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R. V. Gandhi et al Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications www.ijera.

ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 5, Issue 2( Part 3), February 2015, pp.89-93


Data Back-Up and Recovery Techniques for Cloud Server Using

Seed Block Algorithm
R. V. Gandhi1, M Seshaiah2, A. Srinivas3, C. ReddiNeelima4
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, JigjigaUnivesity, Jigjiga, Ethiopia.
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belgum, India.
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, HITS, R.R.Dist, Telangana, India.
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, MTIEAT, Palamaner, Chittoor Dist, A.P, India.

In cloud computing, data generated in electronic form are large in amount. To maintain this data efficiently, there is a
necessity of data recovery services. To cater this, we propose a smart remote data backup algorithm, Seed Block
Algorithm. The objective of proposed algorithm is twofold; first it help the users to collect information from any remote
location in the absence of network connectivity and second to recover the files in case of the file deletion or if the cloud
gets destroyed due to any reason. The time related issues are also being solved by proposed seed block algorithm such
that it will take minimum time for the recovery process. Proposed seed block algorithm also focuses on the security
concept for the back-up files stored at remote server, without using any of the existing encryption techniques.
Key Words: Data Recovery, Seed Block Algorithm, Security, center repository, backup repository.

I. INTRODUCTION takes care of the heavily generated data which

Cloud computing defines as a model for remains unchanged during storing at main cloud
enabling convenient, on-demand network access remote server and transmission. Integrity plays an
to a share pool of configurable computing service important role in back-up and recovery services.
that can be provisioned rapidly and released with However, still various successful techniques are
minimal management effort or services provider. lagging behind some critical issues like
Today, Cloud Computing is itself a gigantic implementation complexity, low cost, security
technology which is surpassing all the previous and time related issues. To cater these issues, we
technology of computing of this competitive and propose a smart remote data backup algorithm,
challenging IT world. The need of cloud Seed Block Algorithm (SBA). The contribution of
computing is increasing day by day as its the proposed SBA is twofold; first SBA helps the
advantages overcome the disadvantage of various users to collect information from any remote
early computing techniques. Cloud storage location in the absence of network connectivity
provides online storage where data stored in form and second to recover the files in case of the file
of virtualized pool that is usually hosted by third deletion or if the cloud gets destroyed due to any
parties. The hosting company operates large data reason.
on large data centre and according to the
requirements of the customer these data centre II. RELATED WORK
virtualized the resources and expose them as the 2.1. Problem statement
storage pools that help user to store files or data In cloud computing, to maintain the data efficiently,
objects. As number of user shares the storage and there is a necessity of data recovery services. To cater
other resources, it is possible that other customers this, we propose a smart remote data backup algorithm,
can access your data. Either the human error, Seed Block Algorithm. Using Seed block algorithm we
faulty equipment’s, network connectivity, a bug recover the files in case of the file deletion or if the cloud
or any criminal intent may put our cloud storage gets destroyed due to any reason. The time related issues
on the risk and danger. And changes in the cloud are also being solved by proposed Seed Block Algorithm
are also made very frequently; we can term it as such that it will take minimum time for the recovery
data dynamics. The data dynamics is supported process. Proposed Seed Block Algorithm also focuses on
by various operations such as insertion, deletion the security concept for the back-up files stored at remote
and block modification. Since services are not server, without using any of the existing encryption
limited for archiving and taking backup of data; techniques.
remote data integrity is also needed. Because the
data integrity always focuses on the validity and
fidelity of the complete state of the server that 89 | P a g e
R. V. Gandhi et al Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications
ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 5, Issue 2( Part 3), February 2015, pp.89-93

2.2. Existing Statement cope with a large amount of traffic. Dedicated hosting is a
The recent back-up and recovery techniques that much more advanced form of hosting, whereby clients
have been developed in cloud computing domain such are purchase whole physical servers. This means that the
HSDRT, (PCS) Parity Cloud Service, (ERGOT) Efficient entire server is dedicated to them with no other clients
Routing Grounded on Taxonomy, Linux Box, Cold/Hot sharing it. In some instances the client may utilize
backup strategy etc. Detail review shows that none of multiple servers which are all dedicated to their use.
these techniques are able to provide best performances Dedicated servers allow for full control over hosting. The
under all uncontrolled circumstances such as cost, downside is that the required capacity needs to be
security, low implementation complexity, redundancy predicted, with enough resource and processing power to
and recovery in short span of time. cope with expected traffic levels. If this is underestimated
then it can lead to a lack of necessary resource during
2.3. Proposed System busy periods, while overestimating it will mean paying
The objective of proposed algorithm is twofold; first for unnecessary capacity. With cloud hosting clients get
it help the users to collect information from any remote the best of both worlds. Resource can be scaled up or
location in the absence of network connectivity and scaled down accordingly, making it more flexible and,
second to recover the files in case of the file deletion or if therefore, more cost-effective. When there is more
the cloud gets destroyed due to any reason. demand placed on the servers, capacity can be
Usually Backup server of main cloud is the copy of automatically increased to match that demand without
main cloud. When this Backup Server is at remote this needing to be paid for on a permanent basis. This is
location (i.e. far away from the main server) and having akin to a heating bill; you access what you need, when
the complete state of the main cloud, and then this remote you need it, and then only pay for what you’ve used
location server is termed as Remote Data Backup Server. afterwards. Unlike dedicated servers, cloud servers can
The main cloud is termed as the central repository and be run on a hypervisor. The role of a hypervisor is to
remote backup cloud is termed as remote repository. To control the capacity of operating systems so it is allocated
tackle the challenges like low implementation where needed. With cloud hosting there are multiple
complexity, low cost, security and time related issues we cloud servers which are available to each particular client.
propose Seed Block Algorithm (SBA) algorithm. This allows computing resource to be dedicated to a
particular client if and when it is necessary. Where there
III. IMPLEMENTATION is a spike in traffic, additional capacity will be temporarily
These aim to objectively and rationally uncover the accessed by a website, for example, until it is no longer
strengths and weaknesses of the existing business or required. Cloud servers also offer more redundancy. If
proposed venture, opportunities and threats as presented one server fails, others will take its place. Cloud
by the environment, the resources required to carry computing is the provision of dynamically scalable and
through, and ultimately the prospects for success. In its often virtualized resources as a services over the
simplest term, the two criteria to judge feasibility are cost internet Users need not have knowledge of, expertise in,
required and value to be attained. As such, a well- or control over the technology infrastructure in the
designed feasibility study should provide a historical "cloud" that supports them. Cloud computing represents a
background of the business or project, description of the major change in how we store information and run
product or service, accounting statements, details of applications. Instead of hosting apps and data on an
the operations and management, marketing research and individual desktop computer, everything is hosted in the
policies, financial data, legal requirements and tax "cloud server" called the central repository an assemblage
obligations. Generally, feasibility studies precede of computers and servers accessed via the Internet. User
technical development and project implementation. can use the cloud server for storing the data in a secure
manner. For using the cloud server; user can register first
Cloud Server - Central Repository for getting the user id and password. If the user is already
In some respects cloud servers work in the same way registered then user can use the cloud server with the user
as physical servers but the functions they provide can be id and password.
very different. When opting for cloud hosting, clients are
renting virtual server space rather than renting or Backup Repository
purchasing physical servers. They are often paid for by The main cloud is termed as the central repository
the hour depending on the capacity required at any and remote backup cloud is termed as Backup repository.
particular time. Traditionally there are two main options And if the central repository lost its data under any
for hosting: shared hosting and dedicated hosting. Shared circumstances either of any natural calamity (for ex -
hosting is the cheaper option whereby servers are shared earthquake, flood, fire etc.) or by human attack or deletion
between the hosting provider’s clients. One client’s that has been done mistakenly and then it uses the
website will be hosted on the same server as websites information from the remote repository. The main
belonging to other clients. This has several disadvantages objective of the backup facility is to help user to collect
including the fact that the setup is inflexible and cannot information from any remote location even if network 90 | P a g e
R. V. Gandhi et al Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications
ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 5, Issue 2( Part 3), February 2015, pp.89-93

connectivity is not available or if data not found on main repository, the data should be fully protected such
cloud. Backups have two distinct purposes. The primary that no access and harm can be made to the remote
purpose is to recover data after its loss, be it by data cloud’s data either intentionally or unintentionally by
deletion or corruption. Data loss can be a common third party or any other client.
experience of computer users The secondary purpose of
backups is to recover data from an earlier time, according Reliability
to a user-defined data retention policy, typically The remote cloud must possess the reliability
configured within a backup application for how long characteristics. Because in cloud computing the main
copies of data are required. Though backups popularly cloud stores the complete data and each client is
represent a simple form of disaster recovery, and should dependent on the main cloud for each and every little
be part of a disaster recovery plan, by themselves, amount of data; therefore the cloud and remote
backups should not alone be considered disaster backup cloud must play a trustworthy role. That
recovery. One reason for this is that not all backup means, both the server must be able to provide the
systems or backup applications are able to reconstitute a data to the client immediately whenever they required
computer system or other complex configurations such as either from main cloud or remote server.
a computer cluster, directory servers, or a database server,
by restoring only data from a backup. Cost effectiveness
Since a backup system contains at least one copy of The cost for implementation of remote server
all data worth saving, the data storage requirements can and its recovery & back-up technique also play an
be significant. Organizing this storage space and important role while creating the structure for main
managing the backup process can be a complicated cloud and its correspondent remote cloud. The cost
undertaking. A data repository model can be used to for establishing the remote setup and for
provide structure to the storage. Nowadays, there are implementing its technique must be minimum such
many different types of data storage devices that are that small business can afford such system and large
useful for making backups. The Remote backup business can spend minimum cost as possible.
services should cover the following issues:
 Privacy and ownership. IV. RESULTS
 Relocation of servers to the cloud.
 Data security.
 Reliability.
 Cost effectiveness.

Privacy and ownership

Different clients access the cloud with their
different login or after any authentication process. Screen Shot For Login Page
They are freely allowed to upload their private and
essential data on the cloud. Hence, the privacy and
ownership of data should be maintained; Owner of
the data should only be able to access his private data
and perform read, write or any other operation.
Remote Server must maintain this Privacy and

Relocation of server
For data recovery there must be relocation of Screen shot for module list
server to the cloud. The Relocation of server means
to transfer main server’s data to another server;
however the new of location is unknown to the client.
The clients get the data in same way as before
without any intimation of relocation of main server,
such that it provides the location transparency of
relocated server to the clients and other third party
while data is been shifted to remote server.

Data security
The client’s data is stored at central repository Screen shot for User Registration form
with complete protection. Such a security should be
followed in its remote repository as well. In remote 91 | P a g e
R. V. Gandhi et al Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications
ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 5, Issue 2( Part 3), February 2015, pp.89-93

information from any remote location in the absence of

network connectivity and also to recover the files in case
of the file deletion or if the cloud gets destroyed due to
any reason. Experimentation and result analysis shows
that proposed SBA also focuses on the security concept
for the back-up files stored at remote server, without
using any of the existing encryption techniques. The time
related issues are being solved by proposed SBA such
that it will take minimum time for the recovery process.
Screen shot for browsing a document Many reputed companies can store the confidential data
without much risk, Security is also being increased.

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Software Testing, Wireless Networks and Software

GANDHI, Post Graduated in Computer Science & Mrs C.ReddiNeelima, Post
Engineering (M.Tech) From JNT University, Graduated in Computer Science & Engineering
Hyderabad in 2009 and Graduated in Computer (M.Tech), JNTU University, Anantapur in 2014 and
Science & engineering (B.Tech) form JNTU, Graduated in Computer Science Engineering
Hyderabad, 2007. He is working as an Lecturer in (B.Tech) from SK university, Anantapur in 2008. She
Department of Computer Science & Engineering in is working as an Assistant Professor in Department of
JigjigaUnivesity, Jigjiga, Ethiopia. He has 5+ years Computer Science & Engineering in Mother
of Teaching Experience. His Research Interests Theresa Institute of Engineering and Technology,
Include Network Security, Cloud Computing & Data Chittoor Dist, A.P and India. She has 3 years of
Warehousing and Data Mining. Teaching Experience. Her Research Interests Include
Network Security, Cloud Computing & Data
Warehousing and Data Mining.

Mr. M Seshaiah, Post Graduated in

Computer Science & Engineering (M.Tech) From
Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belgum in
2010 and Graduated in Computer Science & 93 | P a g e

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