The Black Cat: By: Edgar Allan Poe
The Black Cat: By: Edgar Allan Poe
The Black Cat: By: Edgar Allan Poe
Edgar Allan Poe
• The story opens in the cell of a prisoner the day before
he is to be executed by hanging.
• After introducing himself to readers as a man who
underwent a horrifying experience, the prisoner writes
down the details of this experience, which led to his
imprisonment and planned execution.
• The events in his tale are set at his home and in a
tavern. Although these events take place over several
years, the recounting of these events in writing takes
place on a single day in the narrator's prison cell.
The Narrator, a prisoner scheduled for execution. His loathing of
a cat he once loved leads to his commission of a capital crime.
First Black Cat, a cat named Pluto that loves the narrator but
irritates him when it follows him everywhere.
Second Black Cat, a cat that resembles the first black cat and may
be a reincarnation of the latter–or so the narrator may think.
• But, as he readily
aknowledges, it certanly
put him in a foul mood.
3. A weak, unbalaneed
human psyche may be
highly vulnerable to the
power of suggestion.