Ericsson 3G Network Audit & Param Modification
Ericsson 3G Network Audit & Param Modification
Ericsson 3G Network Audit & Param Modification
Network Engineering
AUG 21, 2019
Configure Citrix Client
1. Download the node’s IOR (Interoperable Object Reference) file and store it
on the workstation. The IOR file contains the node’s IP address and some
specifications as to how the clients can send requests to the node.
2. Check the node’s MOM version and download from the node.
3. Parse the MOM and generate an internal table specifying all MO classes,
attributes, and actions supported by the node.
Each MO class can also support a number of defined actions. These represent
certain operations which can be performed by the MO. A typical example is
the action restart which will cause the MO to restart the resource it is
responsible for (a board, a program, etc).
The Managed Object Model (MOM) is a reference document describing all the
MO Classes that can exist in a Network Element, together with their attributes
and actions.
To view the MO tree
Taking dumps on individual RNC or NodeB
Launch -> Applications -> Utilities -> Terminal
◦ lt all
◦ lset RncFunction=1,UtranCell=U1037B1 pwrAdm 84
◦ lset RncFunction=1,UtranCell=U1073A1 loadSharingGsmThreshold 75
◦ lset RncFunction=1,UtranCell=U1061A4 sf128Adm 50
mobatch [options] sitefile command(s)|commandfile|commanddir [logdirectory]
The first argument is the sitefile. The sitefile contains the list of sites to connect to.
Each line in the sitefile contains:
The IP/ or site names whose IP address are definedin the IP database file.
Options may also be specified to the mobatch command these are:
-t (minutes) - This allows the user to specify the number of minutes before the mobatch
command times out. If this value is set to 0 the command will never time out. A default time
out of 20 minutes is configured in AMOS.
◦ -p (processes) - This specifies the maximum number of AMOS sessions that will run in
parallel, by default a maximum number of 10 processes can be started.
If a directory is given, then a different commandfile will be used for each Network Element,
the name of each commandfile should be network-element-name.cmd or network-element-
name.mos, the Network Element-name should be the same as given in the sitefile.
If the Network Element-name is rbs602 then the commandfile should be rbs602.cmd or
rbs602.mos and it will be run exclusively against that Network Element.
Using amosbatch to make changes on multiple NodeB’s
Save the command file in txt format to your home directory in OSS
lt all
lset NodeBFunction=1,RbsLocalCell=S1C1 maxNumEulUsers 96
lset NodeBFunction=1,RbsLocalCell=S1C2 maxNumEulUsers 96
lset NodeBFunction=1,RbsLocalCell=S1C3 maxNumEulUsers 96
Save the site file in txt format where the above command is to be executed to your home
directory in OSS
Open command terminal in OSS
amosbatch /home/etfitmer/ maxNumEulUsers_site_list_Aug19.txt /home/etfitmer/
Abort an MO command
Then, at the unix prompt, create an empty file /tmp/xxxx (where xxxx is the process
number indicated in moshell menu and in the window’s title bar) and resume moshell. This is
done with the following command:
touch /tmp/xxxx ;
Using OSS Element Manager to make parameter changes