Borrowing Cost 0
Borrowing Cost 0
Borrowing Cost 0
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Identify items Explain the concept of Account for borrowing Determine the amount
included in borrowing a qualifying asset in costs properly. of borrowing costs to
costs. relation to be capitalized from
capitalization of either specific or
borrowing costs. general borrowing.
Borrowing Costs - Defined
Are interest and other costs that an entity incurs in
connection with borrowing of funds (PAS 23). It includes the
Manufacturing plant
Intangible asset
Investment property
Excluded from Capitalization
PAS 23 does not require capitalization of borrowing costs
related to the following:
Accounting for Borrowing Costs
PAS 23 mandates the following rules on borrowing cost:
Asset Financed by Specific Borrowing
PAS 23 provides that if the funds are borrowed specifically
for the purpose of acquiring a qualifying asset, the amount
of capitalizable is the actual borrowing cost incurred during
the period less any investment income from the temporary
investment of those borrowings.
An asset is normally ready for the intended use or sale when the
physical construction of the asset is complete even though routine
administrative work might still continue.
Disclosures related to borrowing costs
• The amount of borrowing costs capitalized during the period.