Inspections, As A Part of A Maintenance Program That Must Be Put in Place With The

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Iván de Lorenzo

March 2005

The operation of the gas turbine must include a planned program of periodic
inspections, as a part of a maintenance program that must be put in place with the
objectives of optimizing the owner’s costs and maximizing equipment availability.

The owner of the gas turbine should have a general understanding of the priorities for the
plant, the skill level of operating and maintenance personnel and the manufacturer’s
recommendations regarding the number and types of inspections, spare parts planning
and other major factors.

This presentation is focused on the manufacturer’s recommendations, and its

objectives are the following:

– review the different types of inspections and actions to be taken

– identify the components and parts to be examined
– review the operating factors that influence maintenance schedules
– review the pre-inspection and standard practices items
– provide a guide for the maintenance manual provided by GE
Iván de Lorenzo
March 2005

Advance planning is a necessity in order to minimize downtime. The correct performance

of planned maintenance and inspection reduces forced outages and increases reliability.

Gas Turbine Maintenance - Hot gas path parts

The parts of the gas turbine requiring the most careful attention are those associated with
the combustion process, together with those exposed to high temperatures from the hot
gases discharged from the combustion system.

They are called the hot-gas-path parts and include combustion liners, end caps, fuel nozzle
assemblies, crossfire tubes, transition pieces and turbine nozzles shrouds and buckets.

Auxiliaries and Controls Systems Maintenance

In addition to maintenance of the basic gas turbine the control devices, gas turbine
auxiliaries, load package and other sub-systems also require periodic servicing.

The unavailability of controls and accessories is generally composed of short-duration

outages, whereas those related to the combustion, turbine and load package systems are
usually fewer, but longer in duration.
Iván de Lorenzo
March 2005

Iván de Lorenzo
March 2005

– Standby: performed during off-peak periods when the unit is not operating and includes routine
servicing of accessory systems and device calibration.
– Running: performed by observing key operating parameters while the turbine is running.
– Disassembly: requires opening the turbine for inspection of internal components. Disassembly
inspections progress from the combustion inspection to the hot-gas-path inspection to the major
– Special Inspections: borescope and VIGV bushing inspections.

Standby Inspections

Performed particularly in peaking and intermittent-duty service, where starting reliability

is of primary concern. It can be done without interrupting the availability of the turbine.

The inspection includes routinely changing filters, checking oil and water levels, cleaning
relays and checking device calibrations. A periodic start-up test run is an essential part of the
stand-by inspection. The most useful documents for standby maintenance are the control
specifications, piping schematic and electrical elementaries. They provide the calibrations,
operating limits, operating characteristics and sequencing of all control devices. It is
essential that a good record be kept of all inspections made and of the maintenance work
performed in order to ensure establishing a sound maintenance program.
Iván de Lorenzo
March 2005

Running Inspections

These inspections consist of the general and continued observations made while a unit is
operating. This starts by establishing baseline operating data during initial start-up of a
unit and after any major disassembly work. This will serve as a reference from which
subsequent unit deterioration can be measured.

Data should be taken to establish normal equipment start-up parameters as well as key
steady state operating parameters. They should be recorded to permit an evaluation of the
turbine performance and maintenance requirements as a function of operating time.

These operating inspection data include:

- load vs exhaust temperature - lube oil pressure

- vibration levels - fuel flow and pressure
- exhaust gas temps and spread variation - start-up and coast-down time

A graph of these parameters will help provide a basis for judging the conditions of the
system. Deviations from the norm help pinpoint impending trouble, changes in calibration or
damaged components.
Iván de Lorenzo
March 2005

Load vs. Exhaust Temperature

High exhaust temperature can be an indicator of deterioration of internal parts, excessive leaks or a fouled
air compressor. For mechanical drive applications, it may also be an indication of increased power
required by the driven equipment.

Vibration Levels
Large changes or a continuously increasing trend give indications of the need to apply corrective action.

Fuel Flow and Pressure

The fuel system should be observed for the general fuel flow versus load relationship. Changes in fuel
pressure can indicate the fuel nozzle passages are plugged or that metering elements are damaged.

Exhaust Temperatures and Spread Variation

The variations in turbine exhaust temperature spread should be measured and monitored on a regular
basis. Large changes or a continuously increasing trend in spread indicate combustion system
deterioration or fuel distribution problems.

Start-up and Coast-down Time

A curve of the starting parameters of speed, fuel signal, exhaust temperature and critical sequence
benchmarks versus time will provide a good indication of the condition of the control system. Coast-down
time is an excellent indicator of bearing alignment and bearing condition.
Iván de Lorenzo
March 2005

Disassembly Inspections: Combustion Inspection

This is a relatively short disassembly shutdown inspection of fuel nozzles, liners,

transition pieces, crossfire tubes and retainers, spark plug assemblies, flame detectors and
combustor flow sleeves.

Combustion liners, transition pieces, fuel nozzles and end caps are recognized as being the
first elements to require replacement and repair. Proper maintenance of these items will
contribute to a longer life of the downstream parts, such as turbine nozzles and buckets. The
combustion liners, transition pieces and fuel nozzle assemblies should be removed and
replaced with new or repaired components to minimize downtime. The removed liners,
transition pieces and fuel nozzles can then be cleaned and repaired after the unit is returned
to operation and be available for the next combustion inspection interval.

- Combustion Liners - Foreign objects

- Combustion End Covers - Abnormal wear or cracking
- Fuel Nozzles - Spark Plugs - Liner Cooling Hole Plugging
- End Caps - Flame Detectors - Borescope Compressor and Turbine
- Transition Pieces - Flex Hoses - TBC Coating Condition
- Crossfire Tubes - Oxidation / Corrosion / Erosion
- Flow Sleeves - Hot Spots / Burning
- Purge, Check Valves - Missing Hardware
- Clearance limits
Iván de Lorenzo
March 2005

Typical combustion inspection requirements are:

- Inspect and identify combustion chamber components.

- Inspect and identify each crossfire tube, retainer and combustion liner.
- Inspect combustion chamber interior for debris and foreign objects.
- Inspect flow sleeve welds for cracking. Inspect transition piece for wear and cracks.
- Inspect fuel nozzles for plugging at tips, erosion of tip holes and safety lock of tips.
- Inspect all fluid, air and gas passages in nozzle assembly for plugging, erosion, burning, etc
- Inspect spark plug assembly for freedom from binding, check condition of electrodes and
- Replace all consumables and normal wear-and-tear items such as seals, lockplates, nuts,
bolts, gaskets, etc.
- Perform visual inspection of first-stage turbine nozzle partitions and borescope inspect
turbine buckets to mark the progress of wear and deterioration of these parts. This
inspection will help establish the schedule for the hot-gas-path inspection.
- Perform borescope inspection of compressor.
- Enter the combustion wrapper and observe the condition of blading in the aft end of axial-
flow compressor with a borescope.
- Visually inspect the compressor inlet and turbine exhaust areas, checking condition of IGVs,
IGV bushing, last-stage buckets and exhaust system components.
- Verify proper operation of purge and check valves. Confirm proper setting and calibration of
the combustion controls.
Iván de Lorenzo
March 2005

The are many operating factors that can influence equipment life and these must be
understood and accounted for in the maintenance planning. They will affect in determining
the maintenance interval requirements.

A gas fuel unit operating in continuous duty, with no water or steam injection, is established
as the baseline condition which sets the maximum recommended maintenance intervals.
For operation that differs from the baseline, maintenance factors are established that
determine the increased level of maintenance that is required.

Manufacturer’s Design Cost of

recommended Features downtime
Maintenance Type of fuel
Diagnosis & Key factors affecting Firing temperatures
Expert Systems Maintenance
Cyclic effects
Replacement parts Planning
Availability / Steam/Water
Investment Injection
On-site maintenance Utilization Reliability Starts and
capability need need Hours
Iván de Lorenzo
March 2005

Gas turbines wear in different ways for different service duties. Thermal mechanical
fatigue is the dominant limiter of life for peaking machines, while creep, oxidation and
corrosion are the dominant limiters of life for continuous duty machines.

Interactions of these mechanisms are second order effects. GE bases gas turbine
maintenance requirements on independent counts of starts and hours. Whichever limit is
first reached determines the maintenance interval.

The inspection interval recommendation

is defined by the rectangle established
by the starts and hours criteria (see
figure on the right).

Other manufacturers use an alternative

method, which convert each start cycle
to an equivalent number of operating
hours (EOH) with inspection intervals
based on the equivalent hours count.
With this method, more frequent
maintenance inspections are required.
Iván de Lorenzo
March 2005

While GE does not ascribe to the equivalency of starts to hours, there are equivalencies
within a wear mechanism that must be considered.

Influences such as fuel type and quality, firing temperature setting or the amount of
steam or water injection are considered with regard to the hours-based criteria. Start up
rate and the number of trips are considered with regard to the starts-based criteria.

When these service factors are involved in a unit’s operating profile, the maintenance
rectangle that describes the specific maintenance criteria is reduced from the ideal case.

Hours factors
Fuel Gas 1
Distillate 1.5
Crude 2 to 3
Residual 3 to 4
Peak Load 6
Water / Steam Injection Dry Control 1
Wet Control 1.9 (5% H2O)

Starts factors
Trip from full load 8
Fast load 2
Emergency start 20
Iván de Lorenzo
March 2005

Fuels burned in gas turbines range from clean natural gas to residual oils and impact

Heavier hydrocarbon fuels have a maintenance factor ranging from 3 to 4 for residual fuel
and 2 to 3 for crude oil fuels. These fuels generally release a higher amount of radiant
thermal energy, which results in a reduction in combustion hardware life, and frequently
contain corrosive elements such as sodium or potassium that lead to accelerated hot
corrosion of turbine nozzles and buckets. In addition, some elements in these fuels can
cause deposits either directly or through compounds.

Distillates do not generally contain high levels of corrosive elements but harmful
contaminants can be present in these fuels when delivered to the site.

Gas fuels are considered the optimum fuel with regard to turbine maintenance and are
assigned no negative impact. However, liquid hydrocarbon carryover can expose the hot-
gas-path hardware to severe over-temperature conditions and can result in significant
reductions in hot-gas-path parts lives or repair intervals.

Owners can control this issue by using gas scrubber systems and by superheating the
gaseous fuel prior to use to provide a nominal 28°C of superheat at the GCV connection.
Iván de Lorenzo
March 2005

Maintenance Factors vs. Fuel type

Contaminants can also enter the turbine via the inlet air and from the steam or water
injected for NOx emission control or power augmentation.

Specifications define limits for maximum concentration of contaminants for fuel, air and
Iván de Lorenzo
March 2005

Significant operation at peak load, because of the higher operating temperatures, will
require more frequent maintenance and replacement of hot-gas-path components.

For an MS7001EA turbine, each hour of operation at peak load firing temperature (+100°F /
56°C) is the same, from a bucket parts life standpoint, as 6 hours of operation at base load.
It should be noted that it is not a linear relationship, as a +200°F / 111°C increase in firing
temperature would have an equivalency of six times six, or 36:1.

Also, lower firing temperature increases

parts lives. This provides an opportunity
to balance the negative effects of peak
load operation by periods of operation at
part load. It would take however 6 hours
of operation at -100°F / 56°C under base
conditions to compensate for 1 hour
operation at +100°F / 56°C over base
load conditions.
Iván de Lorenzo
March 2005

The influence of the operation at peak load can be

observed in the figure on the left. Instead of
working with the firing temperature, the parameter
chosen here has been the percentage of base

Steam / Water Injection

Water or steam injection for emissions control or power augmentation can impact parts
lives and maintenance intervals even when they meet specifications. This relates to the
effect of the added water on the hot-gas transport properties. Higher gas conductivity, in
particular, increases the heat transfer to the buckets and nozzles and can lead to higher
metal temperature and reduced parts life.

Parts life impact is related to the way the turbine is controlled. If the control system reduces
firing temperature as water or steam is injected, there will be very little impact on bucket
life. If it is designed instead to maintain firing temperature constant, this will result in
additional unit output but decreased parts life, and the maintenance factor, depending on
the material of the nozzles and buckets and the amount of water, will be between 2 and 4.
Iván de Lorenzo
March 2005

For the starts-based maintenance criteria, operating factors associated with the cyclic effects
produced during start-up, operation and shutdown of the turbine must be considered.

Operating conditions other than the standard start-up and shutdown sequence can
potentially reduce the cyclic life of the hot gas path components and rotors and, if present,
will require more frequent maintenance and parts refurbishment and/or replacement.

Light-off, acceleration, loading,

unloading and shutdown, all
produce gas temperature changes
that produce corresponding metal
temperature changes (see figure
on the right). For rapid changes,
gradients of temperature are
induced in the buckets and
nozzles that, when cycled, can
eventually lead to cracking.
Iván de Lorenzo
March 2005

Thermal mechanical fatigue testing has found that the number of cycles that a part can
withstand before cracking is strongly influenced by the total strain range and the maximum
metal temperature experienced.

Any operating condition that significantly increases the strain range and/or the maximum
metal temperature over the normal cycle conditions will act to reduce the fatigue life and
increase the starts-based maintenance factor.
For example, a trip from loads greater than
80% has an 8:1 maintenance factor (see figure).

Also, emergency starts and fast loading

will impact the starts-based maintenance
interval. Emergency starts where units are
brought to full load in less than 5 minutes
will have an effect equal to 20 normal starts
and a normal start with fast loading to 2.

On the contrary, part load operating cycles

would allow for an extension of the
maintenance interval (see figure).
Iván de Lorenzo
March 2005

In addition to the hot gas path components, the rotor structure maintenance and
refurbishment requirements are impacted by the cyclic effects associated with start-up,
operation and shutdown.

The thermal condition when the start-up sequence is initiated is a major factor in
determining the rotor maintenance interval and individual rotor component life. Rotors that
are cold when the start-up commences develop transient thermal stresses. Large rotors with
their longer thermal lime constants develop higher stresses than smaller rotors. High thermal
stresses will reduce maintenance intervals and thermal mechanical fatigue life.

Maintenance factors should be determined for an application’s duty cycle to quantify the
rotor life reductions associated with different severity levels. The maintenance factors so
determined are used to adjust the rotor component inspection, repair and replacement
intervals. Disassembly and inspection of all rotor components is required when the
accumulated rotor starts reach the inspection limit.

The rotor maintenance factor for a start-up is a function of the downtime following a previous
period of operation. As downtime increases, the rotor metal temperature approaches
ambient conditions and thermal fatigue impact increases.
Iván de Lorenzo
March 2005

Cold starts are not the only operating factor Rotor Maintenance Factors

that influences rotor maintenance intervals Fast Start Normal Start

and component life. Fast starts and fast Hot Start Factor * 1.0 0.5
loading, where the turbine is ramped quickly (1-4 hours down)
Warm 1 Start Factor 1.8 0.9
to load, increase thermal gradients and are (4-20 hours down)
more severe duty for the rotor. Trips from Warm 2 Start Factor 2.8 1.4
(20-40 hours down)
load and particularly trips followed by
Cold Start Factor 4.0 2.0
immediate restarts reduce the rotor (>40 hours down)
maintenance interval as do hot restarts within Trip from Load Factor 4.0 4.0

the first hour of a hot shutdown. Hot Start Factor 4.0 2.0
(0-1 hours down)
* For restarts < 1 hour after a trip from load, use cold factors
The significance of each of these factors is
dependent on the type of operation that the
unit sees.

There are 3 general categories of operation that are typical to most gas turbine applications:
- Peaking: high starting frequency and low number of hours per start. High percentage of cold starts.
- Cyclic: units start daily with only weekend shutdowns. Twelve to sixteen hours per start is typical
which results in a warm rotor condition for a large percentage of the starts.
- Continuous Duty: high number of hours per start and most starts are cold because outages are
generally maintenance driven. The percentage of cold starts is high and the total number of starts low.
Iván de Lorenzo
March 2005

Peaking Cyclic Continuous

The figure on the right lists operating
Hot Start (Down < 4 hrs) 3% 1% 10%
profiles of each of the 3 general
Warm 1 Start (Down 4-20 hrs) 10% 82% 5%
categories of gas turbine applications. Warm 2 Start (Down 20-40 hrs) 37% 13% 5%

Cold Start (Down > 40 hours) 50% 4% 80%

The starts based rotor maintenance Hours/start 4 16 400

Hours/years 600 4800 8200

interval will depend on an applications
Starts per year 150 300 21
specific duty cycle. Percent trips 3% 1% 20%

Number of trips per year 5 3 4

Air Quality Maintenance Factor (Starts based) 1.7 1 NA

In addition to the effects of airborne contaminants on hot-gas-path components, they also

cause compressor blade erosion, corrosion and fouling. 20-micron particles entering the
compressor can cause significant erosion. Fouling can be caused by submicron dirt
particles as well as from ingestion of oil vapor, smoke, sea salt and industrial vapours.

Axial flow compressor deterioration is the major cause of loss in gas turbine output and
efficiency. To minimize fouling type losses, on-line and off-line compressor wash
systems are available that are used to maintain compressor efficiency by washing the
compressor while at load or at cranking speed after shutdown. There are also non-
recoverable losses, typically caused by erosion and blade tip rubs.
Iván de Lorenzo
March 2005

The figure on the right lists the recommended Type of Hours/Starts

combustion, hot-gas-path and major inspection Inspection
intervals for the MS7EA gas turbine operating Combustion 8000 / 400
under ideal conditions of gas fuel, base load and
Hot Gas Path 24000 / 1200
no water or steam injection.
Major 48000 / 2400

Considering the maintenance

factor discussed previously, an Maintenance Interval = 24000
adjustment from these maximum (Hours) Maintenance Factor
intervals may be necessary,
Factored Hours
based on the specific operating Maintenance Factor =
Actual Hours
conditions of a given application.
Equations have been developed Factored Hours = (K + M * I) * (G + 1.5D + AfH + 6P)
MF =
that account for the factors Actual Hours = (G + D + H + P)
described and can be used to
G = Annual Base Load Operating Hours on Gas Fuel
determine application specific
D = Annual Base Load Operating Hours on Distillate Fuel
inspection intervals, but only for H = Annual Operating Hours on Heavy Fuel
the hot gas path and major Af = Heavy Fuel Severity Factor (Residual Af = 3 to 4, Crude Af = 2 to 3)
P = Annual Peak Load Operating Hours
inspections. The combustion
I = Percent Water/Steam Injection Referenced to Inlet Air Flow
intervals are always the ones shown. M & K = Water/Steam Injection Constants
Iván de Lorenzo
March 2005

The starts-based hot gas path maintenance interval is determined from the equation

Maintenance Interval = 1200

(Starts) Maintenance Factor

Maintenance Factor =
Factored Starts
Actual Starts
Factored Starts = (0.5NA + NB + 1.3NP + 20E + 2F + Σ a T1 T1)
MF =
Actual Starts = (NA + NB + NP + E + F + T)

NA = Annual Number of Part Load/Stop Cycles (<60% Load)

NB = Annual Number of Normal Base Load Start/Stop Cycles
NP = Annual Number of Peak Load Start/Stop Cycles
E = Annual Number of Emergency Starts
F = Annual Number of Fast Load Starts
T = Annual Number of Trips
aT = Trip Severity Factor = f (Load)
n = Number of Trip Categories (I.e., Full Load, Part Load, etc.)
Iván de Lorenzo
March 2005

The starts-based rotor maintenance interval is determined from the following

Maintenance Interval = 5000
(Starts) Maintenance Factor

(Fh*Nh + Fw1*Nw1 + Fw2*Nw2 + Fc*Nc + Ft*Nt)

MF =
(Nh + Nw1 + Nw2 + Nc)

Fh – Hot Start factor (Down 1-4 hr) Fc – Cold Start factor (Down > 40 hr)
Fw1 – Warm1 start factor (Down 4-20 hr) Fw2 – Warm2 start factor (Down 20-40 hr)
Ft – Trip from load factor

The hours-based rotor maintenance interval is determined from the following


Maintenance Interval = 144000

(Hours) Maintenance Factor

MF = H + 2P + 2TG H – Based load hours

H+P P – Peak load hours
TG – Hours on turning gear
Iván de Lorenzo
March 2005

Special Inspections

The gas turbine is designed to withstand severe duty and to be maintained onsite, with off-
site repair required only on certain components, hot-gas-path parts and rotor assemblies
needing specialized shop service.

Inspection aid provisions have been built into the gas turbine to facilitate conducting several
special inspection procedures. They provide for the rapid visual inspection and clearance
measurement of some of the critical internal components without removal of the outer
casings and shells.

There are 2 main types of special inspections:

– Borescope Inspections

– VIGV Bushing Inspection

Iván de Lorenzo
March 2005

Borescope Inspections

The gas turbines incorporate radially aligned holes through the compressor casings,
turbine shell and internal stationary turbine shrouds.

They are designed to allow the penetration of an optical borescope into the compressor
or turbine sections.

They permit the visual inspection of intermediate

compressor rotor stages, first, second and
third-stage turbine buckets and turbine nozzle

Additionally, the removal of spark plugs and

flame detectors from the combustion system
allows access to these areas.

Optical borescope
Iván de Lorenzo
March 2005

In every section of the gas turbine we shall inspect for:

• Compressor Blades:
• Combustion (Liner and
– Foreign Object Damage
(FOD) Transition Piece):
– Dirt Build Up – Carbon Build-Up
– Corrosion – Hot Spots
– Tip Erosion – Cracking
– Trailing Edge Thinning – Bulging
– Stator Blade Root Erosion – Wear
– Tip Clearance – Missing Metal

• Turbine Nozzles:
– FOD • Turbine Buckets:
– Corrosion – FOD
– Blocked Cooling Holes – Corrosion
– Cracks – Blisters
– Trailing Edge Bowing – Cracks
– Erosion – Tip Clearance
– Burning – Erosion
– Missing Metal
Iván de Lorenzo
March 2005

Access locations for

borescope inspections
in MS7001EA gas
Iván de Lorenzo
March 2005

VIGV Bushing Inspection

Variable Inlet Vanes should be inspected periodically for

bushing wear. The inspection procedure is the following:

1) The IGV controls should have been rendered

inoperable during measurement and inspection,
secured in the normally open position for loaded
operation (84°).
2) Use a dial indicator to measure motion normal to
the vane chord. Position the indicator to read as
close as the vane inner button as possible.
3) Deflect the vane to both sides of the bushing
clearance (perpendicular to the air flow direction)
and record the full dial indicator reading.

If any clearance measured is equal or greater than that

indicated in the tables, immediate action should be taken
to replace the bushing(s).
Iván de Lorenzo
March 2005

The average borescope inspection interval recommended by GE for turbines working with
fuel gas is at combustion inspection or annually, whichever occurs first.

However, adjustment of this borescope interval may be made based on operating experience
and the individual unit mode of operation and the results of previous borescope inspections.

The application of a monitoring program utilizing a borescope will allow scheduling outages
and pre-planning of parts requirements, resulting in lower maintenance costs and higher
availability and reliability of the gas turbine.

The VIGV bushing inspection schedule for the different VIGVs in a MS7001 gas turbine is
the following:

VIGV type Bushing Clearance limits for bushing Inspection interval

changeout (>= inches) (hours)
403 Stainless 158A7888 0.070 8,000

403 Stainless 315A9681 or 339A9913 0.070 8,000

GTD 450 315A9681 or 339A9913 0.100 16,000

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