Topics: Primary Consolidation
Topics: Primary Consolidation
Topics: Primary Consolidation
• Fundamentals of consolidation
• One-Dimensional Consolidation Settlement
• One-dimensional Laboratory Consolidation Test
• Calculation of Settlement from One-Dimensional
Primary Consolidation
• 1-D theory of consolidation
Why should soil compressibility be studied?
Ignoring soil compressibility may lead to unfavorable
settlement and other engineering problems.
Soft ground
Immediate Primary
consolidation Secondary consolidation
settlement or creep
Due to distortion or Decrease in voids Due to gradual
elastic deformation volume due to squeeze changes in the
with no change in of pore-water out of the particulate structure
water content soil of the soil
Occurs in saturated Occurs very slowly,
Occurs rapidly fine grained soils long after the
during the (low coefficient of primary
application of load permeability) consolidation is
Time dependent
Quite small quantity Time dependent
in dense sands, Most significant in
Only significant in saturated soft clayey
gravels and stiff clays clays and silts and organic soils and
Rates of Drainage Coarse soils
0 0
ST = Se + Sc + Ss
Rates of drainage
For Fine grained soils…
saturated clay
When a saturated clay is
loaded externally, the water This leads to settlements occurring over a
is squeezed out of the clay long time…..which could be several years
over a long time (due to low
permeability of the clay).
St = Se + Sc + Ss
Consolidation is the process of gradual reduction in volume
change of fully saturated low permeability soils (clays & silts) due
to the slow drainage (expulsion) of pore water from the voids.
Fundamentals of consolidation
When a soil layer is subjected to a compressive stress, such as
during the construction of a structure, it will exhibit a certain
amount of compression. This compression is achieved through a
number of ways, including:
• Rearrangement of the soil solids
• Bending of particles
• Extrusion of the pore air and/or water
If the soil is dry, its voids are filled with air and since air is
compressible, rearrangement of soil particles can occur rapidly.
If soil is saturated, its voids are filled with incompressible water
which must be extruded from the soil mass before soil grains
can rearrange themselves.
• Incoarse soils (sands & gravels) any volume change
resulting from a change in loading occurs immediately;
increases in pore pressures are dissipated rapidly due to
high permeability. This is called drained loading.
So, consolidation settlement: is decrease in
voids volume as pore-water is squeezed out Fine soils
of the soil. It is only significant in fine soil
(clays & silts).
Time (months or years)
The gradual reduction in volume of a fully saturated soil of
low permeability due to drainage of the pore water is
called consolidation.
In soils of high permeability this process occurs rapidly, so
the settlement is immediate and the theory of elasticity is
applied for its evaluation as has been discussed previously.
However, in fine-grained soil the process requires along
time interval for its completion and the nature of
settlement is more difficult to analyze.
Gradual reduction in volume == gradual reduction in void
ratio, e. Therefore we have to know the change in e in order
to know settlement.
From the principle of effective stresses: Settlement
D s’ = D s– D u Then D s’ = 0
Consolidation process- Spring analogy (cont.)
From the principle of effective stresses: Settlement
D s’ = D s– D u Then D s’ = 0
Consolidation process- Spring analogy (cont.)
• Settlement is observed.
If an additional load is
applied, the cycle just
described will be repeated
and further settlement will
water squeezed
saturated clay simplification if
the surcharge is of
Sand large lateral
Undisturbed soil
specimen metal ring
Saturated clay
• The one-dimensional consolidation test was first
suggested by Terzaghi. It is performed in a consolidometer
(sometimes referred to as oedometer). The schematic
diagram of a consolidometer is shown below.
Consolidometer or Oedometer
• Example of time sequence: (10 sec, 30 sec, 1 min, 2, 4, 8, 15, 30, 1 hr, 2, 4,
8, 16, 24)
• The procedure is repeated for additional doublings of applied pressure until
the applied pressure is in excess of the total stress to which the clay layer is
believed to be subjected to when the proposed structure is built.
• The total pressure includes effective overburden pressure and net additional
pressure due to the structure.
• Example of load sequence (25, 50, 100, 200, 400, 800, 1600, … kPa)
Presentation of results
• The results of the consolidation tests can be summarized in the following plots:
• Rate of consolidation curves (dial reading vs. log time or dial reading vs.
square root time)
• Void ratio-pressure plots (Consolidation curve)
e – sv’ plot or e - log sv’ plot
• The plot of deformation of the specimen against time for a given load
increment can observe three distinct stages:
Stage I: Initial compression, which is
Stage I caused mostly by preloading.
Stage II: Primary consolidation, during
which excess pore water pressure
void ratio
’ increases & e decreases
’ decreases &
e increases (swelling)
The figure above is usually termed the compressibility curve , where
compressibility is the term applied to 1-D volume change that occurs
in cohesive soils that are subjected to compressive loading.
Note: It is more convenient to express the stress-stain relationship
for soil in consolidation studies in terms of void ratio and unit
pressure instead of unit strain and stress used in the case of most
other engineering materials.
Coefficient of Volume Compressibility [mv]
mv is defined as the volume change per unit volume per unit
increase in effective stress
void ratio
’ increases &
e decreases
’ decreases &
e increases
log ’
Compression and Swell Indices
As we said earlier, the main limitation of using av and mv in
describing soil compressibility is that they are not constant. To
overcome this shortcoming the relationship between e and v’
is usually plotted in a semi logarithmic plot as shown below.
Cc ~ compression index
void ratio
log 2
De1 Cc
1 Cs or Cr ~ swell or
index e
De2 Cr Cr 2
• Determination of Cc
1.For undisturbed clay of medium sensitivity (S <=4)
Cc = 0.009(WL – 10)
where WL is liquid limit in %
Cc = 0.007(WL -10)
Normally consolidated and overconsolidated clays
The upper part of the e – log s’ plot is as shown below
somewhat curved with a flat slope, followed by a linear
relationship having a steeper slope.
This can be explained as follows:
A soil in the field at some depth has been
subjected to a certain maximum effective
past pressure in its geologic history.
This maximum effective past pressure
may be equal to or less than the existing
effective overburden pressure at the time
of sampling.
The reduction of effective pressure may
be due to natural geological processes or
human processes.
During the soil sampling, the existing effective overburden
pressure is also released, which results in some expansion.
The soil will show relatively small decrease of e with load up
until the point of the maximum effective stress to which the
soil was subjected to in the past.
(Note: this could be the overburden pressure if the soil has
not been subjected to any external load other than the
weight of soil above that point concerned).
Void ratio, e
Void ratio, e
less than the maximum pressure to
which the soil was subjected to in the Expa
past n or s
The branches ab, cd, df, are the OC state
of a soil.
The maximum effective past pressure is
called the preconsolidation pressure.
Effective pressure, s’ (log scale)
Preconsolidation pressure
The stress at which the transition or “break” occurs in the
curve of e vs. log s’ is an indication of the maximum
vertical overburden stress that a particular soil sample has
sustained in the past.
This stress is very important in geotechnical engineering
and is known as Preconsolidation Pressure.
c ’
Casagrande procedure of determination preconsolidation stress c’
Casagrande (1936) suggested a simple graphic construction to determine
the preconsolidation pressure s’c from the laboratory e –log s‘ plot.
Point B
Overconsolidation ratio (OCR)
o In general the overconsolidation ratio (OCR) for a soil can be
defined as:
Void ratio, e
where s ’ is the present
effective vertical pressure.
Calculation of Settlement from 1-D Dimensional
Primary Consolidation
With the knowledge gained from the analysis of consolidation
test results, we can now proceed to calculate the probable
settlement caused by primary consolidation in the field
assuming one-dimensional consolidation.
I) Using e - log v prime
If the e-log / curve is
given, e can simply be void ratio
picked off the plot for the De
appropriate range and
pressures. This number
may be substituted into
Eq. ($) for the calculation
of settlement, Sc.
so sf log v’
II) Using mv
= = =
𝑆 𝑐= 𝐻 … … .(∗ ∗)
1+ 𝑒0
From (*) and (**)
𝑺 𝑪 =𝒎 𝒗 . 𝑯 . ∆ 𝝈 (∗∗ ∗)
e p o
Sc H
1 e
e C c log o
e e
b) Overconsolidated Clays
e e
Sc H e
1 e
o Cs
Case I: s ’ 0 +Ds ’ ≤ s c’
s c’
Case II: s ’ 0 +Ds ’ > s c’ e e1 Cs
e 2 Cc
Summary of calculation procedure
1. Calculate s’o at the middle of the clay layer
2. Determine s’c from the e-log s/ plot (if not given)
3. Determine whether the clay is N.C. or O.C.
4. Calculate Ds
5. Use the appropriate equation
• If N.C.
• If O.C. If o c
If o c
Nonlinear pressure increase
Approach 1: Middle of layer (midpoint rule)
Length of the drainage path, Hdr
• During consolidation water escapes from the soil to the surface or to a
permeable sub-surface layer above or below (where u = 0).
• The rate of consolidation depends on the longest path taken by a drop of
water. The length of this longest path is the drainage path length, Hdr
• Typical cases are:
– An open layer, a permeable layer both above and below (Hdr = H/2)
– A half-closed layer, a permeable layer either above or below (Hdr = H)
– Vertical sand drains, horizontal drainage (Hdr = L/2)
Example 1
A 12 m thick clay layer is doubly drained (This means that a very pervious
layer compared to the clay exists on top of and under the 12 m clay layer.
The coefficient of consolidation Cv = 8.0 X 10-8 m2/s.
46% 61%
Average degree of consolidation
o In most cases, we are not interested in how much a given
point in a layer has consolidated.
o Of more practical interest is the average degree or percent
consolidation of the entire layer.
o This value, denoted by U or Uav , is a measure of how much
the entire layer has consolidated and thus it can be directly
related to the total settlement of the layer at a given time
after loading.
o Note that U can be expressed as either a decimal or a
o To obtain the average degree of consolidation over the
entire layer corresponding to a given time factor we have
to find the area under the Tv curve.
Variation of U with Tv
𝑺 =𝑼 ( 𝒕) 𝑺 𝒄
𝒄 ( 𝒕)
or 𝑇 𝑣 −1.781
Time factor, Tv
𝑈 =100 − 10
or: 𝑺 =𝑼 ( 𝒕) 𝑺 𝒄
𝒄 ( 𝒕)
These equations can be applied for all ranges of U value
with small errors .
Error in Tv of less than 1% for 0% < U < 90% and less than 3% for
90% < U < 100%.
Example 2
A soil profile consists of a sand layer 2 m thick, whose top is the ground
surface, and a clay layer 3 m thick with an impermeable boundary located
at its base. The water table is at the ground surface. A widespread load of
100 kPa is applied at the ground surface.
(i) What is the excess water pressure, Du 100 kPa
corresponding to:
• t = 0 (i.e. immediately after
applying the load) Sand 2m
• t = ∞ (very long time after applying
the load)
(ii) Determine the time required to reach
Clay 3m
50% consolidation if you know that
Cv= 6.5 m2/year.
Solution Impermeable layer
(i) Immediately after applying the load, the degree of consolidation Uz
= 0% and the pore water would carry the entire load:
at t = 0 D u0 = Ds = 100 kPa
Solution (cont.) Ds = 100 kPa
On contrary, after very long time, the degree
of consolidation U = 100% and the clay
particles would carry the load completely:
Sand 2m
at t = ∞ Du∞ = 0
Rock (impermeable)
Example 3 - solution
(i) As the clay in lab and field reached the same consolidation degree (U=50%),
Thus, The time factor in the lab test = The time factor for the field
Approach I: Approach II:
From Lab.
At U=50% …..> Tv = 0.197
From Tv = Cv t/Hd2 ....> Cv = 2.2 X 10-7 m2/S
In the field
0.197 = 2.2 X 10-7 X t
12.5mm 3
/1000 m t = 93.3 days
Tv = Cv X t
Tv = 3.14 X (0.3)2 = 0.071 0.071 = 2.2X10-7 X t
(3)2 t = 33.5 days
Determination of coefficient of consolidation (Cv)
Immediate Primary
settlement consolidation Secondary
settlement consolidation or creep
Due to distortion or
elastic deformation Decrease in voids
with no change in volume due to Due to gradual changes
water content expulsion of pore- in the particulate
water from the soil structure of the soil
ST = Se + Sc + Ss
Secondary Consolidation Settlement
• In some soils (especially recent organic soils) the
compression continues under constant loading after all of
the excess pore pressure has dissipated, i.e. after primary
consolidation has ceased.
• This is called secondary compression or creep, and it is due
to plastic adjustment of soil fabrics.
• Secondary compression is different from primary
consolidation in that it takes place at a constant effective
• This settlement can be calculated using the secondary
compression index, C.
• The Log-Time plot (of the consolidation test) can be used to
estimate the coefficient of secondary compression C as the
slope of the straight line portion of e vs. log time curve
which occurs after primary consolidation is complete.
• The magnitude of the secondary consolidation can be
calculated as:
void ratio, e
𝑆𝑠= ∆𝑒
1+𝑒 𝑝
C = coefficient of secondary t1 t2
𝑪𝜶 𝑯 𝒕𝟐
𝟏+ 𝒆 𝒑
𝒕𝟏 ( )
• e0 = can still be used with only a minor error.
Causes of secondary settlement are not fully understood but
is attributed to:
• Plastic adjustment of soil fabrics
• Compression of the bonds between individual clay particles
and domains
Factors that might affect the magnitude of Ss are not fully
understood. In general secondary consolidation is large for:
• Soft soils
• Organic soils
• Smaller ratio of induced stress to effective
overburden pressure.
Example 4
An open layer of clay 4 m thick is subjected to loading that increases
the average effective vertical stress from 185 kPa to 310 kPa. Assuming
mv= 0.00025 m2/kN, Cv= 0.75 m2/year, determine:
(i) The consolidation settlement for a layer of thickness H can be
represented by the coefficient of volume compressibility mv defined
Sc = mv H Ds´z
= 0.00025 X 4 X 125 = 0.125m = 125mm.
Example 4 – Solution (cont.)
(ii) The procedure for calculation of the settlement at a specific time
includes: 𝐶𝑣𝑡
Calculate time factor:
𝑇 𝑣= 2 = ……. = 0.1875
𝐻 𝑑𝑟
Calculate average degree of consolidation
Ut = ……………………….. = 0.49
Calculate the consolidation settlement at the specific time (t) from:
St = Ut . Sc = …… ……. = 61 mm
(iii) For 50% consolidation Tv= 0.197 , therefore from 𝑣 𝑇 = 2
𝐻 𝑑𝑟
……. ……………….. t = 1.05 year = 384 days
(vi) For St = 25 mm Ut = 0.20 , therefore
……. ……………….. t = 0.1675 year = 61 days
Example 5
For a normally consolidated laboratory clay specimen drained on both
sides, the following are given:
i. For the clay specimen and the given loading range, determine the
hydraulic conductivity (also called coefficient of permeability, k)
estimated in: m/min.
ii. How long (in days) will it take for a 3 m clay layer in the field
(drained on one side) to reach 60% consolidation?
Example 5 – solution
i. The hydraulic conductivity (coefficient of permeability, k) can be
calculated from:
= …….. x ……. x 9.81 = ……… m/min
mv = D e / (1+eo) / D s' = ...0.00063 m2/kN
T50 ≈ … 0.197
T60 ≈ 0.285
– One-Dimensional Consolidation