Holistic and Transcultural Nursing
Holistic and Transcultural Nursing
Holistic and Transcultural Nursing
Local vs Global Value
• Policies have shifted between phases of assimilation,
integration, multiculturalism, mainstreaming, to inclusiveness
and being united in diversity, emphasize the importance of
valuing differences, and utilizing the cultural knowledge and
skills of people from different backgrounds.
Model Review
• Leininger's Sunrise Model
• Giger & Davidhizar's Transcultural Assessment Model,
• Campinha-Bacote's or Punells’ Cultural Competence Model
Theory to Implication
Culture imposition
Culture shock
Bisa diingat!
Budaya itu
• Dipelajari (bukan diturunkan)
• Diwariskan dari satu generasi ke generasi
• Melalui simbol
• Dinamis dan adaptif
• Menyeluruh
• Bersifat etnosentris
Seven Components of Culture
1. Technological factors
2. Religious and philosophical factors
3. Kinship and social factors
4. Cultural value and life ways
5. Political and legal factors
6. Economical factors
7. Educational factors
In other references, technology will be combined with economy,
thus, the seventh component is language.
Cultural and Spirituality
• Certainty and uncertainty of life
• Goals or purposes of life
• Inner resources for life adaptation
• Inferior relationship with Allah or other ‘Gods’
Assessments of Seven Components
• Assessment is requirement for implementating the nursing
care related treatment, therapy, nutrition, motivation to
comply, role of peer/family.
A culturally competent nurse views all
patients as unique individuals and realizes
that their experiences, beliefs, values, and
language affect their perceptions of clinical
service delivery, acceptance of a diagnosis,
and compliance
• Cockerham, WC (1978) Medical Sociology. Prentice Hall. New
Jersey, pp: 3-17, 65-86, 87-114, 156-195
• Foster, G.M & Anderson, B.G. (diterjemahkan oleh Suryadarma,
P.P & Swasono, M.F.H.) Antropologi Kesehatan. Universitas
Indonesia. 1986, hal: 1-96, 121-207, 243-262, 311-330
• Eisenberg, L. and Kleinman, A. (1981) The Relevance of Social
Science for Medicine. D. Reidel Publishing Company.
Holland.pp: 111- 164, 241-253, 307-329
• Helman, CG (2000) Culture, Health, and Illness. Fourth edition.
Butterworth-Heinemann. Oxford. pp: 1-31, 108 – 127, 265 - 271