General Chemistry Lecture 3
General Chemistry Lecture 3
General Chemistry Lecture 3
lecture 3
Quantum numbers
Principal Quantum number(n)
• This quantum number distinguishes orbitals of given n and l—that is, of given energy
and shape but having a different orientation in space; the allowed values are the
integers from l to l.
• For l=0 (s subshell), the allowed ml quantum number is 0 only; there is only one
orbital in the s subshell. For l =1 ( p subshell), ml 1, 0, and 1; there are three different
orbitals in the p subshell.
• The orbitals have the same shape but different orientations in space. all orbitals of a
given subshell have the same energy. Note that there are 2l 1 orbitals in each subshell
of quantum number l.
Shapes of different
The orbital does not abruptly end at some particular
distance from the nucleus. An atom, therefore, has an
indefinite extension, or “size.” We can gauge the
“size” of the orbital by means of the 99% contour. The
electron has a 99% probability of being found within
the space of the 99% contour (the sphere indicated by
the dashed line in the diagram).
Spin Quantum Number (ms)
• This quantum number refers to the two possible orientations of the
spin axis of an electron; possible values are -1/2 and +1/2. An
electron acts as though it were spinning on its axis like the earth.
Such an electron spin would give rise to a circulating electric
charge that would generate a magnetic field. In this way, an
electron behaves like a small bar magnet, with a north and a south
• Otto Stern and Walther Gerlach first observed electron spin
magnetism in 1921.
Overview of quantum numbers
Difference between orbit and orbital
Orbits Orbitals
Orbits originated from the Bohr-Rutherford atomic model. The notion of orbitals was derived from the quantum model of
an atom.
Because orbits have a definite path, we can predict its position We cannot estimate the exact position of an electron in an
and momentum. This contradicts the Heisenberg uncertainty orbital. We can only find the probability of an electron; the
principle. uncertainty always remains.
Orbits are not real; they do not exist, and electrons do not
revolve around the nucleus in a definite path. Orbitals are realistic.
Electron Configuration
• An electron configuration of an atom is a particular distribution of electrons among
available subshells.
• The notation for a configuration gives the number of electrons in each subshell, but we
use a diagram to show how the orbitals of a subshell are occupied by electrons. It is
called an orbital diagram. An orbital is represented by a circle. Each group of orbitals
in a subshell is labeled by its subshell notation. An electron in an orbital is shown by
an arrow; the arrow points up when ms + 1/2 and down when ms - 1/2. The orbital
Pauli Exclusion Principle
• Not all of the conceivable arrangements of electrons among the orbitals of an atom are
physically possible.
• The Pauli exclusion principle, which summarizes experimental observations, states
that no two electrons in an atom can have the same four quantum numbers. If one
electron in an atom has the quantum numbers n =1, l = 0, ml= 0, and ms = +1/2 no
other electron can have these same quantum numbers.
Building-Up Principle (Aufbau Principle)
• building-up principle (or Aufbau principle), a
scheme used to reproduce the electron
configurations of the ground states of atoms by
successively filling subshells with electrons in a
specific order (the building-up order).
• Electrons will fill orbitals by the sum of the
quantum numbers n and l. Orbitals with equal
values of (n+l) will fill with the lower n values first.
Exception Building-Up Principle (Aufbau Principle)
• Hund’s rule states that the lowest-energy arrangement of electrons in a subshell is obtained by putting electrons into
separate orbitals of the subshell with the same spin before pairing electrons.
• Let us see how this would apply to the carbon atom, whose ground-state configuration is 1s22s22p2.The first four
electrons go into the 1s and 2s orbitals.
• The next two electrons go into separate 2p orbitals, with both electrons having the same spin, following Hund’s rule.
Magnetism and electron configuration
• The magnetic properties of a substance can reveal certain information about the arrangement of
electrons in an atom (or molecule). Although an electron in an atom behaves like a small magnet,
the magnetic attractions from two electrons that are opposite in spin cancel each other. As a result,
an atom that has only doubly occupied orbitals has no net spin magnetism. However, an atom with
unpaired electrons—that is, with an excess of one kind of spin—does exhibit a net magnetism.
• A paramagnetic substance is a substance that is weakly attracted by a magnetic field, and this
attraction is generally the result of unpaired electrons. < For example, sodium vapor has been
found experimentally to be paramagnetic. The configuration is [Ne]3s1.
• diamagnetic substance is a substance that is not attracted by a magnetic field or is very slightly
repelled by such a field. This property generally means that the substance has only paired
electrons. Mercury vapor is found experimentally to be diamagnetic. The explanation is that
mercury vapor consists of mercury atoms, with the electron configuration [Xe]4f 145d106s2, which
has only paired electrons.
Electron configuration and periodic table
An electron in an atom outside the noble-gas or pseudo-noble-gas core is called a valence electron. Such electrons are
primarily involved in chemical reactions, and similarities among the configurations of valence electrons (the valence-
shell configurations)account for similarities of the chemical properties among groups of elements.
The main-group (or representative) elements all have valence-shell configurations nsanpb, with some choice of a and b.
(b could be equal to 0.) In other words, the outer s or p subshell is being filled. Similarly, in the d-block transition
elements (often called simply transition elements or transition metals), a d subshell is being filled. In the f-block
transition elements (or inner transition elements), an f subshell is being filled.
Periodic table