VI semester
EEE Department
07/27/2020 1
Displacement and Position Sensors
• Applications
• Linear and rotary type potentiometers
• Linear Variable Differential Transformer
• Linear and Rotary Encoders
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Displacement and Position
• Displacement sensors are concerned with the
measurement of amount by which some object
has moved.
• Position sensors are concerned with the
determination of the position of some object with
reference to some reference point
• Position sensors measure either absolute or
incremental displacement.
• When the sensor’s power fails, some retain the
measured position data, and other types lose the
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Displacement and Position Sensors-Applications
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Potentiometer Transducers
• Single-turn or a multi-turn rotary sensor with an
element made of carbon or any one of a number
of more durable, high-temperature conductive-
plastic film materials.
• Some types of potentiometers connect to the
moving member through a rigid or flexible
coupling while others are actuated with a string
wrapped around its output shaft.
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Resistive position sensor
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String-Potentiometer Transducers
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• Most modern potentiometers are extremely linear and are
made with special alloys or precious metal wipers and
conductive plastic resistive elements to withstand as many
as 100 million revolutions.
• They are usually part of a voltage divider and provide an
output voltage proportional to displacement, but they may
also drive analog-to-digital converters to feed
microprocessor-based instruments directly. However, when
digital outputs are needed, a more common practice uses
digital encoders that inherently provide higher accuracy.
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Advantage Disadvantage
• Inexpensive and simple to • Mechanical loading owing
set up to viper friction.
• Large Displacement • Electrical noise from sliding
• Sufficient output to drive contact.
control circuits • Wear and misalignment.
• Frequency response and • Generates heat.
resolution limited for wire
wound but unlimited for
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Linear Voltage Differential Transformer
• Linear Differential Transformer “LVDT” : it consist of three
coils symmetrically spaced along an insulated tube. The
two identical secondary coils are connected in series in
such a way that their outputs oppose each other. A
magnetic core is moved through the central tube in
response to a displacement
• If ac voltage is applied to the primary winding, equal and
opposite voltages will be generated in the secondary
winding and the net output voltage is zero
• When the core is displaced from the center there is
resultant output voltage
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Advantages and Disadvantages of LVDT
Advantage Disadvantage
• Linearity is good • Wear and tear
• Output voltage is step less and resolution
is good(~1µm) • Affected by stray EMF.
• Output is high. Intermediate amplification Proper shielding is
is not necessary.
• Sensitivity is high(~0.02 to 0.2V/mm per necessary
volt of excitation) • AC input generates noises.
• Low power(<1W), Low hysteresis
• Does not load the measurand • Sensitivity is lower at high
mechanically. temp.
• Low response time(inertia of iron)
• Solid and robust
• Low cost due to its popularity
• Contactless, life is more.
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Rollers spacing
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Rollers spacing
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Injection Molding Machine
• Injection molding machine use pressure sensors and LVDT
sensors to control and measure the opening and closing of
the mold and control the work of feeding and other
hydraulic and pneumatic actuators.
• Target LVDT sensor particularly suitable for precision,
repeatable overload protection, zero and span error of
demanding applications. These sensors do not need to be
adjusted during production, is also easy to install and
maintain, so it reduces installation costs, and has a good
performance. In addition, because of its small size and
stainless steel casing, it is easy to clean.
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Injection Molding Machine
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GSA 750
• The GSA 750 series of short range spring loaded
position sensors were developed for cost sensitive
applications requiring LVDT reliability and
• Available in ranges of ±0.10 inches to ±0.30 inches,
these sensors offer the excellent measurement
capabilities of an LVDT at very economical prices.
• This makes GSA 750 series LVDTs especially attractive
for student projects, fabrication shops, and R & D
laboratories on a limited budget
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Rotary/Linear Encoders
• A rotary or linear encoder concerts rotary or
linear motion to an electronic signal
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Types of Encoders
Incremental Encoders
Incremental Encoders
Rotary Absolute Encoders
Rotary Absolute Encoders
Rotary Absolute Encoders
Rotary Absolute Encoders
Linear Encoders
Linear Encoders
Linear Encoders
Linear Encoders
Linear Encoders
Linear Encoders
Fields of applications
Packaging Print & Paper Wood industry
Application Examples
WIND TURBINE – Absolute encoder AFM60 for gandala and blade angle tracking
Application Examples
STADIUM ROOF – Position with KH53 Linear Encoder
LIFT APPLICATIONS – Height and Width positioning using BGC Wiredraw Encoders
• A wide variety of motion sensors are available
to measure acceleration, velocity and speed
• The instruments used to measure these values
typically do so with indirect methods (eg.
Piezoelectric elements – to measure stress
and calculate the amount of motion that
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• Accelerometers are sensors that convert the motion that
represents the aspect of acceleration into an electrical
• These devices are typically used to measure vibration on
machines. The acceleration detectors and motion
detectors are also used in mines, highways and bridges
that are located in areas subject to earthquakes.
• The most recent application for accelerometers is to
measure vibration on large machines with pumps or
motors with bearings that tend to wear out (un-expected
wear out leads to downtime that is very expensive).
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• Acceleration is commonly measure in dv/dt (delta velocity over delta time) or by
Newton’s Law of Motion that states F = ma.
• Possible to determine Acceleration by measuring the force and dividing it by mass.
• Accelerometers use QUARTZ crystals to generate a Piezo-electric effect that is
converted to electrical signal.
• How accelerometer works?
• When force is exerted on a crystal, it is stressed and through the effect, the crystal
generates an electrostatic charge output which is expressed in terms of pico-
• A signal conditioner, either internal or external, converts the high impedance
charge signal from crystal to high-voltage, low-impedance output that is
compatible with the meter, data collectors and readout instruments.
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• Several Piezo-accelerometer design configurations
Shear (most accurate), upright compression,
inverted compression, and flexural.
• Classified by the way they condition the signal,
In Circuit Piezoelectric (ICP) – If the sensor contains
internal signal conditioning (voltage mode)
Charge Mode Sensor – Signal is conditioned
externally by a charge amplifier.
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A cut-away diagram of Basic Accelerometer
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Temperature sensors
• When you are working with systems where the temperature must
be measured, then several options are available based on the
parametric changes (proportional to change in temperature)
For example,
• Temperature sensor that produces a voltage (measure between,
750 to 6000) – Thermocouple
• Sensor signal produces change of resistance – Resistance
Temperature Detector (RTD) or Thermistor)
• Sensor signal needed to produce a proportional current – Solid
state temperature sensor
• Sensor signal that varies in accordance to the Infrared energy
emitted – Optical Pyrometers
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Types of Temperature Sensors
Resistance Temperature
Detectors (RTDs)
Infrared Thermometry
(infrared thermocouples)
Optical Pyrometer
(Thermal photography)
C = (5/9) (F-32)
F = (9/5) C + 32
• Resistance Temperature Relationships
• Composition of thermistor, manufacturing
• Thermistor in Wheatston’s Bridge
• Linearity of operation(Potentiometer)
• A semiconductor used as a temperature sensor.
• Mixture of metal oxides (Oxides of Ni, Cobalt, Manganese,
Sulphides of Iron, Al,Cu) pressed into a bead, wafer or other shape.
• Beads can be very small, less than 1 mm in some cases.
• The resistance decreases as temperature increases, negative
temperature coefficient (NTC) thermistor.
• Most are seen in medical
equipment markets.
• Thermistors are also
used are for engine
coolant, oil, and air
measurement in the
transportation industry.
Eo = ( ) Ex
RT RT R 2 R 3 R 4
with change in temperature.
If RT=R2=R3=R4
(1 2 Eo / Ex)
(1 2 Eo / Ex)
Thermistor in a Potentiometer Circuit