Consumer learning focuses on how consumers acquire knowledge about purchases and consumption. Marketers are interested in consumer learning because it allows them to influence consumer preferences. There are two major theories of behavioral learning: classical conditioning and instrumental conditioning. Classical conditioning involves pairing a naturally elicited response with a neutral stimulus until the stimulus itself elicits the response. Marketers use classical conditioning through advertising to create brand associations. Stimulus generalization is when consumers extend positive associations from one product to similar products. Marketers exploit this through family branding, product line extensions, and licensing.
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Global Institute of Management, Amritsar Gurjeetpal Singh Sandhu
Consumer learning focuses on how consumers acquire knowledge about purchases and consumption. Marketers are interested in consumer learning because it allows them to influence consumer preferences. There are two major theories of behavioral learning: classical conditioning and instrumental conditioning. Classical conditioning involves pairing a naturally elicited response with a neutral stimulus until the stimulus itself elicits the response. Marketers use classical conditioning through advertising to create brand associations. Stimulus generalization is when consumers extend positive associations from one product to similar products. Marketers exploit this through family branding, product line extensions, and licensing.
Consumer learning focuses on how consumers acquire knowledge about purchases and consumption. Marketers are interested in consumer learning because it allows them to influence consumer preferences. There are two major theories of behavioral learning: classical conditioning and instrumental conditioning. Classical conditioning involves pairing a naturally elicited response with a neutral stimulus until the stimulus itself elicits the response. Marketers use classical conditioning through advertising to create brand associations. Stimulus generalization is when consumers extend positive associations from one product to similar products. Marketers exploit this through family branding, product line extensions, and licensing.
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Global Institute of Management, Amritsar Gurjeetpal Singh Sandhu
Consumer learning focuses on how consumers acquire knowledge about purchases and consumption. Marketers are interested in consumer learning because it allows them to influence consumer preferences. There are two major theories of behavioral learning: classical conditioning and instrumental conditioning. Classical conditioning involves pairing a naturally elicited response with a neutral stimulus until the stimulus itself elicits the response. Marketers use classical conditioning through advertising to create brand associations. Stimulus generalization is when consumers extend positive associations from one product to similar products. Marketers exploit this through family branding, product line extensions, and licensing.
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Global Institute of Management, Amritsar
Gurjeetpal Singh Sandhu
Introduction Consumer learning is a branch of consumer behavior that focuses in the learning processes of consumers. This area has been of great interest to marketers since this knowledge represents an important opportunity to teach individuals in their role as consumers. By teaching them, marketers can ensure that their products and services will be preferred over their competitors. In today’s competitive and ever-changing business environment, it is more and more important for a company and its brand(s) to be able to stand out from the competitors, and to offer something genuinely unique for the consumers. In addition the increasingly growing volume and spread of marketing and advertising is creating a big challenge for the companies to either create awareness of their new products or keep the interest of consumers in their current products. Definition of Learning From a psychological perspective, learning refers to a relatively permanent change in behavior which comes with experience. From the marketing point of view, consumer learning is the process by which individuals acquire the purchase and consumption knowledge and experience they apply to future related behavior. BEHAVIOURAL LEARNING THEORIES Solomon state that behavioral learning theories are based on the assumption that learning takes place as the result of responses to external events. In turn, Schiffman refer to behavioral learning theories as stimulus-response theories since they primarily focus on the inputs and outcomes that result in learning. The behavioral approach sees the mind of the individual as a “black box” emphasizing the observable aspects of behavior. Behavior theory of learning is represented by two main learning theories: Classical conditioning Instrumental conditioning Classical conditioning According to this theory both animal and humans are relatively passive entities that could be taught certain behaviors through repetition or conditioning As a process, classical conditioning occurs when a stimulus that elicits a response is paired with another stimulus that initially does not elicit any response on its own. In the course of time, the second stimulus produces an equal response because it is associated with the first stimulus Ivan Pavlov, a Russian physiologist, was the first to demonstrate this phenomenon in the behaviour of dogs and proposed it as a general model on how learning occurs. Pavlov induced classical conditioning learning by pairing a neutral stimulus (a bell) with a stimulus known to cause salivation response in dogs. He squirted meat powder into their mouths. The powder was an unconditioned stimulus (UCS) because it was naturally capable of causing the response. After many repetitions of the test, the bell became a conditioned stimulus (CS). This means that despite it did not initially cause salivation after the repetitions the dog learned to associate the bell with the meat powder. Finally the ringing sound caused the salivation. The response of the dog over the sound, now mentally linked to the feeding time, is called conditioned response (CR) (Solomon et al. 1999, 66). Applications of classical conditioning Nowadays, companies are concerned with the creation and perpetuation of brand equity. This term refers to certain attributes of the brand that result in customers' personal commitment to the brand. For the creation of brand equity companies strongly rely on conditioned associations derived from learning theory. It is mainly through advertising that companies intend to teach customers. For teaching purposes there are many communication channels that can be utilized, e.g. print- ads, television, radio, or magazines. However, According to Solomon et some channels are preferred over others for conditioning. Example: Renowned American cowboy man and the cigarette, which are immediately related to Marlboro brand. In some cases, companies have no need to include their brand name in their ads since consumers have learned so well to relate certain elements to the brand Repetition Enough exposure to the ad must be ensured for the conditioning to occur. The associations between UCS and CS require a certain number of exposures. Theorists agree that about three exposures to the ad are enough. More than three may be a waste of resources, and in some cases it may have negative effects. When consumers have been exposed too much to an ad, it loses effectiveness and finally the consumer will not pay much attention to it. This is called marketing wear out. It can be overcome by simple cosmetic variations while keeping the same theme and message: using different backgrounds, different spokespersons, different colors, etc. These variations must be carefully made so that the conditioning association does not alter dramatically Conditioning and its disadvantages In conditioning theory there is an unconditioned stimulus (UCS) and a conditioned stimulus (CS). The CS is usually the product or brand that marketers teach consumers to recognize and prefer over others. The UCS is the positive stimulus; usually something that makes consumers feel good, and this must be presented previous to the CS. The order is very important; after the consumer has got a good feeling, the product or brand is presented as the way for the fulfillment of this positive state. For example, showing a soft drink and then playing the jingle is not effective. Because order is fundamental in conditioning. Written media is not the best channel for the creation of conditioning as marketers cannot control the sequence in which stimuli are perceived. Usually radio- and television advertising is preferred for conditioning consumers Stimulus Generalization Stimulus generalization means the more similar two stimuli are, the more likely a person is to respond to them as if they were the same stimulus. The associations between UCS and CS learned by consumers can be extrapolated to other CS stimulus. For example, a positive association that involves pleasant feelings towards a product can be evoked by using another product that looks alike. This human psychological property of association and extrapolation has been well exploited by marketers as well as brand pirates. The main application of stimulus generalization is that it enables the projection of success of one product or brand to others. Example For example, a green traffic light tells the driver when to drive on through an intersection. Not all green lights have exactly the same green colors; yet, we react to them in the exact same way. Suppose you buy an IBM computer. If your experience is rewarding, your response to computers and IBM will be positively reinforced. Later on, when you want to buy a printer, you may assume that because IBM makes good computers, IBM also makes good printers. In other words, you generalize your response to similar stimuli. Example This type of piracy has become popular, and can be illustrated by the chemist's shop own-brand mouthwash that looks like Listerin. The underlying intention of copying the package is the increase of sales by evoking a similar response in consumers who assume that this product possesses the same good characteristics of the original one. The main application of stimulus generalization is that it enables the projection of success of one product or brand to others. The strategies based on stimulus generalization include the following A consumer who learns that Nestles' Crunch candy bars taste good and therefore assumes that their new Nestles' Nesquik chocolate drink will also taste good has engaged in stimulus generalization. At some point, stimulus generalization becomes dysfunctional because less and less similar stimuli are still being grouped together. At this point, consumers must begin to be able to differentiate among the stimuli. This process refers to stimulus discrimination, the process of learning to respond differently to similar but very distinct stimuli. Family branding This strategy takes advantage of consumer's ability to generalize positive brand associations from one product to another, i.e. it uses the brand's good reputation to introduce successfully new products For example, BMW continuously adds new cars and motorcycles under the BMW brand name to get customers acceptance. Satisfied customers may assume that the recently introduced products are as good as the previous ones under the same brand. The final goal of a company is to transform their brand name into an icon of quality; this was discussed before under the name of brand equity Product line extensions This strategy is very close to family branding, with the only exception that the products added to the established brand are related, but not completely different. For example, the well recognized fruit producer company Dole has recently added different kinds of juices to its product assortment. The idea is sound; consumers may easily associate high quality and freshness to the juices, since Dole has been providing fruits since 1851. Licensing It is a marketing strategy where third party manufacturers produce under the brand of a well recognized company. The brand is rented by those firms in order to attain acceptance from consumers that trust in the high quality of the brand. Companies like Nike, Coca-Cola, Harley-Davidson, and Disney use licensing as their business strategy. In spite of the positive returns licensing has generated, it has a major disadvantage: counterfeit products. These products use illegally the brand name of a recognised company in order to increase their sales. Annually, the affected companies lose huge amounts of money in sales, and what is worst; their brand name loses credibility as consumers get disappointed due to low quality of counterfeit products (Schiffman et al. 2008b, 218). Look-alike packaging: consumers easily relate the product's package to its brand. This strong association is exploited by marketers of generic and private-label brands who want to communicate to consumers that their product is similar in quality to the original one (Solomon et al. 1999, 73). Stimulus Discrimination In stimulus discrimination, the reverse is true. Stimulus discrimination refers to a situation in which we react differently to two or more stimuli. Stimulus discrimination is when the organism learns to make a response to a given stimulus, but avoids making the same response to a similar stimulus Keeping with traffic lights as an example, we would push down on the accelerator when the light is green, but put on the brakes when the light turns red. Unless we are colorblind, we can clearly discriminate between the two colors. Stimulus Discrimination It is opposite of stimulus generalization and results in selection of a specific stimulus from among similar stimuli.(Positioning, Product differentiation). Leader companies usually work with product discrimination strategies in order to accomplish differentiation from their competitors while follower companies usually adopt stimulus generalization strategies copying market leaders. Manufacturers of well-established brands encourage their customers to prefer their product over cheap copies; otherwise the results will not be the expected weakening the leader company's created conditioning associations. As the consumer buys the product imitation expecting to get the same or close results to the original one he or she will be disappointed by the clear differences in quality between products. This may have two effects; either the consumer buys again the respected brand product or decides to give up the whole brand and the imitation product altogether. For this reason, companies warn their consumers against imitations. Consumers have the ability to discriminate between similar stimuli. This is the basis for brand positioning which attempts to establish a unique image for the brand in the minds of consumers resulting in high degrees of commitment towards the brand . Because brand positioning is costly and it takes time to achieve, market leaders are vigilant concerning product imitations; look-alike packaging, ads, etc, and they are ready to immediately take legal action against this type of violations. Leader companies also try to differentiate their products from the competition by adding different attributes that are meaningful to the customers. However, the added attributes do not always offer any special utility to the customer; in some cases marketers have been able to successfully differentiate their products by adding irrelevant attributes like color or a non-contributing ingredient. Moreover, the companies that arrive first to the market have good chances of becoming the market leaders as they have time to teach consumers to differentiate their products as well as to associate their brand name with their products. Rule of thumb The longer the time of learning, the greater the product association and the more consumers will discriminate . This means the more history we have with a product, the more we, as consumers, will discriminate. Instrumental Conditioning Like Classical conditioning, Instrumental conditioning requires a link between a stimulus and a response. However, in instrumental conditioning, the stimulus that result in the most satisfactory response is the one that is learned. Instrumental conditioning, occurs as the person learns to perform behaviors that produce positive outcomes and to avoid those that yield negative outcomes Operant Conditioning or Instrumental conditioning is a concept developed by B.F Skinner based on the principle of rewards and punishments. This learning technique is used in behavior modification, child discipline and even dog training. It is the process in which a voluntary response is strengthened or weakened, depending on its favorable or unfavorable consequences. An individual learns to continue those behaviors that are rewarded or reinforced and learns to discontinue those behaviors that are punished. Experiments in Operant Conditioning Edward L. Thorndike was the forerunner of this concept. He experimented on cats by putting them in a cage that had a lever which opened the door. Outside the cage was a plate of food. The cat wandered around the cage and unintentionally stepped on the lever and got its food. After a few more trails, it automatically stepped on the lever to get to its food. Hence, behavior had been learnt as the action of stepping on the lever had been rewarded with food. Whereas in classical conditioning responses are involuntary and quite simple, responses in instrumental conditioning are made deliberately to obtain something in exchange. While classical conditioning is useful for explaining how consumers learn simple behaviors, instrumental conditioning is useful in explaining more complex goal-directed behaviors. While classical conditioning involves the close pairing of two stimuli, operant conditioning occurs as the result of a rewarding the individual after the desired behaviour there are three ways in which operant conditioning can occur: positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, and punishment Positive reinforcement refers to delivering a reward after the desired behavior is performed encouraging the learning of the appropriate response . negative reinforcement, also strengthens responses so that appropriate behavior is learned. In punishment a response is followed by unpleasant events which aim at teaching individuals to perform the desired behaviour in order to avoid the negative effects. The negative results previously mentioned teach people not to repeat undesired behaviours The negative results previously mentioned teach people not to repeat undesired behaviours. Positive and negative reinforcement strengthen the future linkage between a response and an outcome because of the pleasant experience. These specific ties may be weakened under conditions of both punishment and extinction Scheduling A central factor in operant conditioning is the set of schedules by which reinforcement is given for appropriate behaviour. The schedules determine how often reinforcement is delivered; it can be done according to a fixed-interval, variable-interval, fixed- ratio, or variable-ratio. Determining which one is the most effective schedule for reinforcement is of high importance for marketers since it is directly related to the amount of resources and effort dedicated to rewarding consumers with the objective of conditioning the desired behaviours in fixed-interval schedule reinforcement is delivered after a specified period has passed. In such conditions, individuals usually respond slowly immediately after the reinforcement but their responses speed up as the time for the next reinforcement approaches. In variable-interval schedule reinforcement is delivered after a period of time that varies around some average. This means that people do not precisely know when to expect reinforcement, thus responses are therefore performed at a consistent rate When reinforcement is delivered after a fixed number of responses, the schedule is called fixed-ratio. This schedule motivates people to continue performing the same behaviour over and over again. In turn, variable- ratio is when the person gets reinforced after a certain number of responses, but the consumer does not know how many responses are required. In this kind of situations people tend to respond at very high and steady rates. This type of conditioning is very effective as the behaviour is very difficult to modify Applications of instrumental conditioning Instrumental conditioning states that the behavior of people can be directed by rewarding or punishing the person after a good or a bad action. A good action calls for a prize, and a bad action calls for punishment . Businesses use this strategy to get the desired behavior, always reinforcing the people for taking the appropriate action A car dealer encourages the buyer to make a purchase by first inviting the customer to sit in the car he or she is interested in. Then, the salesman suggests a test drive, after which he promises to make a special price discount on the purchase of the vehicle. This example uncovers the fact that more interaction is needed to deliver the required reinforcement in instrumental conditioning in order to accomplish the desired consumer behavior. Usually a good product that satisfies the needs of consumers is already a good reinforcement that shall keep them buying more of the same product However, in some cases, the positive experience of using the product is not enough, and consumers must be reinforced in other ways at the purchasing moment or afterwards in order to achieve the desired learning. It all depends on the nature of the product and the results the marketers are aiming at. When purchasing, customers can be reinforced with high quality service or other amenities. For example, a beauty salon may offer to its customers a cup of coffee or tea as well as free of charge phone calls while they wait to be attended. Yet, it must be remembered that despite the amenities these extra services are not enough if the core product or service is bad in which case clients are not likely to purchase the product or service anyway. Another example of reinforcement is that some hotels reinforce their clients for coming back with small amenities such as chocolate on the pillows or bottled water in the dressing table. Reinforcement and Consumer-business relationship Reinforcement is a very important tool that helps in the creation of personal connections between the clients and the company. Clients that often encounter positive reinforcement when purchasing a product or service are more loyal than those receiving the product or service itself as the only positive reinforcement. Many companies by mistake assume that low prices and diverse product lines are the factors that satisfy the most consumers. Despite this belief, diverse studies show that companies that create personal connections along with low prices and diverse product lines are the ones that better satisfy their customers Relationship marketing refers to the development of a close personalized relationship with customers that is achieved by using non-product reinforcement. This strategy is based on the little “details” delivered to customers by the company. A client is advised by the salesperson about a forthcoming sale, or the “personal” banker gives off-the-desk advisement to the client on how to invest in mutual funds. These are good examples of positive reinforcement resulting at first in a personal relationship between the customer and the person in charge of delivering the company’s product or service, where at the end the company and the client are the benefited parts. Scheduling Reinforcement Reinforcement implies the understanding of the concept of scheduling: how often customers should be reinforced; every time they buy, every two weeks, or once a month? Scheduling must be addressed by the companies because it is related to the effort and resources devoted in rewarding customers. A bad scheduling results in the waste of company’s financial resources. In the other hand an optimal schedule may result in a permanent increase in sales Fixed-interval reinforcement is not very effective because customers may hold off their purchases until the time of reinforcement resulting in extra costs for the company: many people wait until the end of winter season to purchase their clothes for the coming winter. A more effective alternative is the variable-interval reinforcement in which the reinforcement in delivered in a random bases resulting in a higher rate of customer purchases. This is typically encountered in some restaurants, where dessert is randomly offered for free to customers . Consumers can be reinforced also in a ratio basis. In fixed-ratio schedule consumers that buy a certain product can collect coupons that come inside the package that can be exchanged for a gift when a certain amount has been collected. This is usually encountered, for example, in Libero diapers, or in toilet paper packages. The variable-ratio reinforcement is usually encountered in products like lottery or money machines. Consumers know that statistically the more they play the higher the chances of winning, but they don‟t know how much they must play to win Shaping of the customer Reinforcement requires interaction with the customer. It is not possible to have this interaction unless the customer is present in the store. In this case, it is said that reinforcement is applied first in order to bring the customer to the company’s shop. Strategies like discounts to the first 100 clients are frequently used. New businesses also make huge openings with gifts and discount opportunities to costumers that come to the stores. This idea of preliminary reinforcing (shaping) has a key role in increasing the probabilities of customers doing their shopping once they are in the store. Companies recognize this opportunity; although some may come only for the promised gift, many shall stay to have a look around finally purchasing something of interest COGNITIVE LEARNING THEORY According to Solomon, cognitive learning occurs as the result of mental processes. In contrast to behavioral learning theories, cognitive learning emphasizes the individual as a problem- solver entity rather than just a “black box” Instead of stressing the importance of repetition or association of rewards with a specific response, cognitive theorists emphasize the role of motivation and mental processes in producing a desired response. Observational learning Observational learning is a type of cognitive learning that occurs when individuals observe the actions of others and note the reinforcement they receive for their behaviors. This type of learning is a very complex process; the person needs to store his or her observations in memory so that later this information helps them guide their own behavior. This process of imitating the behavior of others is called modelling. Steps for Modelling to Occur Applications of cognitive learning Cognitive learning is based on the idea that individuals are problem-solvers; they always somehow process the available information about products and services in order to solve their problems, i.e. the satisfaction of their needs Cognitive learning involves many complex processes. We primarily concentrate on the description of the memory system and the involvement theory in order to explain how cognitive learning actually takes place Observational learning applications Many of today’s advertisement take advantage of the principles of observational learning in order to teach consumers. It is quite common to find commercials where the main character is the object of reinforcement Example In the case of AXE commercials we see that the young man wearing the deodorant attracts many women. Consumers learn that by using this aroma it may also have the same effect regarding the attraction of women. Observational learning has made the life of marketers easier as they do not have to directly reinforce customers in order to teach them. Memory applications Marketers research memory because they want to put information concerning their brand, products or services into people’s minds; in other words, marketers want to teach consumers. As the teaching happens through media via advertisement, i.e. magazine ads, television commercials, or direct marketing, marketers have to carefully design and implement these advertisements for consumers to learn from them. The difficulty lays in the fact that nowadays the world is so full of advertisement; ads are seen everywhere 24/7, that it has become a background noise to which people do not pay much attention any longer Therefore, marketers are struggling with this problem trying to get their adverts noticed as attention from consumers‟ part is of vital importance for further processing information of the ad The problem of marketers does not end here; first, their advertisement needs to be noticed, then they must be designed so that they are easy to encode, and last there must be a cue that helps consumers to recall the main message delivered by marketers. Attention The attention people pay to advertisement depends a lot on the motivation that drives individuals to find answers for their needs. if the ad presents something of interest to the individual, he or she will stop to pay attention. Also, even though the ad does not offer answers to consumers’ needs, individuals are likely to pay attention if the ad has value by itself; meaning that the information is presented in a surprising or funny way that generates positive reactions and liking As all the information that reach our senses is first processed by our sensory memory, the individual basically has one or two seconds to decide if it is of interest or not. This happens very fast, but fortunately our brain processing capacity is very high and in less than two seconds it can tell whether the ad is worth reading or not. As a consequence, some marketers have left conventionalism to market their products in more unorthodox ways hoping for more attention. This phenomenon in the marketing world is known as guerrilla marketing. The idea is to use unconventional marketing strategies in non-traditional media in order to get maximum attention. Encoding After consumers’ attention is grabbed, the brain needs to encode the information in order to store it in the long-term memory. The information input is encoded into a word or picture that, from that moment on, will represent the acquired information object. marketers aim at helping the encoding process by utilizing brand symbols that can be easily encoded. Example Many recognized brands use these types of symbols: Audi has the four circles, Mercedes-Benz has a star, McDonalds has a yellow “M”. Retrieval After the information has been encoded it will be placed in the long-term memory for later use. The information must be available when needed otherwise one could say that there has been no learning at all For the information to be retrieved the right cues must be present; if not, the person will not be able to retrieve anything. marketers are very active in providing the right cues to bring back the positive things consumers have learned about their brand and products Example TV-commercials how easily a car is parked in a big crowded city or how a car sorts out a difficult road in order to bring up the benefits of the attributes of the cars: the convenient small size and the high performance handling respectively. Applications of involvement Individuals engage in extensive information search when the product is relevant for them and in little search when the product is of minor importance. The different ways marketers can advertise their products. If consumers are quite involved, the product should be advertised stressing the high quality and performance. If consumers are little involved, the product should be advertised using peripheral routes of persuasion focusing more on the form of the message rather than the informational content