Control and Training of Rivers or River Engineering Works
Control and Training of Rivers or River Engineering Works
Control and Training of Rivers or River Engineering Works
The stability of a river does not mean that changes like scouring and
silting of bed, advancement of delta in to the sea etc. will not take
place. It only means, that the river attains an equilibrium stage, and
no significant change occurs in its alignment, slope, regime, etc.
The regime may change within a year but shows little variation from
year to year.
A river adjusts its alignment, perimeter, area, slope etc with respect
to the discharge and sediment load, either by aggrading, meandering
or by degrading. Aggrading and meandering is one and the same
thing except that aggrading is the initial stage and meandering is the
final stage.
How does a river behave on a straight reach and on a bend?
The chief factors which is responsible for determining the behavior of
rivers is the silt and sediment that flows in the river.
The sediment carried by the rivers poses numerous problems, such as :
The newly developed course will be far away from the establishments
which otherwise would have been affected.