What Is Communication?: It Occurs Between Humans It Is A Process It Is Symbolic
What Is Communication?: It Occurs Between Humans It Is A Process It Is Symbolic
What Is Communication?: It Occurs Between Humans It Is A Process It Is Symbolic
It occurs between humans
It is a process
It is symbolic
Different communication
Bees instruct their hive-mates by a meaning-
laden dance.
Where does communication occur
communications systems”
Scientists study and describe communication
among animals
Certain organizations label themselves
Terminal cancer strikes socially isolated people more often than those who
have close personal relationships.
Divorced, separated, and widowed people are five to ten times more likely to
need hospitalization for mental problems than their married counterparts.
Pregnant women under stress and without supportive relationships have three
times more complications than pregnant women who suffer from the same
stress but have strong social support.
Socially isolated people are four times more susceptible to the common cold
than those who have active social networks.
Identity Needs
Communication does more than enable us to survive. It is
the way—indeed, the
only way—we learn who we are.
Communication does more than enable us to survive. It is
the way—indeed, the only way—we learn who we are. As
you’ll read in Chapter 2,our sense of identity comes from
the way we interact with other people. Are we smart or
stupid, attractive or ugly, skillful or inept? The answers to
these questions don’t come from looking in the mirror.
We decide who we are based on how others react to us.
Deprived of communication with others, we would have
no sense of identity
Identity Needs
Some scholars have argued that we are most
attracted to people who confirm our identity.
This confirmation can come in different
forms, depending on the self-image of the
People with relatively high self-esteem seek
Interpersonal/ Dydactic
Extra personal
Mass Communication
Cross cultural
Dyadic/Interpersonal Communication
When two persons are interacting is called a dyad,
and the term dyadic communication refers
To the interpersonal communication.
Qualitatively interpersonal communication occurs when
The boss yawns while you are asking for a raise. A friend seems
irritated lately, and you’re not sure whether you are responsible.
The way you handle all of these situations would depend on the
intrapersonal communication that precedes or accompanies
your overt behavior
Intrapersonal Communication