Concept of Stress and Coping: Muhammad Rizwan
Concept of Stress and Coping: Muhammad Rizwan
Concept of Stress and Coping: Muhammad Rizwan
Muhammad Rizwan
RN Officer
DHQ, MTI Bannu
NICE College of Nursing Peshawar
1. Define stress ,coping , tolerance pattern
2. Differentiate the concept of stress as a stimulus ,r
esponse, and transaction
3. Identify physiological and psychological manifest
ations of stress
4. Describe various types of coping pattern
5. Discuss factors affecting coping pattern during ho
6. Discuss the nursing process related to stress and c
oping pattern
Stress and coping
a. Alarm Reaction
b. Resistance
c. Exhaustion
a. Alarm Reaction
• Initial reaction of the body
• Alert the body's defense
Physiological Indicators
Psychological Indicators
Physiological Indicators
• Pupils dilates
• Sweat production
• Heart rate increase
• Cardiac output increase
• Skin is paled (because of constriction of periph
eral blood vessels)
• Sodium and water retention increase which inc
rease blood volume
• Rate and depth of respiration increase (because of di
lation of bronchioles)
• Urinary output decrease
• Mouth may be dry
• Peristalsis of intestine decrease
• Muscles tension increase
Psychological Indicators
• Anxiety
• Fear
• Anger
• Depression
• Unconscious Ego Mechanism
1. Mild Anxiety
2. Moderate Anxiety
3. Severe Anxiety
4. Panic
• Increases the arousal to a point where the person
express feeling of tension, nervousness or conce
• Perceptual abilities are narrowed.
1. Problem-focused coping
2. Emotion-focused coping
3. Long-term coping strategies
4. Short-term coping strategies
5. Adaptive coping
6. Maladaptive coping
7. Care-giver burden
1. Problem-focused coping
• Refers to efforts to improve a situation by making c
hanges or talking actions (Lozarus 2006)
• 2. Emotion-focused coping
• Include thoughts and actions that relieve emotional
• Doesn't improve the situation but the person often fe
els better (Lozarus 2006)
3.Long-term coping Strategies