Lesson Planner: Here Is Where Your Weekly Planner Begins
Lesson Planner: Here Is Where Your Weekly Planner Begins
Lesson Planner: Here Is Where Your Weekly Planner Begins
Here is where your weekly
planner begins
Contents of This Template
Here’s what you’ll find in this Slidesgo template:
1. A slide structure based on a multi-purpose presentation, which you can easily adapt to your needs. For
more info on how to edit the template, please visit Slidesgo School or read our FAQs.
2. An assortment of illustrations that are suitable for use in the presentation can be found in the two
alternative resources slides.
3. A thanks slide, which you must keep so that proper credits for our design are given.
4. A resources slide, where you’ll find links to all the elements used in the template.
5. Instructions for use.
6. Final slides with:
● The fonts and colors used in the template.
● More infographic resources, whose size and color can be edited.
● Sets of customizable icons of the following themes: general, business, avatar, creative process,
education, help & support, medical, nature, performing arts, SEO & marketing, and teamwork.
You can delete this slide when you’re done editing the presentation.
Let’s Organize!
Plan your weekly lessons, make to-do lists, write
notes, collect interesting resources...
Month Week
“This is a quote, words full of wisdom
that someone important said and can
make the reader get inspired.”
—Someone Famous
Table of Monday
Lesson 1: The title goes here
Lesson 2: The title goes here
My notes Wednesday
Lesson 3: The title goes here
2. Lesson 4: The title goes here
Lesson 5: The title goes here
To-Do List!
To do! My tasks!
Lesson 1
The title goes here
Area: Science
Time: 40 min
Name of Activity 1
Do you know what helps you make your Add a video for the lesson here
point clear? Lists like this one:
● They’re simple
● You can organize your ideas clearly
● You’ll never forget to buy milk!
Lesson Resources
Topic 1 Topic 2
Mercury is the closest planet to Venus has a beautiful name and
the Sun and the smallest one in is the second planet from the
the Solar System—it’s only a bit Sun. It’s terribly hot—even
larger than the Moon hotter than Mercury
Previous Knowledge
Write here your Write here your Write here your Write here your
important notes important notes important notes important notes
A Picture Always
Reinforces the
Images reveal large amounts of
data, so remember: use an
image instead of long texts
A Picture Is
Worth a
Keyword 1
Easy to
Remember! Keyword 2
Keyword 3
This Is a Graph
Despite being red,
Mars is a cold place
Mercury is the closest
planet to the Sun
Lesson Contents
Lesson 1 Lesson 2
9:00 11:00
Day 1
10:00 12:00
9:00 11:00
Day 2
10:00 12:00
This Is a Map
Mercury is the closest
planet to the Sun
Despite being red,
Mars is a cold place
A Timeline Always Works Well
Day 1 Day 3
Despite being red, Jupiter is the biggest
Mars is a cold place planet of them all
Day 2 Day 4
Mercury is the closest Saturn is a gas giant
planet to the Sun and has rings
Big numbers catch your audience’s attention
Mercury is the closest
planet to the Sun
Despite being red, Mars is
actually a cold place
Jupiter is the biggest planet
in the Solar System
Review of Concepts
Mercury is the closest Venus is the second planet Despite being red, Mars is
planet to the Sun from the Sun actually a cold place
Jupiter is the biggest planet Saturn is the ringed one and Neptune is the farthest
in the Solar System a gas giant planet from the Sun
Our Team
Lesson 1
Task 1
Task 2
Lesson 2
Task 1
Task 2
Month Calendar
Did you like the resources on this ● Flat lay pink workplace arrangemen
template? Get them for free at our other t with copy spac
websites. e
● Side view of woman looking at tabl
PHOTOS: et and smiling
● Long view man using his laptop ind
● Casual girl surfing laptop at home
● Boy doing homework with laptop
● Side view of a businesswoman writi
ng schedule in diary at workplace ● Cute colorful calendar
● Planning elements sample
Instructions for use
In order to use this template, you must credit Slidesgo by keeping the Thanks slide.
For more information about editing slides, please read our FAQs or visit Slidesgo School:
https://slidesgo.com/faqs and https://slidesgo.com/slidesgo-school
Fonts & colors used
This presentation has been made using the following fonts:
Architects Daughter
Task 1
Task 2
Task 1
Task 2
Task 1
Task 2
...and our sets of editable icons
You can resize these icons without losing quality.
You can change the stroke and fill color; just select the icon and click on the paint bucket/pen.
In Google Slides, you can also use Flaticon’s extension, allowing you to customize and add even more icons.
Educational Icons Medical Icons
Business Icons Teamwork Icons
Help & Support Icons Avatar Icons
Creative Process Icons Performing Arts Icons
Nature Icons
SEO & Marketing Icons