Service Innovation/ Software Innovation To Tackle The Challenge of COVID-19
Service Innovation/ Software Innovation To Tackle The Challenge of COVID-19
Service Innovation/ Software Innovation To Tackle The Challenge of COVID-19
Team Members:
Ankul Anand (CGT19007) l Chandra Prakash S (CGT19010) l Manjunathan M (CGT19011)
Rescuing the
stranded Travellers
Yext, Inc., the Search Experience Cloud company, announced
its collaboration with the United States Department of State on
an official COVID-19 travel alert and advisory information hub, When people visit this special information hub,
people can enter COVID-19 search queries into the Yext Answers
Bar and receive a contextual, verified answer from sources
including, the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program
(STEP), the Department’s global network of Embassy and
Consulate websites, the official United States coronavirus
website, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC),
and other key resources. Country, embassy, and consulate facts
are built-in to answer queries about repatriation for US citizens
abroad who are unable to travel back to the United States.
Arogya Setu App
• "Remote and distance learning lessons are definitely different than inside
the confines of a classroom," said Blake Everhart, solution training manager
at ViewSonic Americas. "As a former teacher, I understand there's
sometimes a gap between learning the scope and sequence of the
technology side that can match up with the lessons you want to teach. The
ability to create and complete lessons, and how to filter through the many
resources that are out there makes it tough to focus. That's why my team
and I at View Sonic are making ourselves available to help out and make
Helping to return
back to normal
• Salesforce touts for post-pandemic return to biz
• MariaDB offers SkySQL free for virus data analysis. It is offering free
access to MariaDB SkySQL to groups who are fighting COVID-19 and
need enterprise-grade analytical capabilities for their work.
• "If you or your organization in the healthcare, medical, academic or
other nonprofit space have an application that requires analytical
capabilities to analyze large amounts of data, we would like to offer
you the opportunity to use MariaDB SkySQL for free," the company
said. Projects chosen as a good match "will be able to securely
store, analyze and visualize massive amounts of data at no cost on
MariaDB SkySQL."
• Applications can be made online and "must directly support
research, innovation and analysis targeted at fighting COVID-19 or
its effects," MariaDB said. "The application needs to be able to store
and access data on SkySQL. Note, SkySQL is HIPAA compliant.
MariaDB, along with a panel of experts, will determine within [five]
business days whether your application qualifies or if more
information is needed to make a determination."
Hunger free COVID
• 10X Management, WhyHunger team up to fight pandemic
hunger crisis
As we have seen in the previous slides, some innovative solutions designed in service and software industries
across countries in the world to tackle the pandemic. It is essential that innovation and other solutions are also
not constrained by geography, or other barriers in this pandemic situation. Together, we can win!!.