Project Work
Project Work
Project Work
Introduction to Project
• Project Definition
A Fun doing quiz program which allows user to take the quiz and solve questions to
check their knowledge in the various field. The scores can be compared within
users as the data will be saved of the quiz the user takes. The program contains a
huge database of questions of various genres, difficulty levels, and point based
system to determine results. Great leisure activity can be done within friends,
similar to Who wants of Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? / Kaun Banega Crore Pati
Introduction to Project
• Project Overview/Specifications
1. The following is the written C++ quiz program project which ask 15 questions from
the user and after selecting the answers, it displays the total correct answers and
score of the user. The question dataset contains 5 easy, 5 medium, 5 hard questions.
2. The Quiz Contains 2 Options to Play - Computer Science or Indian History.
Depending on the user choice, that set of questions user has to solved.
3. The Program also saves the user details and additional statistics of the whole quiz
such as time completed and no of questions attempted correctly 4
Problem Formulation
• The existing quiz around the internet had several flaws and lacks several additional features. Taking quiz on the
computer medium is slowly taking over pen & paper mode and viva voice (which are more less secure and error-prone
methods), however there are several limitations and less features present. Creating computer applications for quiz not
only provides a interactive learning environment for the user, but it is more secure and more suitable in todays modern
world of digitalization.
• Due to this, our team decided to do the project on quiz test for our institutional training final assessment. It will
introduce several new features (more can be modified later). The quiz can also save users performance in a text file
which can be accessed by the user anytime to analyze and try to improve the score next time.
• The project “Quiz Test” is a program for playing quiz related to two topics – Computers
& History. A user can play any of the topic at a time how many times he/she wants.
• There will be fixed number of questions and for each correct answer user will get a
score. There are questions of different difficulty levels – easy, medium and hard.
• User can attempt all of the questions and find out his/her score at the end with detailed
description of when and in how much time the quiz was completed and the number of
questions in each difficulty level was selected. These details are also saved into a file.
• There are many quiz applications present on internet but there are few which provide
better understanding between user and the application. The dataset can be updated with
more types of question related to same topic of any new if wanted to create.
• The quiz is written in C++ language using Visual Studio Code IDE and uses several
concepts such as Classes & Objects, Arrays, Strings, If-Else Statements, Switch
Statements and several functions of header files such as -> windows.h (for windows
function like sleep and pause) and fstream (for file handling functions such as to read or
write into a file).
• The quiz can be playable among of group of friends, classmates, cousins and can check
among selves the knowledge they possess.
Methodology used
Language Used – C++
Methodology used
Use Case Diagram
Methodology used
Sequence Diagram
Results and Outputs
• Computer Science Question Dataset
Results and Outputs
• Indian History Question Dataset
Results and Outputs
• Opening Screen (User Enters Details)
Results and Outputs
• Displaying Rules
Results and Outputs
• Selecting Quiz Option
• Loading Screen
Results and Outputs
• CS Questions From Quiz
Results and Outputs
•• IH
IH Questions
Questions From
From Quiz
Results and Outputs
• Detailed Scorecard At The End
Results and Outputs
• Scorecard saved in a text file
• The quiz application provides facility to play quiz in any low-end computer device. It can be used as fun
time pass among friends, cousins and classmates. The administrator can update the questions related to
the genre or can created a new genre by itself (by some minor tweaks in the program code). User can
play this as many times he or she wants and can always see their past performances and determine the
• The program was created using 500 lines of code and 6 text files for storing questions (of different topics
and different difficulty levels). The total file size is over 100 kb.
• The program can be run from any compiler or even command prompt provided MinGw (C++ Compiler is
Future Scope
While the program is in working condition, lots of improvement can be done on the project. Several points
are discussed which can be implemented in the future.
While an overall stopwatch is there for calculating the time completing the quiz, there could be addition of
timer per question for user to solve
While the program follows a particular algorithm to provide questions, it still provides linear questions
from the text file. The program can be modified later to get random questions from the text file of each
difficulty level
The program can be converted into GUI program by which it will be a .exe file and therefore any compiler
will not be needed for the program