Tiger in Zoo CW
Tiger in Zoo CW
Tiger in Zoo CW
Word meanings
Stalks: follows
Vivid: bright colored
Pads: paws of tiger
Rage: anger
Literary devices
Rhyme scheme: abcb (cage-rage)
Personification: The tiger is personified because the poet refers him
as ‘he’.
Metaphor: Tiger’s paws are compared with velvet (pads of velvet)
Enjambment: Sentence is continuing to next line without any
punctuation mark.
Imagery: poet tries to create an image about the tiger (He stalks in
his vivid stripes The few steps of his cage)
Consonance: use of ‘s’ sound (stalks, his, stripes)
Assonance: use of vowel sound ‘I’ (in his vivid stripes)
Oxymoron: use of adjectives opposite in meaning (quiet rage)
Literary devices
•Rhyme Scheme: abcb rhyme scheme is followed (edge, village)
•Enjambment: Line continues to next line without punctuation
marks (He should be snarling around houses At the jungle’s edge,)
•Onomatopoeia: using words which denote sound (snarling)
•Assonance: use of vowel sound ‘o’ and ‘I’ (should, around,
houses), (Baring, his, white, his)
•Consonance: use of consonant sound ‘s’ (his, fangs, his, claws)
He should be snarling around houses
At the jungle’s edge,
Baring his white fangs, his claws,
Terrorising the village!
Word meanings
Now the poet comes to the reality of the tiger that is inside the
cage. He says that the tiger is confined in a strong cell which is
made of strong building material. He further says that as the tiger
is behind bars, so his ferociousness is also behind the bars. He just
stalks in the cage. He never tries to terrorise the visitors because
his power is restricted by the cage. Therefore, he never tries to
terrorise the visitors as he cannot attack them.
Literary devices
•Rhyme Scheme: abcb rhyme scheme is followed (bars-visitors)
•Personification: The tiger is personified because the poet refers
him as ‘he’.
•Assonance: use of vowel sound ‘e’ (he, locked, concrete, cell)
•Consonance: use of consonant sound ‘s’ (his, strength, bars)
•Alliteration: use of sound ‘b’ at the start of two words (behind
The children are divided into two groups one for and one
against the topic. They are asked to come prepared. Teacher
calls out one child from each group using ice cream sticks.
Each pair is given two minutes to put forth their point. After
all the pairs get a chance then teacher announces a rebuttal
round which goes on for 10 minutes. Finally teacher
announces the winner.
Write a Short Story (creativity)
Title – Pathetic Pandemic
Theme – confinement at homes
Main Steps
•Know your character.
•Outline your short story.
•Start with something out of the ordinary.
•Get your draft done as soon as possible.
•Edit your short story.
•Title your short story.
Individual Activity (Subject Enrichment)
Conversation between man and animal
Children learn to make paper puppets and use them
while delivering the dialogues playing dual roles. Each
child is given 2 minutes.
Interpret any one visual and speak in pairs.
Listen to the peer talk and
evaluate on 5 point scale.