Chapter 3
Chapter 3
Chapter 3
Intel plans to expand the address bus to 52 bits to address 4P (252~1015 =peta)
bytes of memory.
Address Space (Main Memory: RAM)
Address bus:16 bit Address Space:64 KBytes
Address bus:20 bit Address Space:1 MBytes Address bus:32 bit Address
Space:4 GBytes Address bus:34 bit Address Space:16GBytes
Address bus:36 bit Address Space:64GBytes
Address bus:38 bit Address Space:256GBytes
Address bus:52 bit Address Space:1015 Bytes
RBX, addressable as RBX, EBX, BX, BH, BL.
BX register (base index) sometimes holds offset address of a location in the memory
system in all versions of the microprocessor
RCX, as RCX, ECX, CX, CH, or CL.
a (count) general-purpose register that also holds the count for various instructions
RDX, as RDX, EDX, DX, DH, or DL.
a (data) general-purpose register
holds a part of the result from a multiplication
or part of dividend before a division
RBP, as RBP, EBP, or BP.
points to a memory (base pointer) location
for memory data transfers
RDI addressable as RDI, EDI, or DI.
often addresses (destination index) string destination data for the string instructions
RSI used as RSI, ESI, or SI.
the (source index) register addresses source string data for the string instructions
like RDI, RSI also functions as a general-
purpose register
R8 - R15 found in the Pentium 4 and Core2 if 64-bit extensions are enabled.
data are addressed as 64-, 32-, 16-, or 8-bit
sizes and are of general purpose
Most applications will not use these registers until 64-bit processors are
the 8-bit portion is the rightmost 8-bit only
bits 8 to 15 are not directly addressable as
a byte
Special-Purpose Registers
Include RIP, RSP, and RFLAGS
segment registers include CS, DS, ES, SS, FS, and GS
RIP addresses the next instruction in a section of memory.
defined as (instruction pointer) a code segment
RSP addresses an area of memory called
the stack.
the (stack pointer) stores data through this pointer
RFLAGS indicate the condition of the microprocessor and control its operation.
Figure 2 shows the flag registers of all versions of the microprocessor.
Flags are upward-compatible from the 8086/8088 through Core2 .
The rightmost five and the overflow flag are changed by most arithmetic and
logic operations.
although data transfers do not affect them
Figure 2 The EFLAG and FLAG register counts for the entire 8086 and Pentium
microprocessor family.
– a program placed in
memory by DOS is loaded
in the TPA at the first
available area of memory
above drivers and other
TPA programs
– area is indicated by a free-
pointer maintained by DOS
– program loading is handled
automatically by the
program loader within DOS