Instrumentation Amplifier: Southeast University
Instrumentation Amplifier: Southeast University
Instrumentation Amplifier: Southeast University
Southeast University
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Presented by:
Name: Rajib Hossain
ID no: 2018200510070
Batch: 3rd
Sub: Measurement and
Sec: 73
Instrumentation Amplifier
A special implementation of Operational Amplifiers is the
Instrumentation Amplifier, a type of Differential Amplifier
with Input Buffer Amplifier. In this tutorial, we will learn
about few important Instrumentation Amplifier Basics and
Applications and also the circuit and working of a three Op-
amp Instrumentation Amplifier
Many industrial and consumer applications require the
measurement and control of physical conditions. For example,
measurements of temperature and humidity inside a diary plant to
accurately maintain product quality, or precise control of the
temperature of a plastic furnace to produce a particular grade of
plastic, etc.