Project Nipa

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“Nurturing Individuals towards Peak Achievement”

The Project NIPA which
stands for Nurturing
Individuals towards Peak
Performance is a proud banner
of Nipa Elementary School
that envisions to achieve high
Academic performance.

The stars represent the

seven Grade Levels from K to
Grade 6 which is the loci of
the project
The 7 stars represent the
7 Grade Levels of complete
elementary education. These
are Kinder, Grade 1, Grade
2, Grade 3, Grade 4, Grade 5
and Grade 6.
The stars with yellow color
represent the burning desires
to direct learners to the
highest academic
performance as expected.
The three light green nipa palm
represent the three pillars of School
Based Management- ACCESS,
which are expected to be realized
to achieve SBM level 3 of practice
The nipa palm symbolizes the
culture and origin of the barangay.
The two hands represent the
strong tie-up between the
internal(teachers, Parents
and pupils) and external
(Brgy LGU, NGO)
stakeholders to foster
strong relationship in caring
and nurturing learners
towards high academic
Title: Project NIPA
( Nurturing Individuals towards Peak Achievement )

Slogan “ Lead the child to success”

Program Description: Capacitate teachers’ teaching competence to improve academic performance

and SBM Level of practice by nurturing individuals’ knowledge, skills and attitudes
resulting to zero non – readers, envisioned by the highly competent teachers and
guided by empowered stakeholders.
Prerequisite Program: None

Duration: 2017- 2019

Management Level of School level

Delivery Mode: Focused-Group Discussion (FGD), INSET, SLAC, Curriculum Contextualization,

Advocacy, linkages

Target Personnel: Teachers, pupils and stakeholders of Nipa Elementary School

The school is known as the abode of formal education where learners are the center of
the educative process. Through this, the Department of Education imposes varied
programs, projects, principles, and policies just to address the necessary development of
learners. This leads to confusions and add-on burden to all school authorities aside from
teaching and coated paper works to give what is expected by the higher office.
In connection to this, Republic act 9155 calls on translating these policies and
principles into projects and programs to fit the local needs. This emphasis to empower
every school to contextualized and localized all projects and programs suited to the level
of the community. And in order to realized the said call, the school authorities must be
competent, resourceful and passionate as Article IV, Section 2 of the Code of Ethics for
Professional Teachers adopted in 1997 through Board Resolution No. 435 by the Board of
Professional Teachers says that, ““Every teacher shall uphold the highest standards of
quality education, shall make the best preparations for the career of teaching, and shall be
at his best at all times in the practice of his profession.”
Through this principle, the school makes its assessment of present situations that help
to interpret the performance of the teachers, learners and stakeholders towards crafting of
the school banner project as a method in achieving high academic performance.
Based from the data gathered on the different area of academic, the Nipa Elementary School at present has 3
or 0.02%non-readers, 72 or 40.68% under frustration level , 57 or 32.20% for Instruction and 45 or 25.42 %
independent level out of 136 learners in their reading performance through the School PHIL IRI results. This is
the cause of having low Periodical MPS results in English and Filipino and having a fluctuated results of NAT
The data on academic performance shows that learners in general have not yet mastered the competencies
due non-readers, frustration readers and somehow because of the imperfection in the teaching instruction of
the teachers and lack of relevant, meaningful and useful resources that drag down the school performances.
And so, with the Project E-Kultura “Edukasyon, Kultura at Turismo para han pag-uswag han Samar” of the
Division of Samar, inspires this School to craft School banner project NIPA, believes to improve a high academic
performance through nurturing individuals towards peak achievement resulting to zero non – readers, envisioned
by the highly competent teachers and guided by empowered stakeholders leading to achieve the SBM level 3 of
With the support of the different interventions listed below, Project NIPA is expected to shine.

1. Managing and Enhancing the Reformation of Leaders to be Outstanding (MERLO)-aims to capacitate 6

teachers with knowledge, skills and attitude (KSAs) towards teaching instruction through the conduct of
trainings and seminars within the year and the SLACs every 1 st Friday of the Month.

2. Literacy Advancement through Designing Excellence Notion (LADEN)- Aims to enhance the Reading
performance of the learners from non-readers to frustration and to independent level in Mother tongue for
Grade 1, Filipino for Grade 2 and English for Grades 3 to 6 , through the conduct of EGRA Assessment for Grade
1 and Phil IRI for Grades 2 to 6. The Pre Test of EGRA and Phil IRI for SY. 2016-2017 will be used as basis for
reading level assessment . Another way to support this project is through the conduct of remedial class for
non-readers by the teacher advisers from 3:30- 4:30 in the afternoon daily.
3. Strengthening Technical Assistance towards Revitalize Supervision (STARS)- aims
to give technical assistance to improve teaching instruction in achieving high
academic performance in English and Filipino through the conduct of classroom visits,
clinical supervision by the school head and through demonstration teaching every
SLAC conducted by the school.

4. Strengthening and Maximizing Assessment in the Results of Test (SMART)- aims to

identify the least learned skills in every periodical Test to asses the competencies the
teachers failed to do to improve and achieve academic excellence.

5. Maintaining Inspired Governance through Unity and Excellent Leadership

(MIGUEL)- aims to maintain strong relationship between school and stakeholders to
get involve in planning and leading the operation of the different activities, programs
and projects with unity and excellence towards the success of the implementation of
school banner project. This also empowers every individual to showcase the
leadership skills for the attainment of the school to be SBM level III of practice.
The project aims to achieve the following objectives:

1.To capacitate 7 teacher in teaching instruction with Knowledge,

Skills and Attitude in handling diverse learners
2.To enhance reading performance level of learners to 90%
independent readers in Mother tongue for Grade 1, Filipino for
Grade 2 and English for Grades 3 to 6.
3.To achieve learner’s high academic performance in English and
Filipino both Periodical and NAT MPS results
4.To empower stakeholders in leading school programs and projects
5.To achieve SBM Level III of Practice
The following are the specific results aim to be achieved.

1.Highly competent teachers

2.90% independent reading proficiency level
3. Achieved high MPS in Periodical Test and NAT in both
English and Filipino
4. Empowered stakeholders in leading school
programs and projects
5. Level III Regional Accredited school
Nipa Elementary School, popularly
known as an “Abode of High performers”,
where learners are highly academic
achievers nurtured by competent
teachers; inspired by passionate school
head and supported by empowered
The project NIPA is parked on the ACHIEVEMENT MOTIVATION THEORY of David McClelland and
Atkinson. MCClelland believes that the need for achievement is a distinct human motive that can be
distinguished for other needs. One characteristic of achievement motivated people is that they see to be
more concerned with personal achievement than with the rewards of success. Likewise, Atkinson says
that, orientation results from achieving success and avoiding failure. The motive to achieve success is
determined by three things: (1) the need to succeed or need achievement (nAch); (2) the person's
estimate of the likelihood of success in performing the particular task; and (3) the incentive for
success-that is, how much the person wants to succeed in that particular task. The motive to avoid
failure is determined by three similar considerations: (1) the need to avoid failure which, like the need
to achieve success, (2) the person's estimate of the likelihood of failure at the particular task; and (3)
the incentive value of failure at that task, that is, how unpleasant it would be to fail (Atkinson, 1966).
Both McClelland and Atkinson’s achievement and motivation theory was based on a personality
characteristic. That is why teachers are exposed to many trainings, seminar and workshops to
developed fully not only mental, social but as well as their physical aspect. And so PROJECT MERLO,
Managing and Enhancing the Reformation of Leaders to be Outstanding aims to capacitate 6 teachers
with knowledge, skills and attitude (KSAs) towards teaching instruction through the conduct of
trainings and seminars within the year and the SLACs every 1 st Friday of the Month. This is basically
inlined with Republic Act 10533, Section 7 of Teacher Education and Training- ensure that the
enhanced basic education program meets the demand for quality teachers and school leaders, the
DepED and the CHED, in collaboration with relevant partners in government, academe, industry, and
nongovernmental organizations, shall conduct teacher education and training programs
Research provides evidence that specific early literacy concepts can predict young students' later
reading achievement (DeBruinParecki, 2004). These reading concepts include letter knowledge,
phonemic awareness, decoding, fluency, and comprehension. An effective reading program includes
assessments of all of these concepts for several purposes.
One purpose is to identify skills that need review. Assessment provides teachers with information
on what skills students have and have not mastered. It is needed to help teachers know the skill levels
of their students, since students have varying experiences and knowledge. That is why a PHIL IRI
TOOL and EGRA is used as assessment to determine the reading performance of the laerners.
Project LADEN, Literacy Advancement through Designing Excellence Notion-Aims to enhance
the Reading performance of the learners from non-readers to frustration and to independent level in
Mother tongue for Grade 1, Filipino for Grade 2 and English for Grades 3 to 6 , through the conduct
of EGRA Assessment for Grade 1 and Phil IRI for Grades 2 to 6. The Pre Test of EGRA and Phil IRI for
SY. 2016-2017 will be used as basis for reading level assessment . Another way to support this
project is through the conduct of remedial class for non-readers by the teacher advisers from
3:30- 4:30 in the afternoon daily.
PROJECT STARS, Strengthening Technical Assistance towards Revitalize Supervision, aims to
give technical assistance to improve teaching instruction in achieving high academic
performance in English and Filipino through the conduct of classroom visits, clinical supervision
by the school head and through demonstration teaching every SLAC conducted by the school.
In order teachers to be well guided with the different theories presented above that lead to a
transformed and holistic instruction , Project TROOP or Testing and Revitalizing Outmost Operation
of Preceptors, aims to capacitate 11 teachers with knowledge, skills and attitude (KSAs) towards
teaching instruction through attending trainings and seminars within the year and the conduct of
SLACs every 1st Friday of the month is indeed a way of preparing quality teachers . In this manner
teachers will be equipped with KSA in teaching instruction that will lead them to be effective and
efficient. This is basically inlined with Republic Act 10533, Section 7 of Teacher Education and
Training- ensure that the enhanced basic education program meets the demand for quality teachers
and school leaders, the DepED and the CHED, in collaboration with relevant partners in government,
academe, industry, and nongovernmental organizations, shall conduct teacher education and training

Under Deped Order 35, s 2016 ,in the rationale it states that DepEd recognizes the quality of
learning greatly influenced by the quality of teaching. Organizing professional learning communities
will aid teachers in the construction of new knowledge about instruction as well as in revising
traditional beliefs and assumptions about education, community, teaching, and learning (Little 2003)
to suit the present needs of learners. This is why School Learning Action Cells is made as an avenue
for the growth needs of the teachers particularly in curriculum instruction. Thus, Project STAFF
Strengthening Technical Assistance for Favorable Factors which aims to give technical assistance to
all teachers by the school head and 1 Master Teacher to improve teachers’ teaching learning
techniques and strategies in teaching reading. A demonstration teaching during
SLAC will be conducted by the Master Teacher is hereby created.
Assessment is an essential element of education used to inform instruction (Wren,
2004). The first step in implementing good reading instruction is to determine student
baseline performance. Students enter the classroom with diverse backgrounds and
skills in literacy. Some students may enter the classroom with special needs that
require review of basic skills in reading, while other students may have mastered the
content a teacher intends to cover. Due to these various student levels, it is necessary
to design literacy instruction to meet the individual needs of each student.

And with this Project SMALL or Strengthening and Maximizing Assessment in

Language Literacy is made to upgrade the reading performance level of the learners
to independent level in Mother Tongue for Grade 1, Filipino for Grade 2 and English
for Grades 3 to 6 through the conduct of SReyA Assessment for Grade 1 and Phil IRI
for Grades 2 to 6. The Pre Test of SReyA and Phil IRI for SY. 2016-2017 will be used as
basis for reading level assessment . Another way is through the conduct of remedial
class for non-readers by a designated remedial teacher from 3:30- 4:30 in the
afternoon daily until such time, pupil is assessed under instructional. With this,
teacher will gain appropriate data to monitor pupils progress in reading.
Literacy centers are an exciting, self-motivational way to enhance, develop, or extend
learning within a classroom. At literacy centers, students work alone or interact with one
another using instructional materials to explore and expand their learning (Diller, 2003).
This is a physical area (or station) designated for specific learning purposes. It is designed
to provide appropriate materials to help students work independently or collaboratively (with
partners or in small groups) to meet literacy goals. With this Project E-CLASS Enhancing
Contextualized Literacy Area as Support Strategy, it aims to upgrade frustration to
instruction then to independent level by providing pupils an area inside the classroom to
exercise their reading skills to be developed in a relevant, meaningful and useful way.
Class advisers have to install a Literacy station inside their classroom with contextualized
and localized reading materials appropriate to the grade level, quarterly. Monitoring and
Evaluation of the E-CLASS will be conducted monthly by the School head.

DepEd Order No. 43, s. 2013, Implementing Rules and Guidelines of RA 10533, The
Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013. Section 10.2, states that the curriculum shall be
flexible enough to enable and allow schools to localize, indigenize and enhance the same
based on their respective educational and social contexts. The production and development
of locally produced teaching and learning materials shall be encouraged. That’s why this
project encourages teachers to contextualized and localized Instructional learning materials.
Bowen (2002) describes that reward is something which is given or received in return for a
success or achievement. In other words reward is used as an appreciation of certain behavior in
the shape of monetary or non-monetary incentives after certain accomplishment or a success.
With this Project AWARD Awarding of Wizards in Academic and Reading Development, designs to
motive and encourage learners to refine their attitude and values towards reading by giving
awards for those improving pupils every reading assessment conducted by the Master Teacher or
by the School Head throughout the school year. And most especially for those honor pupils
every portfolio day.

According to Wassawassi on her blog on does health affects education? It is undeniable that
healthy students  are much better able to learn, develop and achieve education outcomes to
become competent and responsible citizens. In other way around, children who are not healthy
decrease their body’s ability to fight infections and illness (a decease in immunity) that causes
them to fall ill more often and to miss school. They are then left behind their peers and their
education suffers a severe blow. With Project BREAD, Body Reformation through Exercise and
Absorbable Diets it aims to diminish the severely wasted and wasted learners to achieve 95%
Normal Nutritional Status of all learners through the School-Based Feeding Program for 120
days as a recipient school with the use of the products from Gulayan sa Paaralan in sustaining
the feeding program and above all the conduct of daily exercise during flag raising ceremony.
Aside from this, is a ZUMBA Time every Friday at 4:30-5:00 o’clock in the afternoon for
teachers, parents and pupils in developing physical fitness and restoration of energy.
Republic Act 9155, known as Governance of Basic Education tells that the state shall encourage local
initiatives for improving the quality of basic education. The state shall ensure that the values, needs and
aspirations of a school community are reflected in the program of education for the children, out-of-
school youth and adult learners. Schools and learning centers shall be empowered to make decisions on
what is best for the learners they serve. In the DepED mission, it states that Family, community, and other
stakeholders are actively engaged and share responsibility for developing life-long learners supports the
following interventions and believed to be helpful in the implementation of the following projects;
One is Project SHELTER, Strengthen Home Enhancement in Literacy Teaching to be Excellent Readers
which aims parents to facilitate the reading habit of the child at home that will last from 30 to 60 minute
every 6:00 o’clock in the evening and to be monitored by the reading and project coordinator. This
intervention believes to have a strong tie-up between the parents and teachers towards reading
enhancement of the learner.
Second, Project ReTELL or Revitalizing Tutorial Education for Life-long Learners , aims to conduct parent
class in teaching beginning reading and how to facilitate teaching reading to all children at home. This
intervention is to be conducted every first Monday of the Month at 10:30- 11:30 o’clock in the morning
in partnership with District ALS Coordinator , Master Teacher and Primary Teachers as their schedules fit
through. The said intervention is in support with project SHELTER to make it sustain. Another way to
conduct tutorial education to parents is during PTA assembly every quarter to be conducted by the same
people identified above.
Third, Project SCHEDULE or Stakeholders Collaboration for High Education through Devotion, Unity and
longing for Excellence , aims to encourage stakeholders to get involve in planning and leading the
implementation of the different activities, programs and projects. This empowers every individual to
showcase their leadership skills towards the attainment of the school to be SBM level III.
1.Highly competent teachers
2.90% independent reading proficiency
3. Achieved high MPS in Periodical Test
and NAT in both English and Filipino
PROJECT LADEN 4. Empowered stakeholders in leading
ACCESS programs and projects
5. Level III Regional Accredited school
Nurturing Individuals toward Peak

Anchored on the following

Theories: QUALITY PROJECT LADEN Nipa Elementary School, popularly
*Bruner’s Theory of known as an “Abode of High performers”,
Instruction where learners are highly academic
achievers nurtured by competent
teachers; inspired by passionate school
*Kelly’s Personal head and supported by empowered
Construct Theory GOVERNANCE stakeholders.
Strategies Project Activities Timelin Resources
Human Physical Financi Fund
Resources al Allocation

Attend District Project E- -Orient Project E-Kultura Dec. PSDS, District Bondpaper, 1000 MOOE
Project E-Kultura Kultura of 27-28, Project Team Ballpen,
Samar 2016 Notebook

Conduct meeting SLAC, FGD - Identify and prioritize the problem January School Head, Laptop, 500 MOOE
with the - Data Gathering 10, Teachers Projector,
PolangbatoES - Brainstorming on the title of the 2017 Ballpen,
Teachers banner project Bondpaper

Craft School School banner - Identify Technical Working Group January School Head, Laptop, wifi 1000 MOOE
banner project project - Divide the different parts of the 7- 30, Teachers, TWG
banner project in crafting, to all 2017

Finalize the Project NIPA - Hold a FGD Februar School Head, Laptop, 1000 MOOE
crafting of School - Present the work of the assigned y 1-28 , Teachers, TWG projector
banner project part for each group 2017
- Critique
- Encode the finalized school banner

Submit the crafted Project NIPA - Submit the School banner project to March School Head Hard copy of 500 MOOE
Strategies Project Activities Timeline Resources

Human Physical Financial Fund

Resources Allocatio

District launching Project NIPA -Attend and present the school March 17, SGOD, CID, Laptop, 1000 MOOE
of schools banner banner project NIPA 2017 PSDS, SHS, Projector
project (5min) Teachers ,ICT

School launching Project NIPA - Present the features of the School June 1, School Head, Laptop, 1000 MOOE
of School banner banner project 2017 TWG, ICT Projector
Project NIPA - Hang tarpaulin for the promotion of
Project NIPA

Implement the Project NIPA - -Implement the different Year School Head, Laptop, 20,000 MOOE,
Project NIPA interventions that support the round MT, TWG Projector, LGU,
Project NIPA with the leadership of 2017- Materials PTA
the different proponents 2018

Tap resources for Linkages - -Send request letter, resolution to Year School Head, Laptop, 1000 MOOE
the sustenance of the LGUs, round TWG, Teachers Wifi
the project - Communicate with FB friends for 2017-
solicitation 2018
- Fund raising activity

Monthly Progress M and E - Prepare and submit accomplishment Monthly School Head, Laptop, 1000 MOOE
Strategies Project Activities Timeline Resources

Human Physical Financial Fund

Resources Allocatio

Report of Prepare a Picto- Narrative November SH, TWG, ICT Bond 2000 MOOE
Accomplishment accomplsihemnt Report on Project 2018 paper,
NIPA laptop
Submit to the Division office for record

Feedback and Feedbacking Conduct Focused Group Discussion re: November SH, TWG, ICT Bond 1000 MOOE
plan adjustments feedback and adjustment of plans 2018 paper,

Awards and Project - Conduct of school pasidungog for December PSDS, SH, Laptop, 5,000 MOOE,
recognition AWARD best project implementer 2018 LGU, Projector, LGU,
Teachers, Sound PTA
pupils system,

Sub Total 8,000

Strategies Project Activities Timeline Resources

Human Physical Financial Fund

Resources Allocatio

Monitor the M and E Conduct monitoring in the Year SGO, CID, Laptop, 5000 MOOE
implementation implementation of the project using round PSDS, SHS, bond
of the project the monitoring tool TWG paper,

Head Teacher I

Teacher I
Co- Proponent

Teacher III
ICT Coordinator


Teacher I MT 1 Teacher III Teacher I Teacher I
Project MERLO Project LADEN Project STARS Project SMART Project MIGUEL
Committee Chairperson Co-Chair/Member Tasks
Program and Manage the opening program,
Documentation prepare the tarpaulin and
document the proceedings

Secretariat • Prepare the registration,

Registration attendance and
Logistics documentation
• Ensure that all participants
are register
• Document all the happening
in the activities
Food • Snacks and meal are served
on time
Venue/ Reception • Ensure that the venue is
prepared most specially the
technical aspects
Intervention Chairperson Co- chair/member Tasks
PROJECT MERLO Ladena V. Cabusas Ms. Shala 1. Prepare an action plan
Managing and 2. Conduct meeting to teachers
Enhancing the on the problem and issues
Reformation of regarding teaching and
Leaders to be
reading instruction
3. List down top priorities of the
problems and issues
4. Prepare Training Design for
the conduct of INSET/ SLAC
based on the agreed
sequence of priority.
5. Provide Technical Assistance
to teachers
6. Conduct mentoring
Intervention Chairperson Co- chair/member Tasks
PROJECT LADEN Ladena V. Cabusas Ms. Gwapa
1. . Conduct meeting to teachers on the
problem and issues regarding the non-
Advancement readers in school
through 2. Conduct Pre-test EGRA and (Phil
Designing IRI) on reading using suitable
Excellence Notion 5. Classify pupils on their reading level
based on the pre-test results conducted
7. Conduct Remedial Reading
Sessions for non-readers
8. At the end of the school year,
conduct post-test on reading Mother
Tongue, Filipino, & English
9. Validate the results for feed backing
and interventions
10. Prepare ACR
Intervention Chairperson Co- chair/member Tasks
PROJECT STARS Ladena V. Cabusas Ms. ukray
1. Prepare an action plan
Strengthening 2. Assess the needs of the teachers by
Technical observation and classroom visitation
3. Prioritize all needs
Assistance 4. Identify the needs that require
towards Technical Assistance
5. Conduct Technical assistance
6. Agree on the target performance
Supervision 7. Prepare ACR
Intervention Chairperson Co- chair/member Tasks
PROJECT SMART Ladena V. Cabusas Ms. Shining Glory 1. Prepare and validate test questions
Strengthening per periodical
2. Identify the competencies to be
and Maximizing tested
Assessment in 3. Print test papers for testing purposes
the Results of 4. Conduct Test quarterly in all grade
level per subject
5. Get the MPS Results
6. Validate the results
7. Identify the least learned skills
8. Conduct further intervention on the
least learned skills
9. Prepare ACR Report
Intervention Chairperson Co- chair/member Tasks
PROJECT MIGUEL Ladena V. Cabusas Ms. Chuva Cola 1. Prepare action plan
Maintaining 2. In-charge on the announcement,
conduct of bandillo and sending
Inspired invitation letter for every meeting and
Governance conferences to be conducted
through Unity 3. Organize TWG
4. Plan programs and projects involving
and Excellent
Leadership 5. Prepare solicitation letter , resolution
and MOA
6. Keep record of donations received
7. Prepare ACR
Location of the School


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