Face Detection and Recognition
Face Detection and Recognition
Face Detection and Recognition
● Perhaps the most famous early example of a face recognition system is due to Kohonen,who
demonstrated that a simple neural net could perform face recognition for aligned and normalized face
● Face recognition is an easy task for humans.Experiments in have shown,that even one to three day old babies are able to
distinguish between known faces.
● In Face recognition,firstly face is detected and then store this image in the database and then recognized the deteced face.
● It is accurate and fast method of identification.
● Automatic face recognition is all about extracting those meaningful features from an image,putting them into a useful
representation and performing some kind of classification on them.
a)cv2- This is the open cv module and contains the function for face detection and recognition.
b)Os- First,we will use this module to extract the image names in the database directory and then from these names we will
extract the individual number, which will be used as a label for the face in that image.
c)Image- Since,the dataset images are in gif format and as of now,Open cv does not support gif format,we will use image
module from PIL to read the image in grayscale format.
d)PIL- our image will be stored in numpy arrays.
e)Tkinter-for gui information.
1.) Detection- When the system is attached to a video surveillance system, the recognition software searches the field of view
of a video camera for faces.
2.) Alignment- Once a face is detected, the system determines the head's position, size and pose. A face needs to be turned at
least 35 degrees toward the camera for the system to register it.
3.) Face Database- AT and T Face database, sometimes also referred to as ORL Database of faces, contains two different
images of each of 40 distinct subjects. Yale facedatabase , also known as Yalefaces. The AT and T Facedatabase is good for
initial testes, but it's a fairly easy database.
4.) Training- So in this the above database gets converted to a .yml file that can be easily understand by the computer when this process is completed the popup
appears comforming that process completes here.
5.) Recognition- This is the mathematical technique the system uses to encode faces. The system maps the face and creates a faceprint, a unique numerical code for that
1.) Childbase protection- Childbase is an application that helps protect and recover and recover missing and sexually-exploited
2.) Identification solutions- With regards to primary identification documents, the use of face recognition for identification programs
has several advantages over other biometric technologies.
3.) Homeland defence- This includes everything from preventing terrorists from boarding aircraft, to protecting critical infrastructure
from attack or tampering .
4.) Airport security- This includes the identification of known terrorists before they get onto an airplane or into a secure location.
5.) Immigration- Most countries do not want to be perceived as being a “weak link” when it comes to accepting immigrants and refugees,
paricularly if that individual uses the new country asa a staging ground for multi-national criminal and terrorist activities.
6.) Scene analysis and survelliance solution- This includes the ability to extract ,categorize and search non-facial imagery. It can
also analyse scenes from either streaming or archived video.
7.) Access control- Biometric identification ensures that a person is who they claim to be, eliminating any worry of someone using illicity
obtained keys or access cards.
8.) Financial services- The financial services industry revolves around the concept of security. Yet for thecmost part, security within the
industry is limited to a simple personal identification number.
1.) Image quality- Image quality affects how well facial-recognition algorithms work. The image quality of scanning video is quite low compared with
that of a digital camera.
2.) Image size- When a face-detection algorithm finds a face in an image or in a still from a video capture, the relative size of that face compared with the
enrolled image size affects how well the face will be rocognized.
3.) Face angle- The relative angle of te target's face influences the recognition score profoundly.
4.) Processing and storage- Even though high-definition video is quite low in resolution when compared with digital camera images, it still occupies
significantamounts of disk space.
1.) Face recognition is easy to use and in many cases it can be performed without a Person even knowing.
2.) Face recognition is also one of the most inexpensive biometric in the market and it's price should continue to go down.
● Changes in environment reducing matching accuracy.
● Changes in physiological characteristics reduce matching accuracy.
The physiological characteristics of the human face with relevance to various expressions such as happiness,sadness,fear,anger are associated
with geometrical structures which restored as base matching template for the recognition system.The impact of the embedding space choice of
the distortion concludes that spaces with spherical geometry are more favourable for representation of facial surfaces.
The general experimental evaluation of the face expressional system gurantees better face recognition rates.Having examined techniques to
cope with expression variation, in future it may be investigated in more depth about the face classification problem and optimal fusion of
color and depth information.