PE Striking Fielding Games
PE Striking Fielding Games
PE Striking Fielding Games
Striking/Fielding Games ( 5-8)
Target Games
The players must propel the
object with much accuracy
and control to hit the target.
Review: Choose the best answer.
Striking/Fielding Games
Striking/Fielding games are
activities in which players
score points by striking an
object and running to
designated playing areas .
Traditional games
include Shatong and
Basagang Palayok.
The game makes use
of two sticks, one is
longer than the other.
The longer stick will
serve like a bat and
the shorter stick
serves like the hit.
Shatong It is a game
played in rural areas
of the Philippines but
similarly played in the
Middle East that goes
by the name
Playing Shatong/ Shiato
Skills needed in the Game:
1. running
2. batting
3. hitting
4. counting
5. catching
Warm-up prior to exercise
(Try to spend at least 5 to 10 minutes warming up)
a. breathing exercise
b. neck bending
c. shoulder rotation
d. arms circling
e. hip bending
f. half knee bend
g. foot rotation
h. inhale/exhale
Warm Up - stretching before the
Cool Down- stretching after the
Warm up & Cool down - prevent injuries.
The following will help you prevent
from injuries:
1. Warm up and cool down,
2.wear comfortable attire
3· and know the rules of the games.
Directions: Put a check ( √ ) if the following
statements shows safety precaution in
physical activity and ( X ) if not. Use a
separate sheet of paper.
__1. Warm up before doing exercise.
__2. Drink cold water after the exercise.
__3. Wear comfortable attire.
__4. Cool down after the activity.
__5. Do the exercise when stomach is full.
Supply the correct answer:
1.Shatong is an example of
what kind of game?________
2.What equipment do we need
to play Shatong?____
3. Where do we play Shatong?
4. What game in the middle east
similar to shatong?______
“Basagang Palayok” (hit
the pot) is derived from
the Spanish game
Piṅata. They used
festivals to attract the
native Filipinos to
convert their religion.
Basagang Palayok
A traditional game called “Basagang
Palayok” (hit the pot) was very popular
in the Philippines.
This game was only played
during Barrio Fiesta (Feast). This was played
mostly by children but now, it can also
be played by adults during birthday parties,
Materials Needed:
1. palayok
2. 3 feet long lumber or bamboo pole
3. goodies like chocolate, candies,
coins, small toys
4. a blindfold or scarf
Basagang Palayok
Skills needed in the Game:
1. Walking with blindfold
2. Counting
3. Striking/Hitting
Direction: Identify the skills involved in game
Basagang Palayok. Choose the correct answer.