Dasar Elektronikaa BJT Biasing
Dasar Elektronikaa BJT Biasing
Dasar Elektronikaa BJT Biasing
collector-emitter voltage
So, the emitter-biased circuit of Fig. 7-2 has a Q point with these coordinates: Ic 5 1.95 mA and V CE
5 8.8 V.
Circuit Is Immune to Changes in Current
• Here is why emitter bias excels
• The Q point of an emitter-biased circuit is immune to changes in
current gain
• Here are the steps we used earlier:
• Get the emitter voltage
• Calculate the emitter current.
• Find the collector voltage
• Subtract the emitter from the collector voltage to get VCE
By moving the resistor from the base to the emitter circuit, we force the
base-to-ground voltage to equal the base supply voltage.
Voltage-Divider Bias
• Notice that the base circuit contains a voltage divider (R1 and R2).
• Because of this, the circuit is called voltage-divider bias (VDB).