Kuliah-6 MetFis2-Crystal Interface
Kuliah-6 MetFis2-Crystal Interface
Kuliah-6 MetFis2-Crystal Interface
Contents in Phase
Background to understand phase Representative Phase
transformation transformation
• Thermodynamics and • Solidification:
Phase Diagrams • Liquid → Solid
• Diffusion • Diffusional
Transformations in
• Crystal Interface and
Microstructure • Solid → Solid
• Diffusionless
• Solid → Solid
Crystal Interfaces and Microstructure
A A +dA
• work done : F dA = dG
• dG = γ dA + A dγ → F = γ + A dγ /dA
• To put a separated atom backs to its original position,
an extra energy is needed.
• The energy required will be equal to the number of
broken bonds, Nb, multiply by half of the bond
Solid/Vapour Interface
• From the definition of Gibbs free energy the surface free
energy will be given by
Y = E + PV –TS
• Even if the 'PV‘ term is ignored surface entropy effects must
be taken into account. It might be expected that the surface
atoms will have more freedom of movement and therefore
a higher thermal entropy compared atoms in the bulk.
• Extra configurational entropy can also be introduced into
the surface by the formation of surface vacancies for
example. The surface of a crystal should therefore be
associated with a positive excess entropy which will partly
compensate for the high internal energy.
Solid/Vapor interfaces
To a first approximation the structure of solid surfaces can be
discussed in terms of a hard sphere model.
The origin of the surface free energy is that atoms in the layers nearest the
surface are without some of their neighbors.
For example: the atoms on a {111} surface (FCC structure) are deprived of
three of their twelve neighbors.
Atomic configuration in FCC crystals: note how the density of atoms decreases
as (h2+k2+l2) increases
Surface energy in FCC
4𝜀 5 𝜀 𝜀
γ {100 }= 2 γ {110 }= γ {111 }= 2 √ 3 2
𝑎 √ 2 𝑎2 𝑎
For FCC,
there would
be 12 nearest
For FCC,
there would
be 12 nearest
• The nearest neighbor for plane
(100) would be 4 atoms.
• That means there would be another
8 atoms, 4 atoms in front of the
plane and 4 atoms behind the
• Either these 4 atoms will be broken
during the formation of a new
• The nearest neighbor for plane (111)
would be 6 atoms.
• That means there would be another
6 atoms, 3 atoms in front of the
plane and 3 atoms behind the plane.
• Either these 3 atoms will be broken
during the formation of a new
• The nearest neighbor for plane (111)
would be 6 atoms.
• That means there would be another
6 atoms, 3 atoms in front of the
plane and 3 atoms behind the plane.
• Either these 3 atoms will be broken
during the formation of a new
• The nearest neighbor for plane
(110) would be 2 atoms.
• That means there would be
another 10 atoms, 5 atoms in front
of the plane and 5 atoms behind
the plane.
• Either these 5 atoms will be broken
during the formation of a new
Average surface free energies
Crystal Tm/oC sv/mJ m-2
Sn 232 680
Al 660 1080
Ag 961 1120
Au 1063 1390
Cu 1084 1720
-Fe 1536 2080
Pt 1796 2280
W 3407 2650
Grain Boundaries
boundary is an ┴
array of parallel
edge dislocations
Low-angle twist
boundary is a cross-
grid of two sets of
screw dislocations: O
atoms in crystal
below boundary,
atoms in crystal
above boundary
• The energy of low-angle grain boundary is simply the total
energy of the dislocations within unit area of boundary, which
is dependent to the spacing of the dislocations, D = b/
• At very small of the dislocation spacing is very large and the
grain boundary energy is approximately proportional to the
density of dislocation in the boundary (1/D), i.e. .
• As increases the strain field of the dislocation cancel out so
that increases at a decreasing rate.
• When exceeds 10-15o the dislocation spacing is so small that
dislocation cores overlap and it is impossible to physically
identify the individual dislocation.
• When > 10-15o the boundary is known as a random high-
angle grain boundary, which contains large areas of poor fit
and have a relatively open structure.
An unsymmetric tilt
boundary: dislocations
with two different
Burgers vectors are
cells of a soap 11 49 ½ 52 ¼ 52 ¾
showing grain
Numbers are 53 ¼ 53 ½ 156 225
time in minutes.
Interphase interfaces
On the basis of their atomic structure, interphase
boundaries in solids may be divided into three types:
1. Coherent interface
2. Semicoherent interface
3. Incoherent interface
A A'
B B'
a a
(a) (b)
• Strain-free coherent interfaces. (a) Each crystal structure has a
different chemical composition but the same crystal structure. (b)
The two phases have different lattices.
• When the distance between the atoms in the interface is not
identical, it is still possible to maintain coherency by straining one or
both of the two lattices.
• For a coherent interface the only contribution is (coherent) = ch
• The resultant lattice distortions are known as coherency strains with
energies as low as 1 mJ m-2 up to about 200 mJ m-2.
d D
For small :
┴ ┴
> 0.35, i.e. one dislocation every four interplanar spacings, the
•• When
region of poor fit around the dislocation cores overlap and the interface
becomes incoherent.
• The interfacial energy of a semicoherent interface can be approximately
considered as the sum of two parts: (a) a chemical contribution and (b) a
structural term.
• A chemical contribution, ch, is as for a fully coherent interface, and a
structural term, st, is the extra energy due to the structural distortions
caused by the misfit dislocations, i.e.
(semicoherent) = ch + st
• For small , st =
• st increases less rapidly as becomes larger and it levels out when 0.25 in
a similar way to the variation of grain-boundary energy with
• The reason for such behavior is that the misfit dislocation spacing decreases,
the associated strain fields increasingly overlap and annul each other.
• When > 0.25, i.e. one dislocation every four interplanar spacings, the
regions of poor fit around the dislocation cores overlap and the interface
cannot be considered as coherent. i.e. it is incoherent
Incoherent precipitates
Grain-boundary precipitates
• An precipitate at a
grain boundary triple
point in an - Cu-In
• Interface A and B are
incoherent while C is C
semicoherent. B
Liquid Liquid
(c) (b) Solid
Composition changes in a
substitutional alloy caused
by interface migration
when two adjoining phases
have different
Interface migration with
long range diffusion.
(a) Composition profiles
across the interface.
(b) The origin of the
driving force for
boundary migration
into the phase.
• Phase transformation in metals and alloys usually
occurs through nucleation and growth.
• New phase (β) first appears within the matrix and
then grows
• An interface is created during nucleation stage and
migrates into surrounding matrix during the growth
• This results in transfer of atoms across the moving
new phase/matrix interface.
Two different types of interface
Glissile Non-glissile
• migrate by dislocation glide • migrate by random jumps of
that results in the shearing of individual atoms across the
parent lattice into the product interface ~ migration of
athermal. random high angle grain
boundary need thermal
• Coordinated motion of atoms • Motion across the interface is
crossing the interface. random.
• The parent and the product • The parent and the product
have the same composition may or may not have the
and no diffusion. same composition.
• Martensitic transformation, • Diffusion controlled.
formation of twinning and
mechanical twinning.
Homophase vs. Heterophase
• There is a useful comparison that can be made between grain
boundaries (homophase) and interphase boundaries
Structure G.B. Interface
atoms no boundary coherent
match 1 interface
dislocations low angle g.b. semi-
disordered high angle g.b. incoherent
• for a grain boundary to exist, there must be a difference in the lattice position
(rotationally) between the two grains.
• An interface can exist even when the lattices are the same structure and in the
same (rotational) position because of the chemical difference.