Introducing The Individual Oral: Brad Philpot For Students of IBDP English A: Language and Literature SL/HL
Introducing The Individual Oral: Brad Philpot For Students of IBDP English A: Language and Literature SL/HL
Introducing The Individual Oral: Brad Philpot For Students of IBDP English A: Language and Literature SL/HL
A guide by
Brad Philpot for students of IBDP
English A: Language and literature SL/HL
This slideshow is not endorsed by the IB
What is the individual oral?
● A recorded 10-minute oral talk, prepared in advance,
● followed by a 5-minute discussion with your teacher.
Check out the 17 Sustainable Development Goals
(SDGs). They can act as a springboard for formulating a
Examples of Global Issues
Harmful definitions of
beauty standards
The ways in which colonial
power structures are still
prevalent and relevant.
What does all of this mean?
Global issue
● What’s your GI? ● Feature 1 > examples from ● Feature 4 > examples from ● What are the
Why does it passage > effects on the passage > effects on the similarities and
matter? reader > examples from reader > examples from differences?
● How is it the entire lit work > effects the entire BOW > effects ● How effective are the
presented in 2 on the reader > relevance of the reader > relevance texts in presenting the
texts through of feature to the GI of feature to the GI GI?
authorial choices ● Feature 2 ... ● Feature 5 ...
& textual ● Feature 3 ... ● Feature 6 ...
What happens in the discussion?
● You can make connections to the concepts: identity,
representation, transformation, culture,
communication, perspective and creativity
● You can make (more) comparisons between texts.
● You can evaluate (further) how effective the authors
are in achieving their aims.
● You can explore (more) meaningful features from
passages, work and BOW.
● Elaborate!
What about mocks and finals?
● It’s not ‘best one counts’. Your final IO is for your final
● Any combination of a GI, a work and a BOW from a
mock oral is off limits for your final oral and your
classmates’ final orals.
● You cannot do your final oral any passages that you
have previously used in mocks.
What are the assessment criteria?
Criterion B: Analysis and evaluation - 10 marks
Criterion A: knowledge, understanding and To what extent does the oral analyse and evaluate how the
interpretation - 10 marks authors present the global issue through authorial choices in
To what extent does the oral show knowledge the extracts, the work and the body of work?
and understanding of the extracts, of the
extracts, and the literary work and the non-
literary body of work from which they were
taken? Criterion C: Focus and organisation - 10 marks
To what extent does the oral show coherence, balance,
To what extent are interpretations relevant to focus and organisation?
the global issue?
19-23 4
12-18 3
6-11 2
1-5 1
How is it marked?
● It’s internal assessment (IA), meaning your teacher marks
your oral.
● Your teacher submits your class’ marks and a sample of
recordings from your class to the IB for moderation.
● Based on the sample, an IB moderator may change your
teacher’s grades and apply a moderation factor to all
students’ grades.
● The IO counts for 20% of your final grade at HL and 30%
of your final grade at SL.
May the force be with you!
But if you’re not a Jedi master:
● practice a lot,
● get meaningful feedback,
● apply the criteria,
● and make improvements.