as the measure of performance
a) inventory
b) overproduction,
c) waiting time,
d) transportation,
e) processing,
f) motion and
g) product defect
Elements of JIT Manufacturing
Achieved by
a) Inventory reduction - exposes problems
b) Small lots & quick setups
c) Uniform plant loading
d) Flexible resources
e) Efficient facility layouts
JIT in Apparel Industry
In JIT fabric systems, the fabric shipped is ready for the
cutting table.
Fab. Is inspected at the mill and shipped with flaws
marked, colors shaded and variations in fab. widths
The fab. Is assorted and loaded on trucks in appropriate
qty.s & colors ready for the cutting table.
As the fabrics are unloaded they directly go for spreading.
Hours of inspection, handling, and sorting of fabrics are
Quick Response in Apparel Industry
It is a customer-driven market system which aims at
shortening the cycle time of the entire production and
distribution chain i.e. from fibre to the retail point of sale.
Comprises of three main areas:
Customer Interface (Point Of Sale/Service)
The goal is to have-
better production efficiency,
less labor intensity
greater quality and consistency
more timely delivery
Coined in 1980’s
Global Apparel Value Chain
Tracing back the dress you are wearing
QR incorporates……..
Internet / intranet systems
ERP (Enterprise resource planning) e.g. Lotus software
EDI(Electronic data interchange) – interfaces the
manufacturer directly with the retail sales for seamless
RFID Technology (Radio Frequency Identification Tags)
CPRF (Collaborative Planning, Forecasting &
JIT (Just-in-time)
TQM (Total Quality Management)
ERP- It’s a system which maintains in a single database the
data needed for a variety of business functions such as
Manufacturing, SCM, Finance, HRM, CRM, DW etc . It plans
how the business resources (materials, customers, employees)
are acquired and moved. It vertically integrates the various dept.
or branches of the same company.
EDI- Billing, shipping orders and re-orders are all done
without exchange of paper. In this system the retailers provides
the manufacturer access to retail inventory and POS data for
manufacturer’s specific product line
CPFR (Collaborative Planning, Forecasting &
Replenishment) powered by IT is an Internet-enabled
SCM system
“It’s really all about service to our customers. Our investment in this
technology helps our supplier partners
and Wal-Mart buyers provide customers with what they
want: the right product in the right store at the right price.”
---- Tom Coughlin, President and CEO of the Wal-Mart